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conversation between tourist and guide in french

Each dialogue has an audio recording, a French transcript and an English translation, so following the three-step program is still possible at this advanced level of French. Save Save Conversation Samples For Later. Cest une petite fivre. asking a stranger for directions or asking to see a menu in a restaurant, you should start with Bonjour. Oui. Votre temprature du corps est de 38.5 C. Je vous prsente (lit. 64% (14) 64% found this document useful (14 votes) 53K views 3 pages. Just learn the phrase as a whole for now, and things will become clear later.). (A table for 4, please. You can also ask if there is an entrance fee or admission cost. If you want to introduce yourself in French, then this French conversation is for you. Vous pouvez laisser les autres articles ici. ), VOUS: Oh, je pense que non. Avez-vous des rfrences ? Est-ce quil y a un lave-vaisselle dans la cuisine ? We would like a bottle of red wine. There are loads of French house vocabulary words depending on the type of place a person lives in, so make sure to check them all out. For more options, youll want to explore Lonely Planetto see whats available. Whether its local French cooking, events or linguistic differences, it pays to research the place youre going and, if necessary, learn a few basic French phrases relating to whatever may be going on around you. One way to find this out is to ask quelle heure est-ce quil faut rgler la note? What time must we check out?, Another similar expression is: quelle est l'heure limite d'occupation? (Lit: What is the occupancy cut-off time?. To get someone's attention, whether they're a waiter in a restaurant or a stranger on the street, say excusez-moi, excuse me. While situations like these are incredible if youre a learner, they can also be very intimidating. ), On va prendre la bouteille. (Two bedrooms? (Yes. I'm you'e tour guide,my name is Febi. VOUS: Bonjour. If a private restroom is something that youd like, its always a good idea to confirm that the room has a salle de bain before booking. ), TOI: Mon pre est mdecin aussi ! Pardon? is also how you'd ask someone to repeat themselves if you didn't hear or understand what they said. (Okay. Elle est trs lgante.-Elle m'a l'air franaise. ), VOUS: Oui. a y est ! Keep it real. In this case, you should say it with a rising tone to indicate that it's a question. Alright! The French word for thank you is merci. This is a short online course that prepares you for communication in places like restaurants, hotels and other typical scenarios you may encounter on your travels. (How are you? I present you) If youre struggling to know which one to use, always veer on the side of caution and usevous. Jaime regarder le foot. While its essentially the same as a resume, there are some meaningful differences, so make sure to master writing a CV in French before applying to jobs. Clerk : Alright sir, please wait a moment. In this post, Ill introduce you to 108 basic French phrases for travelers, as well as tips and cultural context so theyre easier to memorize ahead of time. Please note, this customer is a lead, which means they have already shown an interest in the services offered by the travel company. It's a grammatical thing that you don't need to worry about as a beginner. You can do the same with the interactive subtitles at any point during the video, and pull up a contextual definition, example sentences and even other videos where the word is used. I have a fever, a headache and chills. (Do you have a reservation? (clink clink!) (How much is rent? Before you travel, youre going to want to arm yourself with a few essentials,and at the top of your list should be a really great French phrasebook. (Ah, what a beautiful church! Dont forget that much of the time, the weather in France is described using the verb faire. Aimer usually means like, but in this context it means love in the most romantic of senses. As a main dish, I would like the chicken cordon bleu. Have a good day!). And of course, don't forget to say thank you! By the end, you will know 15 French conversations and have plenty of French conversation topics. Benny believes the best approach to language learning is to speak from day one. (Do you need a map? Add a monsieur (sir) or madame (maam) to be polite. Cette vido permet l'apprenant de dcouvrir le monde dutourisme, de renforcer et d'enrichir ses savoirs tout en dveloppant ses savoir tre et ses savoir-f. Tu is what you'd use when addressing a friend. This provides a fantastic opportunity to travel, practice French and make money all at the same time. Here, Ill provide 10 simple, sample French conversation scripts, along with resources so you can find more on your own. (Yes. You and the cashier dont know each other personally. (Excuse me, sir. Je les vends dans mon magasin. (My dad is also a doctor. This alone is extremely beneficial for French learners. ), VOUS: Merci, monsieur. a - Greetings is politeness 101. Its super to not go to the laundromat. (Hands the travel agent his passport.) Travel around the world: the ultimate guide to plan your big trip! 108 French Travel Phrases for a Smooth Trip to France, Oui ! ToLearnFrench is a website that has dozens of dialogue examples aimed at learners from the beginner to intermediate levels. (I am from the United States. Je suis moiti franaise, moiti corenne mais nous habitons en Suisse. When youre talking about jobs in French, remember that you dont need the word un or une (a/an). Using an immersion program at home is a good way to get used to the sounds and natural speed of the language. Here are a few you may want to commit to memory. Guide: Sure, what's that . Est-ce que vous acceptez les cartes trangres ? Use it to say yes when someone asks you a negatively phrased question. I am half French, half Korean, but we live in Switzerland. Im looking for the Saint Agatha Church. Ma mre est franaise et mon pre vient de Core. Just fill in the blank in the above sentence: Comment dit-on X en franais? means How do you say X in French? Easy: sont means are while est means is. (Excellent. (No problem. Whichever option you choose, inform the serveur/serveuse (waiter/waitress) by saying la carte/le menu, sil vous plat the menu/fixed-price menu, please.. Pouvez-vous revenir demain, vers 14h ? (what time does it open?). (The menu, please. ), CAISSIER: De rien. Vous devriez vous reposer. Tourist: I have a question actually. 2. (Do you speak English? Getting home in France when public transport has stopped running can be a real worry, and unless youre right next to a taxi stand, it can be very difficult to find a cab. Uploaded by Ngan Ha. For French learners, the coveted native speed of speaking can seem unattainable, and while you can learn to understand it over time, it does take a little adjusting to. Try practicing this dialogue with a friend, and consider recording yourselves and listening in order to improve your accent . Avez-vous besoin du service de rveil automatique par tlphone ? Quest-ce que tu tudies ? You arrive first, armed with a box of chocolate from a real chocolatier (chocolate maker)as is customary to give to hosts when you go to someones home. (Hi/Hey!) I think you are very tired now. (Im satisfied/Im full.) ), SERVEUR: Voudriez-vous quelque chose pour le dessert ? (And for you, madame? So in the morning he come to meet Febi for guided him. a te dit daller boire un verre ce soir ? (Yes. Although if you want to use a public toilet, you could be searching for a long time. For many attractions there is a car park nearby (but not always free parking ). (Okay. This makes following our three-step program effortless. ), VOUS: Merci pour votre patience. ), BANQUIER: Oui. Learn French with Vincent is a YouTube channel that covers all things French. This phrase is extremely common when in France you'll likely hear it several times per day. French newbiesmight want to start with the video below, which provides more than an hour of focused, beginner-level dialogues. ), Est-ce quil y a un after ? Rentrez-bien ! (Good! (Good. Lascenseur est gauche de la rception. O sont les taxis ? Did your new French pals take you on an exhilarating tour of the coins etrecoins (nooks and crannies) of a charming neighborhood? RCEPTIONNISTE(RECEPTIONIST): Est-ce que je pourrais vous aider ? Learning Hubs: Your fast track to speaking a new language. (No, Im [just] looking for the moment. As a tourist, the last thing you want to be is rude. However, this conversation allows you to familiarize yourself with specialized vocabulary such as financial terms and document names, which can be helpful even during shorter trips. You walk into the language school and talk to the rceptionniste about the job. Le poulet cordon bleu tait dlicieux. A good phrase to keep in your pocket when youre leaving your party animal friends in the club. WhyUse Dialogue Examples to Study French? Both of these phrases are really essential when traveling, so make sure you learn them ahead of time! ), TU: Cest combien le loyer ? I would need your CV, please.). There's no shame in being a beginner! Try different countries, names, fields of study, etc. Est-ce que tu vis avec une autre personne ? It is in the town square. ), TOI: Oui. Staff are likely to have all the information about local transport and taxis and normally will be able to supply you with one in no time at all! Travel Agent: Good morning, sir. ), BANQUIER (BANKER): Trs bien. T : yes, i am. Feel free to customize the conversation. Est-ce quil y a une baignoire dans la salle de bain ? There are many ways in French to say hello, but bonjour is undoubtedly the most well-known. You are American? ), VOUS: Quand est le petit djeuner ? We live in Chicago, but my grandparents come from Italy. ), MDECIN: Vous devriez vous reposer. Cest super de ne pas aller la laverie automatique. (Kisses!) These phrases will help you out when meeting locals and trying to make French-speaking friends. Why not visit a French bakery? In order to get the most out of the trip, its a great idea for tourists and travelers to learn some basic French phrases and words ahead of time. Imagine youre a college student studying in France. These days you normally use you when you're talking about people in general. (Yes. Nous sommes arrivs/arrives(We arrived) Travel Agent: Okay, one moment. At the Grocery Store; 3. This one will really impress people. Hello, my name is Robert. Addressing someone by the equivalent of sir or madam in French is generally expected, so if in doubt, err on the side of being over-politethe person taking your photo is much more likely to accept your request! What are you studying? Moi, cest (Me, Im) Bonjour, madame. (I would like to pay in cash.). Or you can make it stronger by saying merci beaucoup - "thanks very much". Or Bonsoir if it's the evening. Excusez-moi, Madame. Here, I'll provide 10 simple, sample French conversation scripts, along with resources so you can find more on your own. 2023 Enux Education Limited. With the numbers 80 to 89, combine the number 4, the number 20, and the ones. Along the way, however, you get lost. I sell them in my store. Dimensions of Creativity - Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam. En plat principal, je voudrais le poulet cordon bleu. **There are a few places that use unique words for the numbers 70 ( septante) and 90 ( nonante ), such as Belgium and Switzerland. ), VOUS: Merci. Oui. These are language learning programs based on exposing learners to real French content. Stage your characters. ), Excusez-moi monsieur/madame (Excuse me sir/maam), Parlez-vous anglais ? ), La carte des vins, sil vous plat. The other person will tell you if they want you to say tu to them instead! Que font tes parents ? This can also be used for children and animals. Here are some French phrases for travelers to build off ofo est.. France isn't the cheapest of countries so whether you're at the guichet or elsewhere, it doesn't hurt to be price-conscious. (Ah, yes. (If you speak German, note that on in this sense is like the German word man.). Download: One great phrasebooks for French learners are the Collins French Phrasebook, which contains a French dictionary for your convenience. If youre at a venue late, ask this question to one of the staff. Use it wisely! This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you On the other hand, it's really easy! Agent: Bon, et quelle sige? If in doubt, use s'il vous plat. can take anywhere. We also participate in other affiliate advertising programs for products and services we believe in. Non, je regarde pour linstant. "I present you") This is another way of saying "This is [my]" when you want to introduce two people to each other. Just get a stranger's attention (remember what phrase would you use to do this?) Ideally, youll now remember how to buy European fruits and vegetables like a natural. (Go down the alley to the left of the post office. Or how do you say cool in French slang? a cote 7 euros, mais je vous la donne gratuitement. Two essential words to learn in any language are yes and no. A great line for engaging the chipper shop girl, practicing your French and finding gifts for the folks back home. (Oh, yes. We also participate in other affiliate advertising programs for products and services we believe in. Nous habitons Chicago, mais mes grand-parents viennent dItalie. Oui. You could also explain je ne consomme pas de produits animaux. I don't consume animal products. Youve done the museums, the galleries, the restaurants, the cafs time to party! ), RCEPTIONNISTE: Pas de problme. Je voudrais postuler ce poste. Dont let that stop you from reading the lines aloud and getting into character, if youre so inclined! FluentU brings French to life with real-world videos. Write dialogue with action. The best part: Each dialogue is spoken in slow, clear French and is complete with engaging visuals and a French transcript as part of the video itself. The four cardinal directions in French are nord (north), sud (south), est (east) and ouest (west). (Breakfast is from 7:00 am until 10:30 am. Siska : Okay let's go to the bus . Guide: Yes mam, I'm your tour guide. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc, or its affiliates. Learn how to book a tour in French. Note that, unlike in English, names of languages are not written with a capital letter in French. Guest : That's good idea, yes please. Dave: Here you are. French dialogues are an excellent tool to improve your French skills or even learn French from scratch. It beats sitting in a French class, doesnt it? (Can I help you? You will stay in room 23 on the second floor. Fun-loving Irish guy, full-time globe trotter and international bestselling author. . Learn more: French Numbers: Counting in French from 1 100+. Je vous prsente (lit. Dont worry if you dont understand. Use merci in all the same situations you'd say thank you in English. Oui. Elle est la grande place. What are some French sayings? (Of course. Create a unique voice for every character. A side note: the pronoun on, seen above, is an interesting one. (Pleased to meet you. a va ? Client: Prs de couloir. Travel Agent: I just need your full name and passport number. Jeannette Zeuner. (Your body temperature is 38.5 C. (We will have a chocolate souffl to share.). (To start, I will have a green salad. After some pleasantries, Grard takes you on a tour of his apartment. Merci pour les renseignements. These images show ruined buildings in the city of Uman, located in central Ukraine, after Russia fired more than 20 cruise missiles and two drones at the region on Friday, killing at least 23 people. Pouvez-vous revenir demain, vers 14h ? Merci pour votre patience. The situations of these dialogues span job interviews, a courtroom proceeding and broadcast journalism. For people you know, you can say tu (you) when talking to them. Rachel Larsen is a lifelong francophile and freelance writer who dreams of living in France one day. Sometimes, vocabulary isnt the problem. Youre practicing how to introduce yourself, after all. ), Puis-je commander cela sur lInternet ? Mon pre est diplomate et ma mre est mdecin. The French are famously protective of their language. Daccord. And I have a big television in the living room. 239 dialogues en franais (239 dialogues in French). Le professeur travaillera chaque matin de 9h 11h30. My name is Grard. ), RCEPTIONNISTE: Le poste est temps partiel. Pour commencer, je prendrai une salade verte. b - Order with "je voudrais.". That means that you can start using the dialogues as an absolute beginner and follow the natural progression to become an intermediate speaker. Click here to get a copy. ), VOUS: Le professeur travaillera le weekend ? L'agence de Voyage Client: Voici mon carte de credit. The simplest way to do this is to say je ne peux pas manger de X I can't eat X. If youre in a smaller town in France especially, its always worth checking with hotels or shop owners if they accept foreign modes of transaction. Et jai a une grande tlvision dans le salon. ), VOUS: Nous allons prendre un souffl au chocolat partager. Be aware that paying for items when abroad may not work the same way as at home. (No, but there is a washing machine for my clothes. An apritif is a beverage one drinks before eatingtypically something alcoholic like whiskey, vodka orpastis, for example. Le poste est de lundi vendredi. What are the most important words and phrases for beginners to know? Therefore, you may not want to use all these dialogues in one shot. CAISSIER (CASHIER): Excusez-moi, Madame. And he had appointment with tour guide her name is Febi. Many hotels can be booked online these days, but its still fairly common to find hotels with availabilityand even better pricesby seeking them out in a city or town and booking them on the spot. And I would like a room with a bathroom, please. (I play the violin.). Je suis moiti franaise, moiti corenne mais nous habitons en Suisse. (I study history because I want to be a high school history teacher. Use this polite phrase with your taxi driver before you hand over that crumpled sticky note withFranois address on it. I'm your tour guide. And remember, French time works a little differently and is often given on a 24-hour cycle, so if someone responds with dix-sept heures(literally, 17 hours), they mean 5 p.m. French cuisine is famous around the world, so what better place to try it than in its country of origin? (Oh, I dont think so. Just say pardon, sorry, and all will be forgiven. It may seem awkward if youre by yourself, but a script, like a real conversation, is meant to be spokenout loud. Et toi ? ), SERVEUR: Et vous, madame ? Comment vous appelez-vous ? At the bus , the guide and the tourists have a conversation . ), MDECIN: Avez-vous mal la gorge ou une toux ? VOUS: Bonjour, madame. Une table pour 4, sil vous plat. Exercises and Examples : Playlist : DONATE US. Keep in mind that not all hotels offer private bathrooms for their guests. The French word for "thank you" is merci. And to be polite, start your request with excusez-moi monsieur/madame. Is it your first time to this place ,right? we will check-in at the Genting Island Hotel first . FluentU is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to As you may have guessed from the title, this video includes 239 dialogues in French. End of the free exercise to learn French: Dialogue : A visitor from abroad. Je nentends pas de fluide dans les poumons. a te dit daller boire un verre ce soir ? Cross the bridge and then turn right. Vous sjournerez la chambre 23 au deuxime tage. Now, even if you never have such an honor, this dialogue will equip you to introduce yourself and ask questions about another person in French. When entering any shop where there's an attendant, we always say Bonjour. Trs bien. Que font tes parents ? Often, French people are so pleased to find a foreigner whos able to speak their language that theyll get a little carried away and enthusiastically try to start a complex conversation.

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