Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit - I then became terrified about what I had wilfully done and have been living in torment and feeling condemned and far from God since and needless to say I have been tormented by repetitive blasphemous thoughts as well for years since. Secondly, about motivation. If we claim to know everything, that would be very arrogant. Yes, Id love for us to be able to sit down and talk in one of my coaching sessions. Most people with OCD do believe that their intrusive thoughts are meaningful either that they will come true or already have. I know that is why my mind completely cleared, because I let it all go and trusted God's word. It may take a while for the unwanted thoughts to vanish but God will honor your true verbal worship. 20:1-15), blasphemy against the Holy Spirit must be a final refusal to repent, or final impenitence. This time I am going to dig my heels in. Hi there. Having negative or blasphemous thoughts against God does not always mean there is something wrong with you. The earthquake happened and he proclaimed surely he was the son of God. This revelation created the reverence. I went on and off the meds on my own, and ended up back in there again. But with guided practice, repeated exposure to your fears will eventually result in a reduction of anxiety. I often feel like I've lost eternity; that it was never even meant for me, but I still want to win souls for Christ, not wanting to make others like me but this act still does not fill the void I feel when I think that I'm eternally separated from the oppurtunity of having God has my father. Don't dwell on your past and don't worry about your future. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. When I did, the thoughts and pain stopped. They happen constantly and I'm afraid I'm not feeling conviction the same way I used to, so I'm scared I'm not feeling it at all. intrusions from the enemy not me. She will seek reconciliation and continue trying to please God. In John 10, Jesus said that no one is able to pluck us out of His hand. When they brutally murdered the Jews during the holocaust, many were acting in accordance with their values and beliefs. In the final section of this guide, Id like to cover some of the most commonly asked questions about blasphemous thoughts. I won't repeat some of the things I said. These thoughts are confusing me so I don't know if they are true or if I'm saved and I'm worried that I don't care because I want to care but I don't know what I feel and that's what scares me. There was no denying the power of God was on display. No good comes from staying away from God because you fall into old sin like in my case gluttony. .these thoughts are not okay.. those are results. -, Doubtful thoughts are hitting me hard. I'd appreciate help with this. As we had two large areas making it difficult for many to find, we decided to combine the Mental Health & the Recovery sections of the forum into Mental Health & Recovery as a whole. I often dont get tired or it takes a lot for me to wind down.. Hi, thanks for expressing your feelings about how this is affecting you. Remember, the doubting guy who said, Lord, I believe help my unbelief! He was trying to believe, and Jesus didnt bash him over the head with a threat of the unpardonable sin. The blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is committed when a person is so cold-hearted, that they don't see that what they're doing is wrong. The constant feeling like youve done something wrong, God doesnt love you, youve sinned to farthese are not based on evidence, they are based on this nebulous feeling. It's probably just the fact the mind will never totally erase the thought from your brain that makes it feel like it's coming willfully from you. Zach has an intrusive thought telling him that he is a devil-worshipper. My church decided to excommunicate me and never accepted me back. Many religions consider these ideas to be sacrilegious. Where's my faith? This obviously will trigger your anxiety to a supremely desperate pitch. I want you to know that you are not alone in your worries. Tell yourself, this is not me, its my OCD. There is a sense in which Christians obtain all the riches and glory and knowledge and truth of the whole universe the moment we receive Christ into our hearts. Yes, there are some options for online support for scrupulosity. you want your last session to NOT involve a religious intrusive thought so you can have a feeling of making a clean break with it). I feel like I'm going crazy, even my sister thinks I am. I feel like God is with me in this situation but I still fell helpless and confused most times. This becomes a trigger then that maybe I was never really born again, maybe I didnt accept Jesus correctly etc etc etc. Right now my appointments are all booked out, but hopefully Ill have some open soon. Why did Jesus make these strong statements? Recognize emotional reasoning for what it is and determine to let your life be guided by the Word of God rather than your emotions. I didn't think I would ever go back to a church, but I did. The difference between the two lies in the heart and the will. Be of good courage and keep pressing forward! Its never too late to receive forgiveness. The blasphemous thought brings an incredible load of false guilt and feelings of impending doom. When you feel hopeless, remind yourself that God has cleansed you from ALLLLLLLLLLLL unrighteousness. Having these unwanted thoughts is not a sin. Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? That is why I go to God in prayer so often. Psalms 25:8 KJV. Hi, Abraham, I definitely recommend taking the time to read through this entire article for helpful tips. And this is a battle for sure. Sometimes it is enough to introduce the various shades of nuance in the Bible and to lean into the mysterious, unknown, faith-based aspects of spirituality. I also find it hard dealing with sin(like the zeal of not wanting to sin making me sin). Anytime, I messed up, I would doubt my salvation. and what worries me is because this thought was almost similar to that passage of the Pharisees and the unpardonable sin, Im in a similar boat I think I probably lost my salvation when I thought something on purpose to try to make it less scary. It said everyone will be saved. What do I do? Read Luke 15 and ponder the ways God works IN us rather than exacting slave labor FROM us. And would feel my heart beating very fast sweating with my mind almost shutting on me. Thank you for responding to my comment. Oh my! He draws us; He gives us the spirit of repentance; He writes His law in our hearts so that we yearn to do what is right; He sanctifies us, washes us, cleanses us, guides us in righteousness. All of a sudden they feel chosen because when they come I get anxiety but I feel so numb like my anxiety is fake or something and I had thoughts in the shower and they felt so real and I think I might be doomed. I'm not sure if I'd cry or feel deeply sad when asking for forgiveness. He is the One who bears long with us, constantly wooing our hearts to God even when we are lost and enamored with our sins. Trying NOT to think about something makes us more likely to actually think about it. In church, I experience a feeling of being different and that I dont. Only God can do that, they thought so Jesus must be committing blasphemy. Strange, intrusive thoughts about God or the Holy Spirit are dangerous thoughts because we feel they could cause us to lose our relationship with God or even our eternal life. But I am doing fantastic now. I walked all through town that day cursing everyone, filling up with hate. Nothing changed. If you have these kinds of blasphemous thoughts, you should know that it isnt part of a normal religious experience, and it isnt your fault for having this. God loves you and will help you through this. I walked away from the Lord for over seven years. When I was being stupid as usual and was masturbating with pornography. They attempted to explain away His supernatural miracles by claiming He was empowered by a devil or unclean spirit. You may wish to check out my recent article on Religious OCD and Existential OCD. To take the Lords name in vain is when you do not show proper reverence for who God is, which is similar to blasphemy. Be careful. Im sorry but I dont have a waiting list. These cookies are set via embedded youtube-videos. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John 1:1 KJV. 1. Intrusive thoughts are: Lets look at each of these characteristics and how it is important to finding our escape from blasphemous thoughts. The more I tried to get away from it the more it pops. How can I know the Holy Spirit is still with be and I havent shut him out? This may happen because the constant struggle against bad thoughts leads to mental and emotional exhaustion. Drop me a comment if you have any questions. The he Jesus is referring to is the Holy Spirit. So I was laying in bed trying to sleep and this demon put a partial thought into my brain about the Holy Spirit which I finished, most likely due to OCD about always finishing partial thoughts (this has been one source of many of my bad thoughts). Doubt can be a powerful tool in God's hand to convict you of greater truth. I thought I was committing a mortal sin. You've dedicated your life to a worthy cause in doing this, and I'm thankful that God is working through you to help others, like myself, who are facing this. Thank God it wasn't that big of a deal. God abounds with love on everyone He gets called on by and we are under His grace and not the law which is you sin, you go to hell. But I know what you mean about feeling like the unwanted thoughts are willful. Can you Blaspheme the Holy Spirit Mentally? God is not afraid of our ugly. I am so desperate, I had those too. Not all blasphemous thoughts are sinful. Mockery is merely a way of meeting intrusive thoughts on their own ground. It's not your job to save you. Even though people who take the Lords name in vain often do so willingly, it is usually born out of their ignorance. You see that Im going back and forth between being too intense and then feeling numb and exhausted. As for step two, I would like to point your attention to the words you are using. To be shure everything got worse. Blasphemous thoughts about the Holy Spirit | Christian Forums I know many here are out to grow spiritually. When no relief is in sight, your body and brain might work together to shut down this cycle by pulling the plug, figuratively speaking. Why Does Denmark Have A Low Crime Rate, Commonlit From The World Before Him Answer Key, Fox Valley Country Club Membership Fees, Aldi Perfume Usa, Articles B

blasphemous thoughts about the holy spirit

In fact, I would go so far as to say that there isnt a single religious system or denomination that has 100% of Gods truth. It is so true that God knows all our true hearts for Him. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. They are actions that you feel will cancel out the bad thought?, So lets see if we can go for five minutes without you blowing any air out and without verbalizing that Chemosh is Lordand next time we will try to go for ten minutes. I want Gods forgiveness and I want the Holy Spirit to work in me. Some scholars teach that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit refers to the sin of attributing Christ's miracles, wrought by the Holy Spirit, to the power of Satan. The hope is in releasing your personal sense of control, and this happens by recognizing your relationship to God is not that of a slave but a child. I didn't buy into them for long, but I went from Kundalini to Gnosticism to Yahuwshua is Yahweh (Jesus is the impostor) and another one that said that Jesus just came here to do the work of his father Satan. Best regards Oje possible, Hi Sister. Ive been really numb not just with this but with everything in my life. Do you believe you are powerful enough to overturn Gods purposes for your life? I finally started to cry! Being tempted does not mean we have sinned. Let no one deceive you by any means; forthat Day will not comeunless the falling away comes first, andthe man ofsin is revealed,the son of perdition,who opposes andexalts himselfabove all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sitsas God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. Any advice? I had a hard time believing in or contacting God. I spoke to my Doctor and she has been putting me on Depression meds but they don't seem to be helping. Unfortunately I dont know any mental health providers in New York that specialize in scrupulosity, although Im sure there are some. Are Blasphemous thoughts Unforgivable? Therefore, it may not always be easy for you to know that you didnt mean the thoughts. I never have had that before, and never was like this. In other words, you cant do it by accident; it is an ongoing choice. In your case, it seems that your addiction to porn and masturbating is not being used as an escape mechanism but instead has become inextricably linked to your struggle with intrusive thoughts (i.e. But you know who else felt like this? 10 years!! Which is a huge compliment when Im feeling defeated. I recommend praying very simply to say, Im sorry, I feel bad that I laughed at a bad joke. Now I understand that it is not my thoughts, it is the condition and that God understands. I never liked going with him to the hives. Very informative read. But does a statement like that fit in your worldview? 16 years 5 months 12 days 11 hours 29 minutes. That makes me worried. He can never lose so why would He even bother giving you the Holy Spirit if He is going to lose? Another teaching is that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit means to accuse Jesus Christ of being demon-possessed. More than once, Suzy quits treatment and falls back into old patterns of fighting and resisting the blasphemous thoughts, which always spiral her into deeper anxiety. Secondly, let me respond to your concern about not having the right feelings. Often these thoughts were so painful that my body would twitch and I would let out a groan. Many of the clients I work with are very bothered by their blasphemous thoughts because they arent convinced that these thoughts are not from them. We are not them. As the bee will fly away of its own accord, so will the blasphemous thought. I dont want to reject Him or always be in a place where Im questioning Him. Trying to say new testament is evil and not true. Remember, you can always tell God the good, bad, and ugly about yourself and your life. What is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? Not condemnation, and not a big lecture. Wayne Dyer speaks about the Bible and Jesus teachings and quite a bit about God. So lets imagine, then, that you arent being purposeful or willful in committing blasphemy. Matthew 12:31-32: "Therefore I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven people, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. I always have dreams with something to do with sexual sin with a woman besides my wife. Here is the key phrase: it is a state [of] willful determined opposition to the present power of the Holy Spirit. Then he gives (as one of those other places in the New Testament) 1 John 5:16, which says, If anyone sees his brother committing a sin not leading to death, he shall ask, and God will give him life to those who commit sins that do not lead to death. To help you understand the why you must recognize how the Holy Spirit works in the heart of an unbeliever. I need some help. Before I read your article here I was suffering from these intrusive thoughts of cursing the holy spirit and then almost immediately I am rushed with anxiety and fear that I had thought I committed the unpardonable sin while simultaneously fighting and rebuking the thought verbally and within my head. I want to walk in Gods love for me but this situation has just really been an ongoing issue . I'm also afraid of being unable to truly repent, having a seared conscience or a reprobate mind. What grieves him is bitterness and wrath and anger against other people. You have given me hope. i dont know what to do anymore. I'm not the antichrist! Blasphemy, in this usage, literally means to put yourself in Gods place. I really want to repent from this scrupulosity but i feel like overtime, my thoughts gets worse, to the extreme that I'm starting to think I've done worse than the scribes and the pharisees. Where I'm at at the moment is these thoughts are Non-Stop and constant but yet it's almost like I've learned to live with them as if they're just constant background noise because I fought them for so long and tried to ignore them and was so fear stricken by them that they literally became a habit and they're stuck in my head I think blasphemous thoughts constantly it's almost like my flesh has latched on to him and it constantly wants to think these negative thoughts it's very weird to explain I don't know if anybody understands call it mental illness a sickness OCD a demon what have you but I'm to the point now I don't know what my life is like without these thoughts it's almost as if if they're not there I purposely think them I've become obsessed and consumed in them but again I've learned to live my life with them it's like my bodies become addicted to them yes I prayed fasted salt the Lord took medical treatment talked to specialist and yet nothing I don't know why but yet I'm glad the fear has subsided it's one thing to have thoughts but to have thoughts and a Fe ar and panic of going insane is another thing I've literally become numb I hate I ever got obsessed and consumed in these blasphemous thoughts yes it's the whole idea of don't think of a pink elephant and it's all you think of and that's what happened with me as silly as it was I do not understand it it's as if the more I feared it the more I didn't want it the more I tried to pray against it the worse it got they'll finally my mind would blaspheme everything related to God I could literally hop in the shower and my mind would create a demonic thought against the Holy Spirit I could literally be using the restroom and my mind would conjure up some ungodly thought against the spirit I could put the car keys in my car to start it up and my mind would just start trying to conjure up something dirty it's as if my flesh was fighting against me but again I'm to the point I have learned to just live my life with this 24/7 constant blasphemy I'm to the point now I don't care if it ever leaves or not I'm used to it now, Anybody ever get strong thoughts and Urges to not only think but speak the thoughts out loud thoughts pertaining to you in your in voice asking the HS To perform and or do sexual acts to you..I hate this its kills me the only way to be free is die. Most people in the world have no experience of lasting joy in their lives. Lets look at how the Holy Spirit works and you will understand why the person who commits this sin can never receive forgiveness. The experience of numbness and depersonalization is also common to people with PTSD who have experienced prolonged periods of trauma. Thank you, so much for the understanding. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God. David, I've been there, too. But then I thought What if I gave my soul to Satan I dont want that. Selah, Thank you for this beautiful testimony. I believe in reading a chapter of Psalm in the morning & night, starting with Chapter 1. After doing this over and over again, she no longer feels very bad when she declares that Chemosh is nothing more than a stone idol. The Pharisees by their words were denying the true work of the Holy Spirit. One day during this meeting, the mail clerk brought him a lavender envelope sealed with an ornate wax seal and bound with elegant ribbons. Beyond what Ive already written in this article, just know that youre not alone in this fear. For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Such is the case with intrusive thoughts. It no longer serves the helpful function of true guilt, and you may cast it away. Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit - I then became terrified about what I had wilfully done and have been living in torment and feeling condemned and far from God since and needless to say I have been tormented by repetitive blasphemous thoughts as well for years since. Secondly, about motivation. If we claim to know everything, that would be very arrogant. Yes, Id love for us to be able to sit down and talk in one of my coaching sessions. Most people with OCD do believe that their intrusive thoughts are meaningful either that they will come true or already have. I know that is why my mind completely cleared, because I let it all go and trusted God's word. It may take a while for the unwanted thoughts to vanish but God will honor your true verbal worship. 20:1-15), blasphemy against the Holy Spirit must be a final refusal to repent, or final impenitence. This time I am going to dig my heels in. Hi there. Having negative or blasphemous thoughts against God does not always mean there is something wrong with you. The earthquake happened and he proclaimed surely he was the son of God. This revelation created the reverence. I went on and off the meds on my own, and ended up back in there again. But with guided practice, repeated exposure to your fears will eventually result in a reduction of anxiety. I often feel like I've lost eternity; that it was never even meant for me, but I still want to win souls for Christ, not wanting to make others like me but this act still does not fill the void I feel when I think that I'm eternally separated from the oppurtunity of having God has my father. Don't dwell on your past and don't worry about your future. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. When I did, the thoughts and pain stopped. They happen constantly and I'm afraid I'm not feeling conviction the same way I used to, so I'm scared I'm not feeling it at all. intrusions from the enemy not me. She will seek reconciliation and continue trying to please God. In John 10, Jesus said that no one is able to pluck us out of His hand. When they brutally murdered the Jews during the holocaust, many were acting in accordance with their values and beliefs. In the final section of this guide, Id like to cover some of the most commonly asked questions about blasphemous thoughts. I won't repeat some of the things I said. These thoughts are confusing me so I don't know if they are true or if I'm saved and I'm worried that I don't care because I want to care but I don't know what I feel and that's what scares me. There was no denying the power of God was on display. No good comes from staying away from God because you fall into old sin like in my case gluttony. .these thoughts are not okay.. those are results. -, Doubtful thoughts are hitting me hard. I'd appreciate help with this. As we had two large areas making it difficult for many to find, we decided to combine the Mental Health & the Recovery sections of the forum into Mental Health & Recovery as a whole. I often dont get tired or it takes a lot for me to wind down.. Hi, thanks for expressing your feelings about how this is affecting you. Remember, the doubting guy who said, Lord, I believe help my unbelief! He was trying to believe, and Jesus didnt bash him over the head with a threat of the unpardonable sin. The blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is committed when a person is so cold-hearted, that they don't see that what they're doing is wrong. The constant feeling like youve done something wrong, God doesnt love you, youve sinned to farthese are not based on evidence, they are based on this nebulous feeling. It's probably just the fact the mind will never totally erase the thought from your brain that makes it feel like it's coming willfully from you. Zach has an intrusive thought telling him that he is a devil-worshipper. My church decided to excommunicate me and never accepted me back. Many religions consider these ideas to be sacrilegious. Where's my faith? This obviously will trigger your anxiety to a supremely desperate pitch. I want you to know that you are not alone in your worries. Tell yourself, this is not me, its my OCD. There is a sense in which Christians obtain all the riches and glory and knowledge and truth of the whole universe the moment we receive Christ into our hearts. Yes, there are some options for online support for scrupulosity. you want your last session to NOT involve a religious intrusive thought so you can have a feeling of making a clean break with it). I feel like I'm going crazy, even my sister thinks I am. I feel like God is with me in this situation but I still fell helpless and confused most times. This becomes a trigger then that maybe I was never really born again, maybe I didnt accept Jesus correctly etc etc etc. Right now my appointments are all booked out, but hopefully Ill have some open soon. Why did Jesus make these strong statements? Recognize emotional reasoning for what it is and determine to let your life be guided by the Word of God rather than your emotions. I didn't think I would ever go back to a church, but I did. The difference between the two lies in the heart and the will. Be of good courage and keep pressing forward! Its never too late to receive forgiveness. The blasphemous thought brings an incredible load of false guilt and feelings of impending doom. When you feel hopeless, remind yourself that God has cleansed you from ALLLLLLLLLLLL unrighteousness. Having these unwanted thoughts is not a sin. Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? That is why I go to God in prayer so often. Psalms 25:8 KJV. Hi, Abraham, I definitely recommend taking the time to read through this entire article for helpful tips. And this is a battle for sure. Sometimes it is enough to introduce the various shades of nuance in the Bible and to lean into the mysterious, unknown, faith-based aspects of spirituality. I also find it hard dealing with sin(like the zeal of not wanting to sin making me sin). Anytime, I messed up, I would doubt my salvation. and what worries me is because this thought was almost similar to that passage of the Pharisees and the unpardonable sin, Im in a similar boat I think I probably lost my salvation when I thought something on purpose to try to make it less scary. It said everyone will be saved. What do I do? Read Luke 15 and ponder the ways God works IN us rather than exacting slave labor FROM us. And would feel my heart beating very fast sweating with my mind almost shutting on me. Thank you for responding to my comment. Oh my! He draws us; He gives us the spirit of repentance; He writes His law in our hearts so that we yearn to do what is right; He sanctifies us, washes us, cleanses us, guides us in righteousness. All of a sudden they feel chosen because when they come I get anxiety but I feel so numb like my anxiety is fake or something and I had thoughts in the shower and they felt so real and I think I might be doomed. I'm not sure if I'd cry or feel deeply sad when asking for forgiveness. He is the One who bears long with us, constantly wooing our hearts to God even when we are lost and enamored with our sins. Trying NOT to think about something makes us more likely to actually think about it. In church, I experience a feeling of being different and that I dont. Only God can do that, they thought so Jesus must be committing blasphemy. Strange, intrusive thoughts about God or the Holy Spirit are dangerous thoughts because we feel they could cause us to lose our relationship with God or even our eternal life. But I am doing fantastic now. I walked all through town that day cursing everyone, filling up with hate. Nothing changed. If you have these kinds of blasphemous thoughts, you should know that it isnt part of a normal religious experience, and it isnt your fault for having this. God loves you and will help you through this. I walked away from the Lord for over seven years. When I was being stupid as usual and was masturbating with pornography. They attempted to explain away His supernatural miracles by claiming He was empowered by a devil or unclean spirit. You may wish to check out my recent article on Religious OCD and Existential OCD. To take the Lords name in vain is when you do not show proper reverence for who God is, which is similar to blasphemy. Be careful. Im sorry but I dont have a waiting list. These cookies are set via embedded youtube-videos. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John 1:1 KJV. 1. Intrusive thoughts are: Lets look at each of these characteristics and how it is important to finding our escape from blasphemous thoughts. The more I tried to get away from it the more it pops. How can I know the Holy Spirit is still with be and I havent shut him out? This may happen because the constant struggle against bad thoughts leads to mental and emotional exhaustion. Drop me a comment if you have any questions. The he Jesus is referring to is the Holy Spirit. So I was laying in bed trying to sleep and this demon put a partial thought into my brain about the Holy Spirit which I finished, most likely due to OCD about always finishing partial thoughts (this has been one source of many of my bad thoughts). Doubt can be a powerful tool in God's hand to convict you of greater truth. I thought I was committing a mortal sin. You've dedicated your life to a worthy cause in doing this, and I'm thankful that God is working through you to help others, like myself, who are facing this. Thank God it wasn't that big of a deal. God abounds with love on everyone He gets called on by and we are under His grace and not the law which is you sin, you go to hell. But I know what you mean about feeling like the unwanted thoughts are willful. Can you Blaspheme the Holy Spirit Mentally? God is not afraid of our ugly. I am so desperate, I had those too. Not all blasphemous thoughts are sinful. Mockery is merely a way of meeting intrusive thoughts on their own ground. It's not your job to save you. Even though people who take the Lords name in vain often do so willingly, it is usually born out of their ignorance. You see that Im going back and forth between being too intense and then feeling numb and exhausted. As for step two, I would like to point your attention to the words you are using. To be shure everything got worse. Blasphemous thoughts about the Holy Spirit | Christian Forums I know many here are out to grow spiritually. When no relief is in sight, your body and brain might work together to shut down this cycle by pulling the plug, figuratively speaking.

Why Does Denmark Have A Low Crime Rate, Commonlit From The World Before Him Answer Key, Fox Valley Country Club Membership Fees, Aldi Perfume Usa, Articles B