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13826728d2d515d1902c589ec87c52be5 jack stuef treasure location

Barbarisi reveals that The Finder is ready to lose his anonymity. I do not know the person who found it, but the poem in my book led him to the precise spot, Fenn writes. Would you say the blaze could have already been damaged when Forrest originally left the chest? Thanks again Jack and completely understand if I dont hear back from my question. (I even planned hunts and rockhounding adventures in the area before the treasure was found, just in case, you know, Id stumble across it.). Ranger Sarah Davis has admitted that Fenn and Jack Stuef, the 30-something medical student who found Fenn's treasure in the summer of 2020, revealed the location to her during a Zoom call in August of that year, a month before Fenn's death, Outside reports. Steven, this song gave me chills when I first heard its opening lines: It clearly impacted [Stuef] in a major way. Read this article on the new Outside+ app available now on iOS devices for members! I think maybe Forrest knew the blaze was damaged when he left the chest, and thats why you would have been wise to find it. GearJunkie Copyright 2013 2023. Assuming that Brown was not Forrests name for the chest and that hoB is something that you need to be BOTG in the right area in order to identify, then its unlikely Ill ever be able to get past that point in the poem. Thanks Dave. One of the people who searched unsuccessfully for the treasure, Jamie McCracken, filed a claim against Fenn's estate. September 23, 2020 Medium publishes a blog entitled A Remembrance of Forrest Fenn from an anonymous author that simply goes by The Finder. My car rental records arent public records. Once it was a phenomenon, it was too late. Is that what you found? That would be one way to securely solidify your place in history after all. He told Yellowstone National Parks chief ranger, Sarah Davis. A Michigan man, Jack Stuef, discovered the treasure in June 2020, but has never revealed its exact location. Members get 15+ publications right in your pocket. Sooooo, is there an album or artist that you listened to that sticks out when you reminisce back on your WY adventures ? I can fall victim to theories and wanting to believe just as much as everyone else. A DuckDuckGo extension in your browser, please access Newser without it: Either by removing it, whitelisting us, or using another browser. Jack first learned of the treasure hunt in 2018 from tweets. With a bronze chest and the lock appearing in good condition, why is the key steel/iron? The people who were searching for the chest wanted to be right. I would say he uses the semicolon correctly there as a connection of ideas in the stanza. treasure was exactly where Fenn originally left it. He is a medical student in Michigan with actual student loans (as some have speculated to be false from his previous Medium article on the chest find). And if I follow it a little too far down the rabbit hole, thats cool because its fun. Thousands of people participated in the. This treasure hunt was the most frustrating experience of my life. His family wants that stuff to remain private, so I will not reveal if I did or not. 2. As far as other things, some things will come out over time, but nothing revelatory in the sense that it changes everything. Finally last week, we got that answer. Or do you think that Forrest had a different view of the chests spot with the blaze still intact? (Hair, skin, facial structure, stature) Do you think some of these similarities in turn may have helped you find the chest? After that, it was just going to be this big crazy treasure hunt where people were going to die. If youre already well-versed in the story of the Fenn treasure, then skip to the next page break. And did you go through or inventory the chest before meeting with Forrest. No, and he was somewhat surprised when I told him it had happened. To me, you need evidence that he intended something to be a hint in order to consider it as such, and I was happy to leave legitimate hints on the table if they didnt meet that high burden of proof. He found the chest and gold in the summer of 2020. He Doesn't Mind, In a First, Subjects to Be Asked to Pledge Allegiance to King, Fountain of Youth? and our Well done! . We may have never known exactly where the treasure was hidden, but a frivolous lawsuit against Fenn has brought forth never-before-seen details. Stuef found it on June 6 in Wyoming -- two years after his quest began -- in the place where Fenn wrote that he wished to die. , Stuef applied for tax status and apparently moved to Puerto Ricowhere there is almost no capital gains taxin September 2019, nine months before he found the treasure. They wanted that validation in their life. And it works as a poem that tells a coherent story. His is a native Michigan and a medical student. My only Wyoming solve was my first one and it was (very) weak. No. It took two months of correspondence before the man who found Forrest Fenns treasure told me his name, Barbarisi writes. He resides with his wife and two sons outside Boston, Massachusetts. Thank you Jack for all the questions you have answered and I hope that some likeness of normal returns quickly to you, your family and Forrests family. However, as he got into a few controversies within his first few years, he left the media industry to study medicine. Did Forrest Fenn simply overlook the effects of time and moisture on the key, or did some protection he have for the key fail? Another Remains Jailed for It, This Town's Little League Has 'Ingenious' Plan for Unruly Parents, Restored Ancient Cup Is Amazing, but a Little Fishy, Fugitive in Texas Killings 'Could Be Anywhere', TV Writer's 1990s Gaffe Is Legend. And, as hell happily state, he was nowhere close. My name is Jack Stuef, and I am the finder of the Forrest Fenn Treasure. Thats not too much to give away because theres a million canyons. An affidavit filed as part of an ongoing lawsuit confirms that the treasure was buried inside an iconic American landmark, and now officials are scrambling to keep the exact location secret. She filed a motion to intervene in the case in April on the argument that revealing the treasure's location will result in damage to Yellowstone. But the lawsuit from Florida's Jamie McCracken, who says he has evidence that Fenn was still alive after his death was announced, accuses Fenn of monitoring his search and moving the treasure four times when McCracken got too close, per Outside. anyways i have a specific location that requires climbing underneath a fence with barbed wire on top or somehow getting around the fence. The identity of the treasure hunter who decoded a clue-filled poem that led to a gold-filled chest tucked away in the Rocky Mountains has been revealed. Jack Stuef is the native of Michigan and medical school student who found Forrest Fenn's treasure chest in 2020 at an undisclosed location in Wyoming. I left a nice tip. The number of people who go to the point that they were neglecting their home lives was pretty rare. Did you indeed walk a human trail for a portion of your solve, or not? And do feel his statement (done in classic Fenn style, LOL!) Given that your name and travel dates are now public, any concerns that someone might try to trace your movements? Sign up to receive GearJunkie content direct to your inbox. When a lucky searcher struck gold and found the chest in June, Fenn did not identify the winner, who wished to remain anonymous, and he did not reveal the location of the chest, telling ABC News after it was found that he "hid it in a pretty good place.". Department of General Services. He revealed his identity to Outside in December of that year, just before being added as a defendant to one of the lawsuitsmy texts and emails were hackedwhich forced his hand. Specifically, was it the damage that threw you off, or not knowing exactly what that blaze was at that first encounter? Thanks Spallies. I had a pet theory that Forest endangered the solution by the amount of interviews he gave, and came to the conclusion that if he were to make an unguarded comment, it would have been early on in the chase and/or when asked an unusual question. I dont think he was spending hours on it each day. French treasure hunter is suing Forrest Fenn's estate for $10million after claiming he was cheated out of finding hidden chest filled with gold and coins because it was MOVED after he solved. Stuef . I do have a question, but first I wanted to sincerely express how much I enjoyed your YouTube video on Bias Confirmation. I knew where it was, so if someone else found it, I wouldnt need to see a chest-sized depression to know where it was. Then with time, Jack started opening up about his entanglement in the quest. What do you think? Moreover, Jack does not want his family to be subjected to the stalkers, death threats, home invasions, frivolous lawsuits, and potential kidnappings that Forrest Fenn and his family had to face between 2010 and 2020. He also said that he selected the treasure location with care: I considered mudslides, forest fires, earthquakes, and floods. These statements set up a few questions that I think are safe for you to answer: 1. This thing has intrinsic value and its part of a bigger story with a lot of parts. On a website dedicated to the treasure hunt, Fenn's grandson, Shiloh Forrest Old, wrote that Stuef found the treasure chest "as a result of years of careful searching.". He read Fenn's memoir, "The Thrill of the Chase," and learned everything he could about the eccentric millionaire before starting his search for the treasure. The end of the treasure hunt may finally be drawing to a close. Congratulations, again! Barbarisi himself had spent months searching for the treasure himself. Six months later, around early December 2020, the seeker was identified as 32-year-old Michigan native Jack Stuef, a former journalist and medical student. Had the blaze not been damaged, do you believe you wouldve found the spot on your first trip in 2018, or did you really need to know what blaze you were looking for in order to identify it (regardless of the condition of the blaze)? If Sommer questions Stuef, however, McCracken also gets a turn. But, Michigan native Jonathan "Jack" Stuef has now made his identity public after a federal court order against Fenn's estate would have made his name public. For years, searchers have theorized that the treasure was found in Yellowstone, which is why Stuef wouldnt share any specifics: found property in a national park is supposed to be turned in to the park supervisor. After Forrest Fenns passing, though, Jack penned a piece on his blog, titled A Remembrance of Forrest Fenn, calling the New Mexican his friend and detailing the unprecedented legacy he left behind. June 6, 2020 Fenn writes on his blog that the treasure has been found. The McCracken lawsuit made public photos of the chest in situ, still embedded in the ground, as well as. That was a healthy way to approach it. Right away I just followed him around and felt like it was a good chance to chronicle him. And now we know how. At least two living people know where the late Forrest Fenn hid his treasure: the man who found it and the chief ranger of Yellowstone National Park. Fenn really did curate the box. Yes, but most of the time when people are walking in a remote area, there isnt the feeling of, I have to get over that next hill because But when you give them a carrot to chase and they convince themselves its over that next hill, then they do things they wouldnt do otherwise. After Fenn died in September it seemed like that day would never come. An affidavit in an ongoing lawsuit confirms that the treasure was buried in iconic areas of the United States, and now officials are struggling with how to keep the treasure's location from being released. Gold nuggets. Did realize and try to backtrack? Me personally, I was never a good treasure hunter. City offices are open for regular business hours. The poem is straightforward. Read more. So what was it that gave you so much confidence that your location was correct that you visited it 25 times in those two years? Whoever found the treasure would have to maneuver very carefully if they wanted to keep it. The treasure chest's finder: a Pennsylvania medical school student. Its also important to note he once gave us an idea of how many hints were in TTOTC, and it wasnt very many. And he always said that there was a kind of fail-safe inside. Is this an original key, or a cheap replica? 2. Here are a few questions Ive been wondering about: 1. He clearly planned for this (like wax sealing the glass olive jar). Is any part of the solve outside of Wyoming? In my opinion, everything you said was point on. Jack had remained anonymous, he said, not because he had anything to hide but because he feared the potential threats that came with his findings. Did you figure out hoB before you ever went BOTG to your search area? Does it tie the 2 lines together? Fenn wouldnt say who found the treasure. On May 4, judge Francis J. Mathew denied the governments motion to intervene in the case, saying that doing so would cause undue delay, and that the government has other avenueslike an injunction in federal courtif it wants to keep the location of the treasure a secret. But I would just like to know 2 things. I left it vague enough so that everyone who left a fake blaze out there now feels bad about it and realizes they may have wasted time making a fake blaze instead of looking harder for the treasure. I wish I were making that up. Profiling all this and much more, CBS 48 Hours: The Fenn Treasure shows us precisely what went down with several of the individuals involved in the hunt, most notably, the one who found it, Jack Stuef. The exact location remains a secretthough one at risk of being divulged. Also, on December 7, the website Outside Magazine also published an article confirming Stuef as the finder. I never could find a blaze from there that would take me off the trail.. The finder of the Forrest Fenn treasure chest was announced on December 7th, 2020. Dont let any of that get to you. When Forrest Fenn announced his famed treasure was claimed in June, he said he wouldnt reveal the finders identity without his permission. There were a few times when I, exhausted, covered in scratches and bites and sweat and pine pitch, and nearing the end of my days water supply, sat down on a downed tree and just cried alone in the woods in sheer frustration.. In his book, he wrote the mountains north of Santa Fe and a lark for a smaller audience, not a nationwide hunt. would at least let me know if i have been mistakenly attached to this spot. If TTOTC was the only piece of writing he ever wrote, I would have found that very strange. The Finder says it took him 25 full days of scouring one specific area to locate the treasure. I dont know. Despite photos surfacing of the chest and its contents, Fenn said he wont reveal more details until the man from back East gives him the OK. He seemed satisfied overall with his performance keeping the secret, and I agree it was impressive. Jack Stuef, a 32-year-old medical student from Michigan, identified himself as the finder of Fenn's treasure in an interview to Outside magazine, in which he said a recent lawsuit threatened his anonymity. (Not I, I assure you!). private emails between Stuef and Fenn that occurred immediately after the treasure was found. Stuef found Fenn's treasure in Wyoming in June, but wouldn't share any details about its exact location with Outside. Our danger was messing up the environment around us, not our safety, except for getting too close to a bear one time. Below are all the coincidences that lead me to Amelias cabin. Thousands of people pursued the elusive treasure since 2010, and at least five people died in the thrill of the chase. CHEYENNE, Wyo. I mean was it like a football oval size area, or something bigger or smaller? Address for ZIP Code of Address; ZIP Code of Address City; ZIP Code of Address State Heres a brief timeline on how we got here: 2010 - Fenn, an 80-year-old art dealer and writer, announces that hes hidden a treasure worth $2 million in the Rocky Mountains. He quickly identified the area of interest in Wyoming and spent 25 days over the next two years searching the location. Is the chests lock mechanism also steel/iron (and if so did it suffer the same rusty fate)? Whatever it is, McCracken is pretty good at submitting legal paperwork. I now own the treasure chest. Forrest stated (and Im paraphrasing) that the spot was not in very close proximity to a human trail. When I was outed as the finder of the Fenn Treasure a month ago, I didnt predict I would answer so many emails from searchers, or that I would continue to receive so much gratitude back from kind people around the world who loved this treasure hunt as much as I did. I watched your video on confirmation bias and thought it was extremely helpful. He said he does not plan to so that the location is kept safe. Or do you think you were just able to tap into some good info through the internet (scrapbooks, videos, interview) That helped you compute out the solution? - f. I seen in another email you sent, that you had been within 6 of the treasure at one time on a previous search. Department of Environmental Protection. Do you think you would have found the treasure a lot sooner with a body at the spot? If so, was this info part of the ancillary evidence that aided you in the search? Department of Community and Economic Development. I searched for it for two years, and on June 6 of this year, I retrieved the treasure from the place I found it in Wyoming, the same place Forrest hid it 10 years ago.

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