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how can i measure my body frequency

The lowest level is shame, guilt, apathy, grief, fear, desire, anger, pride, courage, neutrality, acceptance, reason, love, and finally, enlightenment. They will also be useful as a tool in developing allergen free products, preservative-free cosmetic/pharmaceutical products and digitized products that impact musculoskeletal or auditory performance. Measuring your body frequency is an important part of maintaining your physical, mental, and spiritual health. The term "frequencies" when used with respect to human body frequencies and/or product frequencies also refers to any harmonics of or related to these frequencies. This lack of standardization causes further difficulties for research on biofield therapies. In this example the frequency desired is 75Mhz and the two separate materials have 25Mhz and 50Mhz frequencies. The methods disclosed herein may ultimately lead to the development and manufacture of cosmetic/pharmaceutical products and/or electronic devices that emit electromagnetic fields adapted to treat different body conditions: skin rejuvenation, lines and wrinkles, scar and uneven coloration, dark circles, respiratory, cardiovascular, neurological, gastrointestinal, tumorigenic, diabetic, mood, etc. Popp FA, Li K H, GuQ, eds: Recent advances in biophoton research and its applications, Singapore and New York, 1992, World Scientific Publishing . "Intrinsic microwave radiation from the human body" Vol. Figure 20-9. In relation to this phenomenon, certain patients under medical examination exhibit white coat hypertension that yields a false-positive result for hypertension. One result observed is that biofield practitioners were able to change their corona discharge parameters by the intent to emit energy, whereas controls were not. Therefore a lack of standardization appears to exist. Although scientists never widely embraced the Kirlian technique, research was conducted (Boyers and Tiller, 1973; Krippner and Rubin, 1973) and culminated in the founding of the International Kirlian Research Association in the United States in 1976, no longer in existence. Moreover, significantly larger increases in ELF fluctuations were observed with more experienced practitioners. A spectrum analyzer willl show you the frequencies in signals your microphone picks up. A method for treating a particular condition of a human subject, the condition selected from one of skin rejuvenation, lines and wrinkles, scar and uneven coloration, dark circles, respiratory, cardiovascular, neurological, gastrointestinal, tumorigenic, musculoskeletal, diabetic, tinnitus and mood, the method comprising the steps of: measuring in real-time the frequency and the power of an EM field emitted by the condition; selecting a cosmetic product, a pharmaceutical product or an electronic device that emits EM fields in a frequency, phase and amplitude suitable for treating the condition; and placing the cosmetic product, the pharmaceutical product or the electronic device on or sufficiently proximal to the condition, such that the EM fields emitted by the cosmetic product, the pharmaceutical product or the electronic device effectively treat the condition. Moreover, the Voll method is more organ based than meridian based. c) Method for measuring the frequency of emitted electromagnetic signal by active materials, waters, topical products, etc. Additionally, Korotkov together with colleagues have published several experimental research papers using the GDV technique in English (and others in Russian) on a wide range of applications to humans, including direct vision (visual perception by means other than through the eyes) (Korotkov et al, 2005), on altered states of consciousness (Bundzen et al, 2002), and in cosmetology (Vainshelboim et al, 2004). To calculate your BMI, first multiply your weight in pounds by .45 to convert to kilograms. One possible influence of biofield phenomena is that they may act directly on molecular structures, changing the conformation of molecules in functionally significant ways. Amalu et al: Infrared imaging of the breastan overview. An example of the raw data, a single GDV image from a single finger, is shown in Figure 20-5 . To track your sleep patterns, you will need to keep a log of when you go to bed and when you wake up, as well as any other factors that may be affecting your sleep such as diet, exercise, and stress levels. However, if one uses the GDV camera to make images before and after an intervention and observes the differences between the before and after images, then the geometric effects of local skin conductivity and common impedance remain relatively constant, whereas the perspiration and the whole body contribution correlated with biofield will be the changing factors contributing to any observed differences. The peer-reviewed literature, at least in English, reveals no biofield instruments to date that have been well documented or generally approved by the research community. Around 1900, a large number of medical practices came into question, and the Carnegie Foundation established a commission headed by Abraham Flexner to investigate. Subscribe to our monthly free email newsletter, 2009-2022 Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine | Contact us, Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine, As used herein, the term "capture" means measuring EM fields using the method previously described in this application. In addition, difficulty has been found in reproducing results with the same practitioner over time. Required fields are marked *. The natural frequency of the main body parts is shown in Table 1. Diabetic skin measurements were obtained by taking an average of 5 type Il diabetic individuals. The test is quick and painless. The post that I read from 2009 said he used an oscilloscope to measure his and his wife's frequencies. This digital camera, introduced in the West in the late 1990s by its inventor, physicist Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, comes with software and offers the advantage of using a lower voltage than conventional Kirlian photography that is not felt as an electric shock by subjects. This value is a mainstream measure used in lie detectors to help determine veracity and in biofeedback technology to help promote relaxation. They can be measured with an electroencephalogram (EEG) device, a tool that allows doctors and researchers to record brain electrical activities. Indicator drop. All 10 fingers of each of the adults were assessed using the GDV camera immediately before and after performing Dayan (wild goose) qigong in a group setting. In external qi therapy and polarity therapy, the energy is thought to move from the practitioners body to the patient. Using a quantum-biophysical model of entropy and information flows and supported by some clinical data, Korotkov, Williams, and Wisneski (2004) advance the concept that the GDV technique provides indirect information about the level of free energy resources (excited electronic states) available in protein complexes in the body. That the different levels and range of experience of the practitioners may also contribute significantly to the variability of results is also possible. It is understood that various modifications and changes in the specific form and construction of the various parts can be made without departing from the scope of the following claims. Assignment of finger emission sectors to generate chakra diagram in GDV software, in which fingers 1, 2, 3, and so forth refer to the thumb, index finger, middle finger, and so forth. | By contrast, the Ryodoraku method assesses meridian stress according to oriental medicine principles. In fact, the heart makes the greatest contribution to the electromagnetic, as well as the acoustic, human biofield. A method for measuring in real-time the frequency and the power of an electromagnetic ("EM") field emitted by a human body for different body conditions, the resonance phenomenon between. The results are the following: Healthy skin frequency was obtained by taking an average of 10 healthy test subjects. These results are consistent with the expectation in oriental medicine that better regulation of qi results from practicing qigong, with qi flowing in a smooth unimpeded manner throughout the body. Large intensity signals, e.g., larger picowatts to watts (or more), can directed to the targeted condition from relatively larger distances (several feet or more) as long as the intensity on or near the target is large enough to be capable of interacting with the body frequency intensity to achieve the desired results. These techniques fall into three categories: (1) high-voltage electrophotography, (2) acupuncture point conductivity measurements, (3) and biophoton measurements. Therefore scientific advances in biofield research have been few, and biofield science remains a frontier area ripe for exploration. Finger emission sector analysis used in GDV software. Typically, the practitioner uses his or her hands to sense a deficiency or imbalance in the patients biofield and then proceeds to alter or influence this imbalance by means of a subtle energy. In this chapter, no further effort to discuss these conventional measurements will be made. Lam F Jr., Tsuei J J, Zhao Z: Studies on the bioenergetic measurement of acupuncture points for determination of correct dosage of allopathic or homeopathic medicine in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, Am J Acupuncture 18:127, 1990. Many advantages have been discovered to using EDS over other evaluation methods, such as its speed of use, individualized approach to care, and the fact that it is inexpensive relative to conventional biomedical testing. b) Method for measuring in real-time the resonance phenomenon between the electromagnetic fields emitted by the products or electronic devices and the human body: The method for measuring in real-time the resonance phenomenon between the EM fields emitted by the human body and the EM fields emitted by a product (e.g., a cosmetic cream) topically applied and/or an electronic device acting on the human body utilizes the data obtained from the method and instruments described in the foregoing paragraph. An important factor to keep in mind is that these studies may show either the effects of an energy field associated with the human biofield of the practitioners or the effects of a universal life energy source on which they may draw, or some combination of both. Brain researchers used to study the workings of the brain only in special laboratories at universities or hospitals. Smith SD : Induction of partial limb regeneration in Rana pipiens by galvanic stimulation, Anat Rec 158(1):89-97, 1967. A DEXA scan is a type of medical imaging test. A photograph of one of the recent GDV models is shown in Figure 20-3. The time exposure of the sample is selectable from 0.5 to 30 seconds. I just thought that was interesting and wondered that and other possibilities. Rev. She specializes in subtle energies in health and healing. This range might be correlated, as expected, to changes in health, disease, healing, and altered states of consciousness, according to the biofield hypothesis. In Bronzino J D, editor: The biomedical engineering handbook, ed 3, Baton Rouge, La, 2006, Medical Devices and Systems, CRC Press. Also- Is there a frequency difference between humans in different emotional states, and how could you scientifically measure these things? Invoking electromagnetic fields as causal in distant healing is impossible because electromagnetic energies diminish rapidly over distance, varying as the inverse of the square of the distance. He reasoned that if acupuncture points were portals on the skin for channels of qi running through the body, then measuring this energy at the acupuncture points should be possible. 3. These therapies typically involve low-level energy field interactions. Available at: . Recently, researchers started using portable devices that people can wear on their heads outside of the laboratory. Popp F A: Electromagnetic bio-information, New York City, 1998, Springer-Verlag. A portable meter has been developed for measuring low frequency currents that flow in the human body. In 1950, Reinhold Voll, a German physician, was studying the acupuncture meridian system. JavaScript is disabled. EDS is particularly useful for functional medicinea type of CAM in which individualized assessment and early intervention are used to improve physical, mental, and emotional function. The author gratefully acknowledges the helpful input and assistance from Dr. Spencer Huang; Terrance Pan, LAc; Dr. Larry P. Goldberg; and Dr. Roeland van Wijk. This concept is a radical departure from the conventional biomedical view that holds biochemistry to be the prime mover. Such frameworks include algorithms of oriental medical systems such as the various acupuncture meridian systems and su jok, in which the hand is a homunculus of the whole body. Jan 26, 2017 #3 berkeman Mentor 64,642 16,068 delphi2036 said: Korotkov KG et al: Bioelectrographic correlates of the direct vision phenomenon, J Altern Complement Med 11( 5 ):885, 2005. With respect to EM signals emitted by the body, it is believed that similar biological processes may be at work in impeding the ability to influence the body frequency signal of young skin with cosmetic products, i.e., the skin of young subjects already has "maximized" optimized EM emissions. A cosmetic or pharmaceutical product adapted to emit EM fields that match the frequency of EM fields emitted by a particular condition of a human subject, the condition selected from one of skin rejuvenation, lines and wrinkles, scar and uneven coloration, dark circles, respiratory, cardiovascular, neurological, gastrointestinal, tumorigenic, musculoskeletal, diabetic, tinnitus and mood. Researchers who possess more than a single version of these devices have noted differences in results obtained with the various models. The gauss meters available from ARPANSA measure magnetic fields from electrical sources that operate in the frequencies between 25 Hz (40 Hz for the EMDEX Snap) to 1000 Hz in units of mG. Electrical conduction allows the movement of electrically charged particles within the body and that flow produces our life force. In the healing context, the Reiki-treated plates exhibited an average of 2.6% more colonies than controls in 59% of the trials.

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