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extinction hannie rayson creative piece

This is a similar progression of ideas that we have seen before, but I want to ground them in this cycle of suffering-responsibility. However, the gods only form a part of the picture - rather, Euripides depicts war itself as the villain, lambasting those who take pride in inflicting cruelty in the midst of war (P3). The power of family is also depicted in Like a House on Fire, as the protagonists dissatisfaction with life is instantly washed away by the actions of his children, who remind him that despite his life-threatening injury, his family is his constant source of love and support.. . Essentially, in the moment of mutual pain, Andy could resonate with the tiger quoll., My theory is that the images of casual sex serve as an ironic layer to a play titled Extinction. Extinction, a play written by Hannie Rayson is a work of contemporary realism and climate fiction. This scene demonstrates how there can be miscommunications between parents and children that make it difficult for them to understand each other. Despite exploring Isabellas flaws to a large degree, Shakespeare does indeed present her redemption at the denouement of the play.. There is no apparent chronological order present in the collection, but rather a varied order of stories, depicting its diverse range of voices. As the motorbikes roar is a sound incongruent with the natural environment encapsulating Harry. We see this mirrored in the life of Moushumi as well, whose parents orchestrated a series of unsuccessful schemes to see her married in her adolescence. English Works Notes (compiled by Dr Jennifer Minter, 2019) on themes, techniques, characters and issues; plus 8 sample essays/plans and paragraphs. However, it is the facades that count in the play. Some quotes are used in multiple themes. For example, if the central theme was family or parenthood, the author might create a birds nest outside a characters room; as we watch the bird and the chicks grow throughout the text, parallels are also drawn back to the theme., You can think of symbols as motifs minus the repetition. Something went wrong while submitting the form. Then what I'll do is I'll move into each individual body paragraph and write down some things that I think are important for me to remember when I go ahead and write it. This one is based on Kate Grenvilles The Lieutenant, a current VCE Year 12 English text. Rayson has explained that she wrote 'Extinction' because she wanted to understand "what it means that a species might go extinct in [her] lifetime." Against the backdrop of environmental conservation dilemmas, Hannie Rayson manages to entwine a secondary story strand which captures the insecurities peppering the female experience in this contemporary age. The different uses of verse and prose are a good way to show when characters are genuine or performing for others. 3. It's just five minutes of your time, so we probably don't need to go into it in too much more detail than that. However, Hannie Rayson's play Extinction, explores the complexities threaded throughout the human condition that propel individuals towards the ethically ambiguous (2). Who might've said it and what might it mean? These experiences could be with language, employment, or personal relationships just to name a few ideas.. By referring to her pain as a 'howl of agony', they intensify the magnitude of Hecubas pain as the term 'howl' is usually used to describe a loud cry usually uttered by animals like wolves. The compounding sense of surveillance during the 1950s add more meaning to the freedom symbolised by the cat, which can then be contrasted to the suppressed independence of the protagonist, who is seen invalid in a wheelchair in the next shot: By this extreme close-up shot of Jeff sleeping in his wheelchair during the opening sequence, Hitchcock immediately places the viewer in an uncomfortable position as the original and ultimate voyeur, surpassing the intimate boundaries of the protagonist. She lost her son Hector and her husband in the Trojan war, her daughter Polyxena also died and Cassandra was raped. Hannie Rayson uses swearing and colloquialisms as common language devices in her play. In contrast, the following shot of Lisa in the positive foreshadows the development of the film, as he begins to perceive Lisa as a possible life partner: Want to save this for later? Extinction is usually studied in the Australian curriculum under Area of Study 1 - Text Response. Throughout the drama encapsulating mining magnates, environmentalists and ecologists, Rayson combines their fictional voices to echo a cautionary tale of how self-interest and misconception about the other may distort rationality. Can you guess what it might be? They can suddenly become visible and just as easily disappear; sometimes theyre easy to cross, sometimes theyre impossible to cross. If Im honest, I wasnt all too thrilled upon discovering this eitherit seemed as though I now not only had to worry about analysing my text, but also understanding what Shakespeare was saying through all of his old-fashioned words., However, lets not fret - in this post, Ill share with you some Measure for Measure specific advice and tactics, alongside excerpts of an essay of mine as a reference.. It delves deep into the heart of our own morals, choices and tightly-held convictions. Its inherent value lies in how much consumers covet the item.. After WWII ended in 1952, millions of US soldiers returned to a multitude of suburban homes built using mass production techniques, all overwhelmingly close to another. Essentially, Heathers realist approach exposes what lies beneath the glossy exterior of conservation efforts. Writing clearly and precisely is a skill that all academics can improve on, so how do we outdo ourselves? When faced with a theme prompt, I find it most helpful to brainstorm characters and authors views that are relevant to the given themes, as well as considering more relevant themes that may not have been mentioned in the prompt itself. It is an item so coveted and desired, a 17-year-old boy from China sold a kidney to buy the iPad and iPhone. interpersonal relationships, Interpersonal relationships, e.g. But these four words hold the key to unlocking your English potential. These reflections could be particularly useful if youre writing a creative response to the text, but theyre also a really good way to get some personal perspective and apply the themes and lessons of this novel into your own life. The Glass Soldier, The Swimming Club and Extinction. Over time, you will not only build a concise and accurate writing style, but you will also learn your arguments intimately. If you'd like to see an A+ essay on the essay topic above check out our A Killer Text Guide: Women of Troy ebook. However, Andys antagonistic approach towards Harry undercuts his own integrity as he willingly allows prejudice to cloud his thinking simply because it is the more convenient thing to do, as opposed to collaborating and accommodating each others interests. From the feminist view, the fall of Troy and the enslavement of Trojan women demonstrate the gods lack of care as they disregard the monstrosities that occur to women after the Greeks victory. Jeffs profession as a photographer becomes gradually more evident, as the camera slowly pans from focusing on Jeffs injury to around his room. Both of which Harry indignantly refutes. If its hard to think of these off the top of your head, consider where our assumptions about the world come from: maybe from our jobs, our families and friends or our past experiences. The Berlin Wall, built in 1961, became a border of its own, dividing a nation and a city and changing the citizenship of half of Germany overnight. Well get into this as we plan. Deleting emails is tantamount to rewording/reworking history. I personally preferred writing short and sweet introductions, just because they were quick to write and easy to understand., To what extent does Measure for Measure examine the flaws of Isabella?, William Shakespeares play, Measure for Measure depicts a seventeenth century Viennese society in which disease, misconduct and licentiousness are rife. In highlighting the binary oppositions of the two men working in different fields, the play acknowledges how prejudice inhibits potential collaborations. Heathers internalised insecurities resurface in her heated confrontation with Harry. Before you start reading, LSG's Ultimate Guide to VCE Text Response is a must-read for anybody studying VCE English. It appears that the Duke has orchestrated the timing of his proposal to most forcefully secure Isabella and in this sense, his abuse of power can be likened to Angelos devilish bribery. How does Kennedys short story format add to the readers understanding of the themes uncovered in the novel?. You can define conservation in terms of preservation of, sustaining. Interested in only saving species that are statistically saveable'. Powers can be ephemeral in times of crisis. English is tough, and because almost everybody does it, it can be hard to stand out from the masses. 3 Complete Works Theatre Company - Extinction Teachers' Notes 2019 NOTES FROM THE DIRECTOR On reading Extinction by Hannie Rayson I was struck by how detailed and nuanced her characters were crafted. So if I took a step back from the plan and I looked at it overall, I could see, okay, there's a green color in every single body paragraph, done. So in order to prevent that from happening, just do a plan, please! If you want to take a stab, put it in the comment section below, but that's it for me in this week guys. for what reason), Character-related evidence (e.g. In particular, Reckoning is a family history of her dads side, who were living in Poland when the Nazis invaded in 1939. In Static, Anthony attempts to negotiate his own wishes with those of his wife and family, leading him to wonder whether anything present in his life has been created by his own will or merely his eagerness to please others. While Helens selfishness should be condemned, the audience can still condone her actions due to the circumstances she is in. Richard realises that people with the freedom to chooseget to decide which stories to hold on to - and those are the people who get to decide the future of the refugees, at least from a legal perspective., Though Richard cant necessarily help with these legal issues, he finds himself doing what he can for the refugees over time. ), with EVERY essay annotated and broken down on HOW and WHY these essays achieved A+ so that you know how to reach your English goals! This is as, through Shakespeares depiction of Isabella, it is evident that she has little interest in marriage; she simply wishes to join a convent where she must not speak with men, as she lives a life of strict restraint. The Duke is aware of this, yet he demands Isabella to be [his]- wishing to take her from her true desire and Shakespeare is able to elucidate Isabellas distaste through her response to this: silence. Order is then returned when Iago is revealed and Othello takes his life, recognising himself as tragically misused. How To Write A Killer Text Response (ebook), 5 Tips for a Mic-Drop Worthy Essay Conclusion. For parents, this usually means theyll love and support their child no matter what mistakes or choices they make. it tells us that none of these neighbours are looking out for or really care about each other, Gatsby still seems to be a misfit despite his wealth, Tom is at best complicit in the Sloanes insincerity. How do you show empathy to others? This, undoubtedly, compromises bothof their careers as professionals. In The Namesake, theres a marked cultural schism between Gogol and his parents. Helen then escaped from Menelaus palace to be with Paris, starting the war between Greece and Troy. We can also discuss how wars affect beliefs and their peoples faith. Next, find another idea, this time of a greater complexity. Richard ultimately realises that these men are simply people, people who have the same complexities and inconsistencies as anyone else. It might include: Once a prompt is carefully broken down, it is no longer that scary because all we have to do now is organise our thoughts and write our topic sentences. In this case, by virtue of being female, we can assume the tiger quoll with a crushed spine has reproductive capabilities. We can also talk about Hecubas leadership and her interaction with the Chorus of Trojan women. The following comes essay topic breakdown comes from our A Killer Text Guide: Women of Troy ebook: The quote mentions long-lasting sufferings, and the prompt seems to ask who suffers, and who is responsible. The only things adorning Jeffs small room are his many photographs, all taken by himself. Ive found that reading essays at my grade level, or even lower, have been fantastic for learning new phrases and picking up different bits of evidence. Written by Tasha Gacutan who achieved a perfect study score of 50 in English, Finding out that your school has selected to study a Shakespeare play as your section A text can be a pretty daunting prospect. Extinction is usually studied in the Australian curriculum under Area of Study 1 - Text Response. One can argue that his immediate demonisation of Harry Jewell, as evidenced by the nickname Mr. Whether it be memorising quotes or writing under timed conditions, everybody has something that they need to work on some missing link that may make the difference between grades. Angelo lives alone in his garden, succumbed by brick, requiring two keys to enter, whilst Isabella desires the life of a nun where she must not speak with men or show [her] face. This depiction of both Angelo and Isabella stresses their seclusion, piety and restriction from the vice that the libertine populate is drunk from. (Is it the kind of evolution we want? Gogol feels trapped by his name, but it is a result of his fathers traumatic experiences. So the next step is to define key words. I just keep things as short as possible because that's all I really need because a lot of the information is here, but I just need to reinforce it and ensure that it is concrete when it is on paper.So for yourself, I would recommend that you start practicing your plans. Instead Im going to use Othello as a case study. This essay prompt is an example of a theme-based prompt. You're not graded on your plan, so just go ahead and do it your way. Where do you sit in the world? If youre in Australia, what was your area called before 1788? This might just be something to be aware of, and maybe something youd want to change someday., Theres one law mentioned in the novel stating that asylum seekers can simply be accepted if a country, a government or a mayor so wishes, but that one word in particular - if - puts all the power in lawyers and politicians who know the language and the law and how to navigate it all. We can also talk about the inclusive language positing, 'our misery', 'our home', used by the Chorus in echoing Hecubas pain, etc. And of course, it gets trickier from there: Lahiri and Szubanski tell the stories of families, yes, but they also tell stories of migration, trauma, and heritage. Throughout the novel, theres a sense that borders between countries are somewhat arbitrary things. As the passionate environmentalists and pragmatic ecologists are entangled in ethical quandaries, the playwright also illustrates how divorcing your mindset from emotion is a universal struggle. It is Zbignew who yearns to escape his home culture, while Magda desperately wishes to understand her father: while I was racing backwards towards my Polishness, my father was rushing in the other direction, assimilating at a rate of knots. Though this is reversed, there are still ties into other themes: intergenerational misunderstandings for instance are perpetuated by their differing stances on migration. Thus, before analysing Alfred Hitchcocks 1954 thriller Rear Window, it is important to consider its cultural, political and social context: As the blinds roll up to reveal the apartment complex, a medium shot of the wide-open windows of each apartment immediately convey to the audience an environment of an uncomfortable openness. Gogol experiences expectations that arent all so intentionalwhile his parents dont mean him any harm by naming him Gogol, he feels trapped by the name, always hated it in fact. Similarly, the salient importance of empathy is emphasised in Flexion, as the cold-heated and harsh victim of a brutal tractor incident repairs his marriage by allowing himself to feel more empathy for those who have supported his recovery and been understanding of his bitterness., The anthology centres around the concept of family, as both dramatic events unfold directly due to altercations and misunderstanding within the household. The inherent tension between order and chaos is continually examined throughout the anthology, particularly in Like a House on Fire, in which perfectionistic order and scatter minded disorder are embodied in the unnamed narrator and his wife respectively. Extinction is a play that gives us much to think about.A Section A text for the VCE English Exam, Exti. Uncategorized. After the war, Western powers (USA, UK, France) made a deal with the Soviet Union to each run half of Germany and half of Berlin. And before I actually do that, I just want to preface this and tell you guys why doing a plan is so important.So I know that a plan is something that one, a lot of people just don't do, or two, they tend to sacrifice it if they feel like they don't have enough time, or three, they do a plan in their head, but they don't actually write it down on paper. Euripides centres his play on Trojan women, enabling the discussion on the cause and effect of war. Despite his understanding of Hecubas circumstances, he still follows his order and ensures that the Trojan women are allocated to their Greek households. In particular, well be going through snapshots of scenes from both texts and comparing what they have to say about these themes. This notion is bolstered by the image of Hecuba drowning in 'her threnody of tears' as it engages the pathos of the audience, establishing her as a victim of war and emphasising the poignant story that is to be unveiled. Contents. Although at first glance, Shakespeares depiction of Isabellas excessive puritanical nature appears to be her virtue, by aligning her with the devil that is Angelo, it appears that this is indeed her flaw., My main tip for a conclusion is to finish it off with a confident commentary of the entire piece and what you think that the author was trying to convey through their words (in relation to the topic). With contributions from Mark Yin - 50 study score achiever, and author of our A Killer Text Guide: Women of Troy ebook. They are defined by a tragic hero, who has a fatal flaw or Hamartia that results in their downfall. Categorising strangers into convenient stereotypes is pure laziness. Someones heart is going to get broken and then we will have to analyse that in our essays. The image of it crumbling exemplifies womens helplessness and enhances the notion that they are still in positions of explicit subjugation. Erpenbeck challenges us to empathise without dehumanising, condescending or assuming anything in the process.. Reckoning also shows that trauma can be intergenerational, or as Magda puts it passed on genetically. She discovers that her maternal grandfather Luke lived through the Irish famine, and watched ten of his siblings die of poverty, causing her to wonder about the gift of [her] Irish inheritance that was left on her psyche. The VCAA provides the only official, up to date versions of VCAA publications and information about courses including the VCE. And then what I'll do is I will throw in at least one literary device or a metalanguage that I think is important to discuss.So in this case, in this first body paragraph, it's limited omniscient third person perspective. Reckoning and The Namesake are two texts that explore many similar themesfamily, migration, trauma, heritage, identityover the span of decades. Odysseus took 10 years to make the arduous journey home to Ithaca because Poseidon agreed to punish the Greeks for the atrocities committed before and after their victory. In particular, both texts take an intergenerational approach, which means that they look at how children might struggle to understand their parents psyches, and vice versa. In fact, the only materials that can be found on the internet are those analysing the older translation of the play (titled The Trojan Women). This detail is one that is easily missed, but it is an important one, as it is an obvious reference to Christianity, and symbolises Isabellas return to her gentle and fair and saint like nature., A favourite pair of mine to analyse together was Angelo and Isabella. This is the best part about English - you dont have to be writing like the person sitting next to you in order to get a good mark.

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