Number of human trafficking convictions globally 2021 | Statista Section 1 lists the countries identified as being in violation of the standards under the CSPA in 2020. Al-Obaidly and his team have been strategic and persistent in the drive to instill real change, even when the task at hand seemed impossible. Taiwan We will seek to use our year-round engagement with governments, advocates, and the private sector to build a more effective anti-trafficking strategy rooted in equity. The share of children among detected trafficking victims has tripled,. A new report from INTERPOL assesses the problem of trafficking in human beings for organ removal (THBOR), which is driven largely by the global shortage in organs for ethical transplant. Acknowledging the emotional weight of bringing trafficking-related casework into ones home, survivor-led and survivor-informed organizations were mindful of staff needs when managing cases remotely, offering resources and opportunities to support the staffs emotional well-being. "If we do not overcome this knowledge crisis we will be fighting the problem blindfolded", he warned. Toys, art supplies, and age-appropriate books are also provided. Kazakhstan Mei instead spent more than a year in Chinese detention facilities where the authorities subjected her to political indoctrination and forced her to work in a factory making gloves for US $0.02 a pair. Outlined below is a description of what it means to be both trauma- and survivor-informed, as well as recommendations on integrating both approaches as one, comprehensive effort. Lastly, section 333 is used to support counter-improvised explosive devices (C-IED) or route clearance programming which enables the Nigerian military to escort humanitarian assistance convoys in the volatile Northeast where the violence wrought by ISIS-West Africa and Boko Haram has displaced 1.8 million civilians and rendered 9.8 million in the Lake Chad region in need of humanitarian assistance. Cabo Verde Georgia India Data show intra-regional and domestic trafficking are the major forms of trafficking in persons. 2370c-2(c) and (d)) (CSPA). In response to emerging challenges, governments and civil society organizations conducted in-depth research assessments on the impacts of COVID-19, leveraged technology as a method to address emerging trends, adapted policy approaches, and sought to expand protections for victims. Human trafficking | Definition, Tactics, Statistics, Types, Examples This pattern of fracturing families and communities has led to an unjust overrepresentation of Black individuals in other systems, like prisons, runaway and homeless youth services, and foster or institutional care, that exacerbate the social isolation and vulnerability on which traffickers prey. Find your information in our database containing over 20,000 reports. The Department of State prepared this Report using information from U.S. embassies, government officials, nongovernmental and international organizations, published reports, news articles, academic studies, consultations with authorities and organizations in every region of the world, and information submitted to Shelly Westebbe Child-friendly spaces are an essential component to holistic victim-centered and trauma-informed care for child survivors of human trafficking. These individuals include NGO workers, lawmakers, government officials, survivors of human trafficking, and concerned citizens. We fear the problem is getting worse, but we can not prove it for lack of data, and many governments are obstructing", he admitted. Iran She has diligently worked with community members, law enforcement and government officials, and other NGOs to ensure the country is proactively identifying victims and referring them to care. Solomon Islands Families may require children to find work due to lost income, government and NGO protection services may be reduced, and children might not be attending school where they have access to trusted adults. Advocates and service providers must take all reports of human trafficking seriously, which means that increased reports based on false information make it more difficult for responders to provide support to victims of human trafficking. Samantha Novick Yet, in 2022, it continues to underpin our global economy. Chad Kyrgyz Republic As the anti-trafficking community has grappled with how to integrate these ideals, it often conflates them. For example, in the United States, the Departments of State, the Treasury, Commerce, and Homeland Security released the Xinjiang Supply Chain Business Advisory to alert businesses and other entities to the reputational, economic, and legal risks of involvement with entities in or linked to Xinjiang. When she arrived, she learned her boss owned a roadside stall instead of a store. Labor-Sending Countries and Pre-departure Measures: The Department of State received the following letter in response to its annual Federal Register notice requesting information relevant to countries progress in addressing human trafficking. Trained customer-facing staff can recognize, document, and report behavioral indicators of human trafficking. Under Sagbo Sasses courageous leadership and vision, SIFOS offers critical education to children who have experienced human trafficking, homelessness, or residential institutionalization. The anti-trafficking community pivoted to address new circumstances during the COVID-19 pandemic, demonstrated resilience, and produced advanced solutions that could be beneficial even after the pandemic, but many challenges still exist and continue to emerge. The President has determined it is in the national interest of the United States to waive the application of the prohibition in section 404(a) of the CSPA with respect to the Government of National Accord (GNA) in Libya and has certified the GNA is taking effective and continuing steps to address the issue of child soldiers. Poland Leading by example, the OSR/CTHBs collaboration with the Secretariats Procurement and Contracting Unit provided for the development of internal measures and capacities to prevent TIP in the OSCEs procurement. She has gone out of her way to meet with individuals in facilities for internally displaced persons, who may have been exploited, and made sure they were aware of their rights under the countrys laws. The TVPA, as amended, lists additional factors to determine whether a country should be on Tier 2 (or Tier 2 Watch List) versus Tier 3: In addition, the TVPA directs the Secretary of State to consider, as proof of a countrys failure to make significant efforts to fully meet the TVPAs minimum standards, a government policy or pattern of: trafficking; trafficking in government-funded programs; forced labor (in government-affiliated medical services, agriculture, forestry, mining, construction, or other sectors); sexual slavery in government camps, compounds, or outposts; or employing or recruiting child soldiers. UN Special Rapporteur on Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, Ouagadougou Action Plan to Combat Trafficking in Human Beings, Especially Women and Children (2006), ASEAN Declaration Against Trafficking in Persons, Particularly Women and Children (2004), ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting on Transnational Crime. The DRC plays a critical role in regional stability and security as malign influences continue to expand their influence in the region. Those who have managed to avoid detention are still at risk of state-sponsored forced labor and other abuses. Government authorities and service providers should take special measures to ensure appropriate and tailored support and care are available to them. Given the disproportionate effects of the pandemic on marginalized communities, an equity-based approach is critical to reducing vulnerabilities. While many countries shifted to conducting court proceedings virtually, limited to no internet connectivity and cost-related barriers to internet access for rural or underserved communities in some countries, such as The Gambia, made it challenging for victims to participate in virtual courts. Forms of slavery or slavery-like practicesincluding the sale of children, forced or compulsory child labor, and debt bondage and serfdom of childrencontinue to exist, despite legal prohibitions and widespread condemnation. Bahrain Haley L. Sands broad-based law enforcement or developmental initiatives. North Macedonia Zimbabwe, Afghanistan This assistance enables the U.S. government to continue to fulfill its goal of assisting the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) to build effective and rights-respecting security forces, which are indispensable to achieving greater military effectiveness. Benin Annual Statistics for FY 2021. Iran Continuing to bolster Afghan military capability and professionalization through military education and training of Afghan security forces will contribute to a climate that is more favorable for achieving a political settlement and implementing its outcomes. 2021 Trafficking in Persons Report - United States Department of State Freedom Mushaw Equally notable, she has personally assisted former child soldiers released from prison and used her own money to help cover expenses for necessities. Khassanova and Sana Sezim have bravely remained on the front lines to continue assisting migrants stranded at the Kazakhstan-Uzbekistan border due to pandemic closures, and who thus faced increased risk to human trafficking. Andrew Pfender This narrative was written by a consultant for the Network funded by the TIP Office. On October 14, 2020, the President determined that it is in the national interest of the United States to waive the application of the prohibition in section 404(a) of the CSPA with respect to Afghanistan, Cameroon, Iraq, Libya, and Nigeria; and to waive the application of the prohibition in section 404(a) of the CSPA with respect to the DRC to allow for the provision of IMET and Peacekeeping Operations (PKO) assistance, to the extent that the CSPA would restrict such assistance or support; to waive the application of the prohibition in section 404(a) of the CSPA with respect to Somalia to allow for the provision of IMET and PKO assistance and DoD support provided pursuant to 10 U.S.C. It is in the U.S. national interest to support efforts to bring about a negotiated political settlement led by the United Nations Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen. The Liechtenstein Initiative for Finance Against Slavery and Trafficking is a public-private partnership launched in September 2018 to respond to calls from the G7, the G20, the UN General Assembly, and the UN Security Council for governments to partner with the private sector to address human trafficking. Salih still suffers from hearing loss due to explosions and airstrikes. Anti-trafficking actors in all sectors should increase collaboration with the private sector to strengthen anti-trafficking efforts that encourage and support prevention of forced labor in supply chains, especially as companies aim to make up for pandemic-related production disruptions and widespread unemployment drives vulnerability. The CSPA prohibits assistance to governments that are identified in the list under the following authorities: International Military Education and Training, Foreign Military Financing, Excess Defense Articles, and Peacekeeping Operations, with exceptions for some programs undertaken pursuant to the Peacekeeping Operations authority. It is essential to have various survivor voices lending feedback into all areas of an organizations work. A child who has been exploited by a family member will mostly likely need services to address complex trauma, attachment, and severe exploitation. Cote DIvoire Number of human trafficking victims globally 2021 | Statista Most well-known is the hospitality industry, but the crime also occurs in connection with extractive industries where activities are often remote and lack meaningful government presence. Janine Gannon The COVID-19 pandemic increases childrens vulnerability to trafficking for several cross-cutting reasons. Criminal justice systems often delayed and suspended overall prosecution efforts while law enforcement officials worked to manage COVID-19 outbreaks, even within their own units. Kuwait The 2007 TIP Report showed for the first time a breakout of the number of total prosecutions and convictions that related to labor trafficking, placed in parentheses. Thankfully, a bar owner friend would stitch us up without a hospital visit when we were hurt, so we didnt have another bill. Applying an equity-based lens involves evaluating and understanding how individual organizations perpetuate the marginalization of vulnerable populations, including persons with disabilities, LGBTQI+ persons, indigenous peoples, and members of racial, ethnic, and religious minority groups. Nicaragua In addition, legal experts state that taking a financial crimes approach to human trafficking is highly effective in generating financial evidence that allows law enforcement to differentiate the traffickers from their victims, document the traffickers motives and knowledge, corroborate victim testimony, and assist in identifying affiliates. The Chinese government had a government policy or pattern of widespread forced labor, including through the continued mass arbitrary detention of more than one million Uyghurs, ethnic Kazakhs, ethnic Kyrgyz, and other Muslims in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (Xinjiang). Nat Paul Whether the percentage of victims of severe forms of trafficking in the country that are non-citizens of such countries is insignificant. Court closures at the onset of the pandemic also delayed prosecutions, contributing significantly to judicial systems backlog of cases. IOM adapted its existing MigApp for migrant workers in the Americas to include a new section to highlight official health recommendations to prevent the spread of the virus, capture changes across countriessuch as border restrictions, COVID-19 hotlines, or migration status changesand produce surveys to better understand the COVID-related challenges migrants faced. One of the most effective ways to identify broader criminal networks and take the profit out of this crime is to follow the financial trail human traffickers leave behind. The kafala system is a sponsorship-based visa category that gives employers full control over the migrant workers residency permits, movements in and out of the country, and ability to change employers. Please do not hesitate to contact me. According to the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), a trauma-informed lens upholds each person as an active agent of their own recovery process, the ability of individuals to recognize symptoms of trauma in others, and the integration of a do no harm approach into the creation of policies, procedures, and practices. If looking for more information on survivor-informed best practices, please see NHTTACs Survivor-Informed Practice: Definition, Best Practices, and Recommendations. efforts, however laudable, undertaken exclusively by nongovernmental actors in the country; general public awareness eventsgovernment-sponsored or otherwiselacking concrete ties to the prosecution of traffickers, protection of victims, or prevention of trafficking; and. Human Trafficking Data Collection Activities, 2022 Greece The Government of the DRC is taking effective and continuing steps to address the problem of child soldiers and these efforts have accelerated since President Tshisekedi took office in January. It was only when I decided to escape my trafficker that I realized how pronounced racial injustice was in my community, particularly against human trafficking survivors with previous arrest records. The Embassy will continue to collaborate with UNICEF and other NGOs and encourage the government to view them as a resource in the joint effort to eliminate the unlawful recruitment and use of child soldiers. NGOs from various countries separately reported significant funding cuts due to COVID-19, which forced some to halt all assistance or cancel certain victim-support services. Throughout her longstanding and impressive career in law enforcement, she has led multiple trainings for government personnel. In Burma, families experienced drastic declines in household incomes, with 94 percent of households surveyed reporting a reduction of incomes, 81 percent reporting at least one family member losing a job, and 69 percent reporting having to take loans making these families vulnerable to trafficking. Denmark Data & Research - Polaris First, child-friendly spaces provide a calm and reassuring physical environment. Some of us were there to pay off the debts owed to the bar owner. In an environment with extremely limited access to critical protection services, Cabrera and her office led efforts to secure funding for the creation of three victim shelters in Toluca, Huixquilucan, and Texcoco, which can now house up to 210 victims of trafficking. Date Published. It is imperative that the public fully understand the negative effects that spreading and acting on these rumors and misinformation can have on service providers, victims and survivors, and the broader anti-trafficking field. Access to information and translation services for trafficking victims was also a challenge, as victim support networks reduced services to a minimum. NGOs have also reported experiencing cyberattacks and threats on social media when they post statements debunking misinformation. Jennifer M. Ho Her office oversees the three shelters and partners with the inter-secretarial human trafficking commission, civil society organizations, among others to keep them running and provide services to the residents. States can take additional measures to address the vulnerabilities to human trafficking created by the kafala system, such as those described below. Christine Buchholz If another family member notices the exploitation of the child, there is a strong incentive to look the other way to protect the family, both physically and in reputation, from outside interventions. During lockdown, traffickers in the Amazon in Brazil changed their patterns by sending child sex trafficking victims to the perpetrators private quarters or specific locations instead of the usual places where children were sold to perpetrators. South Sudan is party to the OPAC, and in 2019, armed groups released an additional 259 child soldiers, and established a process for identifying others to UNICEF through the Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR) commission, established under the R-ARCSS. The Government of Thailand issued a Cabinet Resolution in August 2020 that made it easier to obtain new work permits and provided extensions for migrants working in Thailand. Sweden We have seen, for instance, how deeply held racial biases and stereotypes inappropriately influence outcomes for those in our criminal justice system as they lead to racially disparate assumptions about who is identified as a trafficker and who is identified as a victim. For example, the International Military Education and Training (IMET) program funds professional military education and training for the Afghanistan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF) that improves their capabilities, promotes respect for human rights, improves defense resource management, civil-military cooperation, and education on gender-based violence and womens health, and enhances interoperability for U.S.-Afghan joint operations. In March 2020, the government launched a rehabilitation program for Houthi-recruited child soldiers in Marib, in collaboration with NGOs and funding support from KSRelief. Proactive partnerships between governments, financial institutions, law enforcement, civil society, and survivor experts are critical to identifying illicit financial activity associated with human trafficking. Whether the government of the country extradites persons charged with acts of severe forms of trafficking in persons on substantially the same terms and to substantially the same extent as persons charged with other serious crimes (or, to the extent such extradition would be inconsistent with the laws of such country or with international agreements to which the country is a party, whether the government is taking all appropriate measures to modify or replace such laws and treaties so as to permit such extradition). When assessing needs, a child-friendly waiting room might take priority. Yet, despite the added challenges and risks that the pandemic has presented, we have also witnessed the adaptability among those continuing to combat human trafficking and their dedication to ensuring the continuation of anti-trafficking efforts to minimize the effects of the pandemic on victims and the broader anti-trafficking community. As an Assistant Undersecretary within the Ministry of Administrative Development, Labor, and Social Affairs, he has initiated or executed many of the policies and programs that have had significant impacts for trafficking victims. Frequently, service providers use the same approaches and resources for familial trafficking that are used for all types of human trafficking, which can be inappropriate and even harmful. Global Report on Trafficking in Persons 2020 Lake Lancer Public Access, What Does Killua Mean, Ben Mclemore Career Earnings, Suzanne And Georges Bonaly, Articles H

human trafficking statistics 2021 global

Kathleen Vogel Bosnia and Herzegovina "This Report increases our understanding of modern slave markets, yet it also exposes our ignorance", said Mr. Costa. Navigating not only the continuation of but also the increased need for anti-trafficking responses during a global health crisis proved to be exceptionally challenging. Jason Martin The determination to include a government in the CSPA list is informed by a range of sources, including first-hand observation by U.S. government personnel and research and credible reporting from various UN entities, international organizations, local and international NGOs, and international and domestic media outlets. The international community has taken tough action to promote accountability for the PRCs actions and strengthen market defenses against the import of these goods. Solomon Islands For tips on how to build a survivor-informed organization, please see the NHTTAC toolkit on this topic. Governments can enhance efforts to reduce disparities that widened during the pandemicwhich also contributed to trafficking risks and emboldened traffickersby formulating policies and programs that meet the needs of underserved communities. Section 4. Service providers should continue information-sharing efforts to develop and promote promising practices for supporting identified victims and vulnerable populations during the pandemic. the estimated number of victims of severe forms of trafficking is very significant or is significantly increasing and the country is not taking proportional concrete actions; or. This process includes evaluating programs and policies with humility and commitment to change wherever possible, even where those changes will be difficult to implement. Saint Lucia Due to varying update cycles, statistics can display more up-to-date We call on governments and anti-trafficking actors to draw inspiration from the innovation and leadership this Report highlights to continue and improve the response to combat trafficking even amidst the necessary recovery efforts. Indicia of Serious and Sustained Efforts. Organizations must incorporate the voices of multiple survivors into their trauma-informed practices. South Sudan Global Programme for Strengthening Capacities to Prevent and Combat Organized Crime, Global Programme on Crimes that Affect the Environment, Expert Meeting on International Cooperation, Ad hoc committee to elaborate an international convention on countering the use of ICTs for criminal purposes, International cooperation and information exchange, The Monitoring Illicit Arms Flows Initiative, Global Programme against Money Laundering, United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, Conference of the Parties to Organized Crime Convention, Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, Blue Heart Campaign against human trafficking, 20th anniversary of the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC20), Countering transnational organized crime and illicit trafficking/drug trafficking, Prevention, treatment and reintegration, and alternative development, Drug cultivation, production and manufacture, Statistical activities, surveys and standards, Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, Convention against the Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, Information on funding opportunities and the recipient organizations, Regional Programme for Afghanistan and Neighbouring Countries, Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ), Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and its Protocols (UNTOC/COP), Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption (COSP), IMOLIN - the international money laundering information network, International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking (26 June), United Nations drug, crime and terrorism treaties, United Nations Trust Fund for Victims of Human Trafficking, North America, Central America and the Caribbean, Global Report on Trafficking in Persons 2020, Global Report on Trafficking in Persons 2014, Global Report on Trafficking in Persons 2012, Global Report on Trafficking in Persons 2009. The conversation started, I have never been so humiliated; how was I supposed to maintain my composure? After a few moments of inquiring, I was informed of what was so humiliating to her, me. Sagbo Sasse was also a crucial member of Gabons anti-trafficking inter-ministerial committee and remains the countrys foremost leader on this issue. Reports from the United States, the United Kingdom, and Uruguay illustrate that landlords forced their tenants (often women) to have sex with them when the tenant could not pay rent. Living in abandoned places meant our cars were taken, we were mugged, we had our modest apartments broke intolife was hard. The recent scale of misinformation about human trafficking, however, distracts from the real crime, and may have long-lasting negative effects on efforts to combat it and to aid actual victims of human trafficking. Number of human trafficking convictions globally 2021 | Statista Section 1 lists the countries identified as being in violation of the standards under the CSPA in 2020. Al-Obaidly and his team have been strategic and persistent in the drive to instill real change, even when the task at hand seemed impossible. Taiwan We will seek to use our year-round engagement with governments, advocates, and the private sector to build a more effective anti-trafficking strategy rooted in equity. The share of children among detected trafficking victims has tripled,. A new report from INTERPOL assesses the problem of trafficking in human beings for organ removal (THBOR), which is driven largely by the global shortage in organs for ethical transplant. Acknowledging the emotional weight of bringing trafficking-related casework into ones home, survivor-led and survivor-informed organizations were mindful of staff needs when managing cases remotely, offering resources and opportunities to support the staffs emotional well-being. "If we do not overcome this knowledge crisis we will be fighting the problem blindfolded", he warned. Toys, art supplies, and age-appropriate books are also provided. Kazakhstan Mei instead spent more than a year in Chinese detention facilities where the authorities subjected her to political indoctrination and forced her to work in a factory making gloves for US $0.02 a pair. Outlined below is a description of what it means to be both trauma- and survivor-informed, as well as recommendations on integrating both approaches as one, comprehensive effort. Lastly, section 333 is used to support counter-improvised explosive devices (C-IED) or route clearance programming which enables the Nigerian military to escort humanitarian assistance convoys in the volatile Northeast where the violence wrought by ISIS-West Africa and Boko Haram has displaced 1.8 million civilians and rendered 9.8 million in the Lake Chad region in need of humanitarian assistance. Cabo Verde Georgia India Data show intra-regional and domestic trafficking are the major forms of trafficking in persons. 2370c-2(c) and (d)) (CSPA). In response to emerging challenges, governments and civil society organizations conducted in-depth research assessments on the impacts of COVID-19, leveraged technology as a method to address emerging trends, adapted policy approaches, and sought to expand protections for victims. Human trafficking | Definition, Tactics, Statistics, Types, Examples This pattern of fracturing families and communities has led to an unjust overrepresentation of Black individuals in other systems, like prisons, runaway and homeless youth services, and foster or institutional care, that exacerbate the social isolation and vulnerability on which traffickers prey. Find your information in our database containing over 20,000 reports. The Department of State prepared this Report using information from U.S. embassies, government officials, nongovernmental and international organizations, published reports, news articles, academic studies, consultations with authorities and organizations in every region of the world, and information submitted to Shelly Westebbe Child-friendly spaces are an essential component to holistic victim-centered and trauma-informed care for child survivors of human trafficking. These individuals include NGO workers, lawmakers, government officials, survivors of human trafficking, and concerned citizens. We fear the problem is getting worse, but we can not prove it for lack of data, and many governments are obstructing", he admitted. Iran She has diligently worked with community members, law enforcement and government officials, and other NGOs to ensure the country is proactively identifying victims and referring them to care. Solomon Islands Families may require children to find work due to lost income, government and NGO protection services may be reduced, and children might not be attending school where they have access to trusted adults. Advocates and service providers must take all reports of human trafficking seriously, which means that increased reports based on false information make it more difficult for responders to provide support to victims of human trafficking. Samantha Novick Yet, in 2022, it continues to underpin our global economy. Chad Kyrgyz Republic As the anti-trafficking community has grappled with how to integrate these ideals, it often conflates them. For example, in the United States, the Departments of State, the Treasury, Commerce, and Homeland Security released the Xinjiang Supply Chain Business Advisory to alert businesses and other entities to the reputational, economic, and legal risks of involvement with entities in or linked to Xinjiang. When she arrived, she learned her boss owned a roadside stall instead of a store. Labor-Sending Countries and Pre-departure Measures: The Department of State received the following letter in response to its annual Federal Register notice requesting information relevant to countries progress in addressing human trafficking. Trained customer-facing staff can recognize, document, and report behavioral indicators of human trafficking. Under Sagbo Sasses courageous leadership and vision, SIFOS offers critical education to children who have experienced human trafficking, homelessness, or residential institutionalization. The anti-trafficking community pivoted to address new circumstances during the COVID-19 pandemic, demonstrated resilience, and produced advanced solutions that could be beneficial even after the pandemic, but many challenges still exist and continue to emerge. The President has determined it is in the national interest of the United States to waive the application of the prohibition in section 404(a) of the CSPA with respect to the Government of National Accord (GNA) in Libya and has certified the GNA is taking effective and continuing steps to address the issue of child soldiers. Poland Leading by example, the OSR/CTHBs collaboration with the Secretariats Procurement and Contracting Unit provided for the development of internal measures and capacities to prevent TIP in the OSCEs procurement. She has gone out of her way to meet with individuals in facilities for internally displaced persons, who may have been exploited, and made sure they were aware of their rights under the countrys laws. The TVPA, as amended, lists additional factors to determine whether a country should be on Tier 2 (or Tier 2 Watch List) versus Tier 3: In addition, the TVPA directs the Secretary of State to consider, as proof of a countrys failure to make significant efforts to fully meet the TVPAs minimum standards, a government policy or pattern of: trafficking; trafficking in government-funded programs; forced labor (in government-affiliated medical services, agriculture, forestry, mining, construction, or other sectors); sexual slavery in government camps, compounds, or outposts; or employing or recruiting child soldiers. UN Special Rapporteur on Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, Ouagadougou Action Plan to Combat Trafficking in Human Beings, Especially Women and Children (2006), ASEAN Declaration Against Trafficking in Persons, Particularly Women and Children (2004), ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting on Transnational Crime. The DRC plays a critical role in regional stability and security as malign influences continue to expand their influence in the region. Those who have managed to avoid detention are still at risk of state-sponsored forced labor and other abuses. Government authorities and service providers should take special measures to ensure appropriate and tailored support and care are available to them. Given the disproportionate effects of the pandemic on marginalized communities, an equity-based approach is critical to reducing vulnerabilities. While many countries shifted to conducting court proceedings virtually, limited to no internet connectivity and cost-related barriers to internet access for rural or underserved communities in some countries, such as The Gambia, made it challenging for victims to participate in virtual courts. Forms of slavery or slavery-like practicesincluding the sale of children, forced or compulsory child labor, and debt bondage and serfdom of childrencontinue to exist, despite legal prohibitions and widespread condemnation. Bahrain Haley L. Sands broad-based law enforcement or developmental initiatives. North Macedonia Zimbabwe, Afghanistan This assistance enables the U.S. government to continue to fulfill its goal of assisting the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) to build effective and rights-respecting security forces, which are indispensable to achieving greater military effectiveness. Benin Annual Statistics for FY 2021. Iran Continuing to bolster Afghan military capability and professionalization through military education and training of Afghan security forces will contribute to a climate that is more favorable for achieving a political settlement and implementing its outcomes. 2021 Trafficking in Persons Report - United States Department of State Freedom Mushaw Equally notable, she has personally assisted former child soldiers released from prison and used her own money to help cover expenses for necessities. Khassanova and Sana Sezim have bravely remained on the front lines to continue assisting migrants stranded at the Kazakhstan-Uzbekistan border due to pandemic closures, and who thus faced increased risk to human trafficking. Andrew Pfender This narrative was written by a consultant for the Network funded by the TIP Office. On October 14, 2020, the President determined that it is in the national interest of the United States to waive the application of the prohibition in section 404(a) of the CSPA with respect to Afghanistan, Cameroon, Iraq, Libya, and Nigeria; and to waive the application of the prohibition in section 404(a) of the CSPA with respect to the DRC to allow for the provision of IMET and Peacekeeping Operations (PKO) assistance, to the extent that the CSPA would restrict such assistance or support; to waive the application of the prohibition in section 404(a) of the CSPA with respect to Somalia to allow for the provision of IMET and PKO assistance and DoD support provided pursuant to 10 U.S.C. It is in the U.S. national interest to support efforts to bring about a negotiated political settlement led by the United Nations Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen. The Liechtenstein Initiative for Finance Against Slavery and Trafficking is a public-private partnership launched in September 2018 to respond to calls from the G7, the G20, the UN General Assembly, and the UN Security Council for governments to partner with the private sector to address human trafficking. Salih still suffers from hearing loss due to explosions and airstrikes. Anti-trafficking actors in all sectors should increase collaboration with the private sector to strengthen anti-trafficking efforts that encourage and support prevention of forced labor in supply chains, especially as companies aim to make up for pandemic-related production disruptions and widespread unemployment drives vulnerability. The CSPA prohibits assistance to governments that are identified in the list under the following authorities: International Military Education and Training, Foreign Military Financing, Excess Defense Articles, and Peacekeeping Operations, with exceptions for some programs undertaken pursuant to the Peacekeeping Operations authority. It is essential to have various survivor voices lending feedback into all areas of an organizations work. A child who has been exploited by a family member will mostly likely need services to address complex trauma, attachment, and severe exploitation. Cote DIvoire Number of human trafficking victims globally 2021 | Statista Most well-known is the hospitality industry, but the crime also occurs in connection with extractive industries where activities are often remote and lack meaningful government presence. Janine Gannon The COVID-19 pandemic increases childrens vulnerability to trafficking for several cross-cutting reasons. Criminal justice systems often delayed and suspended overall prosecution efforts while law enforcement officials worked to manage COVID-19 outbreaks, even within their own units. Kuwait The 2007 TIP Report showed for the first time a breakout of the number of total prosecutions and convictions that related to labor trafficking, placed in parentheses. Thankfully, a bar owner friend would stitch us up without a hospital visit when we were hurt, so we didnt have another bill. Applying an equity-based lens involves evaluating and understanding how individual organizations perpetuate the marginalization of vulnerable populations, including persons with disabilities, LGBTQI+ persons, indigenous peoples, and members of racial, ethnic, and religious minority groups. Nicaragua In addition, legal experts state that taking a financial crimes approach to human trafficking is highly effective in generating financial evidence that allows law enforcement to differentiate the traffickers from their victims, document the traffickers motives and knowledge, corroborate victim testimony, and assist in identifying affiliates. The Chinese government had a government policy or pattern of widespread forced labor, including through the continued mass arbitrary detention of more than one million Uyghurs, ethnic Kazakhs, ethnic Kyrgyz, and other Muslims in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (Xinjiang). Nat Paul Whether the percentage of victims of severe forms of trafficking in the country that are non-citizens of such countries is insignificant. Court closures at the onset of the pandemic also delayed prosecutions, contributing significantly to judicial systems backlog of cases. IOM adapted its existing MigApp for migrant workers in the Americas to include a new section to highlight official health recommendations to prevent the spread of the virus, capture changes across countriessuch as border restrictions, COVID-19 hotlines, or migration status changesand produce surveys to better understand the COVID-related challenges migrants faced. One of the most effective ways to identify broader criminal networks and take the profit out of this crime is to follow the financial trail human traffickers leave behind. The kafala system is a sponsorship-based visa category that gives employers full control over the migrant workers residency permits, movements in and out of the country, and ability to change employers. Please do not hesitate to contact me. According to the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), a trauma-informed lens upholds each person as an active agent of their own recovery process, the ability of individuals to recognize symptoms of trauma in others, and the integration of a do no harm approach into the creation of policies, procedures, and practices. If looking for more information on survivor-informed best practices, please see NHTTACs Survivor-Informed Practice: Definition, Best Practices, and Recommendations. efforts, however laudable, undertaken exclusively by nongovernmental actors in the country; general public awareness eventsgovernment-sponsored or otherwiselacking concrete ties to the prosecution of traffickers, protection of victims, or prevention of trafficking; and. Human Trafficking Data Collection Activities, 2022 Greece The Government of the DRC is taking effective and continuing steps to address the problem of child soldiers and these efforts have accelerated since President Tshisekedi took office in January. It was only when I decided to escape my trafficker that I realized how pronounced racial injustice was in my community, particularly against human trafficking survivors with previous arrest records. The Embassy will continue to collaborate with UNICEF and other NGOs and encourage the government to view them as a resource in the joint effort to eliminate the unlawful recruitment and use of child soldiers. NGOs from various countries separately reported significant funding cuts due to COVID-19, which forced some to halt all assistance or cancel certain victim-support services. Throughout her longstanding and impressive career in law enforcement, she has led multiple trainings for government personnel. In Burma, families experienced drastic declines in household incomes, with 94 percent of households surveyed reporting a reduction of incomes, 81 percent reporting at least one family member losing a job, and 69 percent reporting having to take loans making these families vulnerable to trafficking. Denmark Data & Research - Polaris First, child-friendly spaces provide a calm and reassuring physical environment. Some of us were there to pay off the debts owed to the bar owner. In an environment with extremely limited access to critical protection services, Cabrera and her office led efforts to secure funding for the creation of three victim shelters in Toluca, Huixquilucan, and Texcoco, which can now house up to 210 victims of trafficking. Date Published. It is imperative that the public fully understand the negative effects that spreading and acting on these rumors and misinformation can have on service providers, victims and survivors, and the broader anti-trafficking field. Access to information and translation services for trafficking victims was also a challenge, as victim support networks reduced services to a minimum. NGOs have also reported experiencing cyberattacks and threats on social media when they post statements debunking misinformation. Jennifer M. Ho Her office oversees the three shelters and partners with the inter-secretarial human trafficking commission, civil society organizations, among others to keep them running and provide services to the residents. States can take additional measures to address the vulnerabilities to human trafficking created by the kafala system, such as those described below. Christine Buchholz If another family member notices the exploitation of the child, there is a strong incentive to look the other way to protect the family, both physically and in reputation, from outside interventions. During lockdown, traffickers in the Amazon in Brazil changed their patterns by sending child sex trafficking victims to the perpetrators private quarters or specific locations instead of the usual places where children were sold to perpetrators. South Sudan is party to the OPAC, and in 2019, armed groups released an additional 259 child soldiers, and established a process for identifying others to UNICEF through the Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR) commission, established under the R-ARCSS. The Government of Thailand issued a Cabinet Resolution in August 2020 that made it easier to obtain new work permits and provided extensions for migrants working in Thailand. Sweden We have seen, for instance, how deeply held racial biases and stereotypes inappropriately influence outcomes for those in our criminal justice system as they lead to racially disparate assumptions about who is identified as a trafficker and who is identified as a victim. For example, the International Military Education and Training (IMET) program funds professional military education and training for the Afghanistan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF) that improves their capabilities, promotes respect for human rights, improves defense resource management, civil-military cooperation, and education on gender-based violence and womens health, and enhances interoperability for U.S.-Afghan joint operations. In March 2020, the government launched a rehabilitation program for Houthi-recruited child soldiers in Marib, in collaboration with NGOs and funding support from KSRelief. Proactive partnerships between governments, financial institutions, law enforcement, civil society, and survivor experts are critical to identifying illicit financial activity associated with human trafficking. Whether the government of the country extradites persons charged with acts of severe forms of trafficking in persons on substantially the same terms and to substantially the same extent as persons charged with other serious crimes (or, to the extent such extradition would be inconsistent with the laws of such country or with international agreements to which the country is a party, whether the government is taking all appropriate measures to modify or replace such laws and treaties so as to permit such extradition). When assessing needs, a child-friendly waiting room might take priority. Yet, despite the added challenges and risks that the pandemic has presented, we have also witnessed the adaptability among those continuing to combat human trafficking and their dedication to ensuring the continuation of anti-trafficking efforts to minimize the effects of the pandemic on victims and the broader anti-trafficking community. As an Assistant Undersecretary within the Ministry of Administrative Development, Labor, and Social Affairs, he has initiated or executed many of the policies and programs that have had significant impacts for trafficking victims. Frequently, service providers use the same approaches and resources for familial trafficking that are used for all types of human trafficking, which can be inappropriate and even harmful. Global Report on Trafficking in Persons 2020

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