Write an Army Achievement Medal - ArmyWriter.com . ECE Program Awards. SPC DOE was a senior specialist in the fire direction section. The Honor Graduate is the student with the second highest OML point total in the class. SPC Rue during Annual Training and the DRX continuously volunteered to work above and beyond his peers during his down time to ensure the 1086th vehicles were fully mission capable. He helped the Brigade staff to focus, plan and prepare for onward movement into Iraq. She/He also developed a long term English Instruction Program incorporating multiple Army (or joint forces) elements, which proved to be invaluable in supporting the SFABs training mission as indicated by SFAB Leadership. The vocal leader of his crew, SPC Doe work ethnic coupled with his acute attention to detail allowed his crew to effectively utilize all communication platforms to higher and lower echelons. SPC Alvarado's outstanding dedication to duty and focus towards mission accomplishment was instrumental in the units success during Operation Enduring Freedom 2012-2013. SGT Alvarez distinguished himself by exceptional meritorious service, demonstrating to all that he is a professional Soldier, dedicated to excellence in his field of expertise. Set up the following units for success. In the absence of a non-commissioned officer, he was called upon to lead the section in both maintenance and training exercises. His efforts contributed greatly to the overall morale and welfare of the Soldiers and Civilians serving on Camp Buehring. The award recognizes scholarship and leadership, pays homage to one of America's most honored soldiers and serves as a lasting incentive to officers attending the college. (A) The design specification on the resistance for an electronic component is 0.50 0.02 0.50 \pm 0.02 0.50 0.02 ohm. Contact editor@armywriter.com Disclaimer, Army Achievement Medal for Meritorious Service (PCS Award), Army Commendation Medal for Meritorious Service (PCS Award). SPC Doe's dedication to duty and knowledge from a previous deployment enabled him to assist the soldiers within the maintenance platoon to prepare for the deployment in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom 10-11 and Operation New Dawn. (b) If the output of the process that sets the resistance is centered on 0.50 . Distinguished Graduate Award | US Air Force Academy AOG & Foundation She was responsible for the food safety, security, and quality assurance programs in support of -- DFACs, -- AAFES facilities, and -- MWR facilities totaling ---- facility inspections. PFC Love assisted in over 15 tower maintenance details, ensuring that the $1.5 million system was fully operational. resulted in two Distinguished Honor Graduates; five commandant's list, and two leadership awards . SPC Doe continuously worked during his personal time to ensure the Brigade flowed smoothly through the Reception, Staging, Onward Movement and Integration of over 3,600 Soldiers while in Kuwait in preparing for combat operations in support of OIF 06-08. Displaying exceptional competence and professionalism SSG Pardon-Varde was influential during all phases of planning and preparation. Not to mention that most ropes are forced to take the role based on rank and/or needs of the flight. While performing as a range safety on Range 47A, SPC Watson's diligence ensured safety standards were met while his attention to detail enabled Soldiers and Coaches precise and timely maneuvers during Weapons Qualifications. His operational knowledge of the M978A4 Fuel Truck greatly aided in requisitioning and dispensing of over 7,000 gallons of F24 fuel to the DTAC vehicles and generators. His exceptional knowledge and expertise allowed his section to complete 27 recovery missions safely and without incident during training events prior to the deployment. During his time with the section, he trained and certified 10 Soldiers and four NCO's in welding and recovery techniques that included multiple variants of the MRAP prior to the units deployment to Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF). In the absence of an NCO, SPC Beaver performed flawlessly outside his MOS (25N) working in the Battery orderly room supporting approximately 190 Soldiers. (a) What is the implied value of the constant k k k in the Taguchi quadratic loss function? In addition to conducting several hands-on blocks of instruction, SGT Gonzalez discussed important topics such as proper award routing and regulation and policy updates. SPC Floyd and his team was recognized by the 501st Signal Battalion Commander and First Sergeant for efficiency in communication operations. Specialist Cartwright conducted inspections of all combat life saver bags and individual first aid kits for service and accountability that were utilized at each guard and search location. SPC Doe ensured that his assigned equipment was properly accounted for and maintained to 10/20 standard. Not only did SPC Walton do this to the best of his ability but he became the best fuel manager we've ever had. Both seniors and subordinates sought him out for his unfailing mentorship. SPC XXXX combined with the rest of the G6, diligently conducted many different I.T. SPC Watson's adaptability and willingness to execute any duty as needed was crucial in supporting all Range Operations. Course Outcome . In this he not only demonstrated a personal dedication to his duties but also brought great credit to his company and battalion as well. SGT Doe's experience as a diesel mechanic enabled 1st squad to lead the way in several maintenance upgrades to the fleet including generator upgrades, trailer suspension rebuilds, and searchlights for the vehicles. His professional knowledge in the wide and local area network fields as the ADP Security Specialist in NETOPS supporting 3 JNNs and 9 CPNs on the Regiments network resulted in minimal outages. His assurance to the mission set the perfect model for fellow Soldiers to emulate. SSG Snuffy has unparalleled interpersonal tact that allowed him to penetrate a hard to reach school and achieve results. HIS ARRANGEMENT WAS PERFORMED AT ALL EXTENDED-COMBAT TRAINING CONCERTS, AND CONTINUES TO BE POPULAR WITH AUDIENCES. As a member of the USAREUR Protective Services Division's Guard Force, SGT SoSo provided constant physical security and force protection to the USAREUR Headquarters building and Commanding General's personal residence. The DHG. His untiring efforts and can-do attitude testify to his achievements and accolades as an outstanding Soldier of the U.S. Army. He resolved over 500 personnel discrepancies ranging from complex pay and entitlement issues, to multifaceted Soldier's personnel actions. SSG Doe was key in supervising, planning and executing the installation, operation and maintenance of Signal support systems and network integration for the BN. SGT Redic demonstrated excellent military knowledge and bearing well beyond that of her peers by competing and winning the NCO of the Month Board for the Brigade Troops Battalion, 4th Sustainment Brigade on 2 September 2010. SPC Artz was the winner of the May Soldier of the Month Board for the 1-63rd Armor Regiment while deployed to Operation New Dawn. While operating over 800 miles from the nearest support facility, Sgt Deez's duties included NCO in charge of camp over watch positions, entry control points, random antiterrorism vehicle patrols, Airfield Security Operations, and as a quick reaction response force team leader. SPC Nil's leadership qualities strengthened the fire direction control section and allowed the battery to remain flexible during times of minimal manning. SPC Berdan continuously took initiative to ensure his gun and radios were fully mission capable with little to no guidance. SPC excelled in teaching and leading his peers while assisting in the execution of 10 drivers training classes with a completion rate of 100% and over 250 soldiers being trained. SGT XXXXXX provided needed intelligence to his squad to ensure they were abreast of the new TTP's while on combat patrols. To contribute examples, please enter them below and click Submit. His constant critques and comments are always intelligent and help the squad better itself and be ready for an ever changing tactical situation. THIS SUCCESS CAUSED HIM TO BE CHOSEN AS 312TH ARMY BAND NCO OF THE YEAR. produced the Distinguished Honor Graduate for the last 10 cycles Soldier is always mission ready, thinking outside of the box. SPC Greene's loyalty to military Soldiers who never had a chance to return home and the friends and families of those who have served and continue to serve showed greatly through the Camp Buehring 5k Memorial Day candle light dedication. His unwavering skill significantly contributed to the success of his unit's mission. There are two broad categories of medals: those awarded for (1) meritorious service (honorable service over a long period of time) and (2) achievement (a single significant act such as a difficult deployment, rescuing people, or completing a self-help project). SPC Doe embodied professionalism, flexibility, and commitment to mission accomplishment by accumulating 3,740 accident and incident free miles. Thanks! His exceptional ability to flawlessly complete over 200 Military Police Reports and coordinate over 4,320 patrol elements across a 40 square mile area of operation, ensured the safety of 32,000 Soldiers, Airmen, Marines,Foreign military personnel, DOD civilians, and Family members. attended many DTA opportunities in Fort Wainright and Fort Greely, illustrated and put in place a task force southeast decon plan during deployment. There are two broad categories of medals: those awarded for (1) meritorious service (honorable service over a long period of time) and (2) achievement (a single significant act such as a difficult deployment, rescuing people, or completing a self-help project). The Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal ( NAM ), is the United States Navy and U.S. Marine Corps ' version of the Achievement Medal. SGT Smith assumed responsibilities of Operations Officer as well as NCOIC separately during the period of 1 month. The successful deployment of Microsoft Teams served as a great advantage for the unit and its mission during the turbulent times of being impacted by COVID-19. ACHIEVEMENT #3SSG ___ has distinguished himself by unwavering support of the Noncommissioned Officer Academy through tireless efforts in the area of Supervision, Discipline, Commitment to Excellence and support of the 25th ID and USARHA W. SSG _____ has flawlessly served as a member of the Land Navigation, and Graduation Committees for WLC. CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- It is quite an accomplishment to graduate from any military training program, but earning the Distinguished Graduate Award is an achievement that only 10 percent of airmen attain.Newly promoted Staff Sgt. Sgt Deez exceptional leadership was vital to the success of J Company's force protection mission in support of Operation Freedom Sentinel. He directly managed 156 modular buildings, maintaining accountability of over 6,000 civilian contractors and coalition forces. SSG Knucklehead, epitomizes the NCO Corps, he is a true role model for his Soldiers as well as his peers. SPC Rodriguez' leadership and "Take Charge" attitude inspired her team to rise above themselves and accomplish all missions though they had limited staff. Due to his diligence, there have been no fire safety hazards on the Primary Care Clinic. SFC Landeros served as the acting TMR OIC five times and served as the Acting Distribution Section NCOIC three times during the deployment while also serving as the TMR Section NCOIC. During his tenure here at 192nd Infantry Brigade, SSG Quiroga distinguished himself by performing his duties as the BDE S-3 Training Resource NCO, AMMO, Land, Range and Transportation Management NCO. His swift familiarization with both garrison and combat operations has made him an invaluable asset and outstanding Soldier. Concurrent with OIF planning, CPT Doe supported a key NATO Exercise by developing the threat database, Intelligence Estimate, Order of Battle, and the Intel Annex for command and staff participation. Ms Chatmon served as SEDD's Team Budget Lead for less than two months before year end close out, and went beyond the call of duty by staying late and coming in on the weekends to ensure the job got done. . Shannon Gates, far left, Company A, 106th Brigade Support Battalion . SPC Henderson tracked required training and was the Combined Federal Campaign manager for RHC-P Headquarters staff. His actions and support contributed to raising over $7,400.25 for the Transportation Battalion to use for organizational and morale building events. Award Bullets by Type (COA, AAM, ARCOM, MSM) - The Soldier's Spot CGSC Graduation Awards - Command General Staff College Foundation The training teams' expertise and performance were lauded by virtually all that were exposed to it, including numerous flag officers. His dedication to excellence also enabled HHBN to support the 9th Air Support Operations Squadron's (9ASOS) 61 pacer items while conducting several simultaneous missions supporting NTC rotations. By doing this Spc Doe had inspired the command of the 69th signal battalion to contact the 2-28 Cco command and announce their appreciation for the classes that were given while also awarding a coin where Spc Doe had given to the company demonstrating his own appreciation for the chances he recieves to adhere to his duties. American Council on Education/College Credit Currently, the American Council on Education (ACE) recommends that graduates of the previous version of . Throughout his tenure he has held several positions of great responsibility. SPC Premium devoted countless hours to developing, instructing and assisting in the instruction of numerous imagery analysis-related courses that have been presented to analysts in all branches of our military. ( Do Not create a new record if there is an existing update for the same decoration with the same device. SPC Blank served as the Fire Marshal on the Primary Care Clinic from Jan 2010 to present. SPC Hend was among the few in the Cold Steel Company that was allotted to work with a seven hundred million dollar piece of equipment. He has done a phenomenal job while assigned to the unit, training Soldiers, NCO's, coordinating and executing plans. SGT Hardin is quick to assist when needed, shares his experience and is always ready to learn and take on further responsibility. He was responsible for the installation and maintenance of all tactical communication assets as well as drawing, maintaining accountability, and the destruction of all COMSEC material within the battalion. As a fire direction specialist, he assisted in establishing the operations center as well as maintaining unit statuses throughout each competition. Award Bullets by Type (COA, AAM, ARCOM, MSM) 0. As the Task Force high time pilot his vast experience, maturity, and proficiency were vital to not only the success of Bravo Company, but across the entire Task Force (Name). His knowledge of routes and vehicle capabilities allowed the AMC to focus on the mission. SGT Waters developed and published the Standard Operating Procedures for the company as it grew into a reception element for Wounded Warriors. SGT sonso conducted over 200 technical inspections and unscheduled maintenance on an entire fleet of engineer equipment. This dedication and motivation not only has been noticed but was also used a a shining example for others within the platoon. Not only did SFC Thompson do this to the best of his ability but he became one of the best Ops NCOs we've ever had. As a result, the detachment safely hauled over 12,837 tons of equipment while participating in 160 Deliberate Combat Logistical Patrols and 440 base support missions driving more than 102,000 incident free miles during OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM 08-10. His broad knowledge and technical skill was demonstrated as he spent countless hours during the fielding and installation of over 185 FBCB2 JCR systems valuing at over $2.9 million. Specialist Pooh Bear effectively navigated the tight, hostile roads of Afghanistan during mission support of LOGPAC movements to and from FOB Shank. SGT Santos was in charge of the movement of five PLSs and Trailers and the transportation of all equipment in support of the 68th CSSB. During this time he successfully rebalanced resources to continue the daily missions of intelligence analysis and the Commander's Black Book production despite extensive force protection requirements. Under his guidance and attention to detail the company played an instrumental role in successfully supporting the 55th Civil Support Team in achieving a 'GO' on its validating mission. This outstanding achievement demonstrates her initiative and dedication to the Task Force Maverick team. He expertly performed duties as a vehicle operator on the Husky GPR, and Dismount. Staff Sergeant Jose Acevedorosario has gone above and beyond the call of duty. His technical prowess was critical to his team achieving a setup time of 23 minutes surpassing the Brigade standard of 90 minutes during crew drill certification. Her guidance and attention to detail contributed greatly to the overall success of each mission that followed and fostered an environment of mission and equipment readiness. His knowledge of the AFATDS and maintenance operations in conjunction with his natural leadership abilities garnered the respect of his peers. PFC Doe served as a medium wheeled vehicle operator displaying phenomenal devotion to mission accomplishment in support of OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM. SPC Jeffery Rue continuously took initiative to ensure the M915A3 he was assigned to were fully mission capable with little to no guidance. SGT SoSo displayed tremendous devotion to Soldiers by volunteering countless hours on his personal time and applying his vast knowledge in weapons and physical training. Only add a subsequent number to the existing update) In the "Decoration" section input the code for the decoration . SGT SoSo's dedication to duty, motivation, and military bearing earned him the reputation as one of the most dependable Team Leaders in the 529th Military Police Company "Honor Guard." For meritorious achievement as Honor Graduate of the US Army Pathfinder course Class 13-001. This resulted in a 32-vehicle convoy safely returning to Bragram Airfield. SPC XXXXXX was selected to serve as the enlisted aide to the Command Sergeant Major of Regional Health Command-Pacific. Graduation Honors and What They Mean | GraduationSource SPC DOE was a critical member of bravo 10 fire direction control section during battery and battalion competitions. [deleted] 4 yr. ago SPC Thomas worked side by side with the civilian digital engineers and understood many of the complicated problems associated with server configurations and Joint Network Node integration. SGT Leslie distinguished himself as a Field Crew Chief during the CAAF mission. SPC Jon gave a class to a thirty man Platoon. Matthew C. Culver, A Battery, 2nd Battalion, 12th Field Artillery. His selfless service, innovation and commitment to mission success has greatly aided the XXXX G6 to remain organized and be more effective and efficient in completing its tasks. SPC GRAHAM'S SELFLESS DEVOTION TO DUTY ENHANCED OPERATIONAL SUPPORT AND ENSURED MISSION ACCOMPLISHMENT. While attached to 1/11 ACR, S-3 Section, as a member of the Tactical Operations Center (TOC), SPC XXXX conducted jobs such as an Radio Telephone Operator and JCR operator. XXX Doe was selected above his peers for the coveted Distinguished Military Graduate Award; placing him in the top 10% of all newly Commissioned Officers in the Nation for Fiscal Year 2016. His attention to detail ensured all personnel in the company were trained and ready. As an AMC, he supervised the upload of Class I-IX cargo and pre-combat inspections of mission personal and equipment. PFC Doe displayed commitment to mission accomplishment and dedication to selfless service, personally contributing to the successful completion of thirty DCLPs. - Distinguished Graduate (Top 10%) from NCO Academy; recognized for academic achievement (#1 of 76) - Graduated NCOA top 10% of class out of 120 students--garnered prestigious "Distinguished Graduate" award - Graduated Noncommissioned Officer Academy with a 90% average--learned valuable new leadership skills SGT Canman displayed excellent leadership skills and sound technical expertise while providing 100% reliable communications in support of the 89th Army Reserve Command at the 94-04 NTC rotation executing daily jumps covering a 14 day period. The reporting official will be responsible for the qualitative and quantitative assessment of students' abilities and the accuracy of the information in the . SPC WATSON'S INITIATIVE, HARD WORK, ETHIC, AND "CAN DO" ATTITUDE HAD A DIRECT IMPACT ON THE SUCCESS OF RANGE OPERATIONS. 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distinguished honor graduate award bullet

The AAM is awarded to any member of the Armed Forces who distinguished himself or herself by meritorious service or achievement of a lesser degree than required for award of the Army Commendation Medal. CPL Martin expertise was displayed while providing additional in-depth training to five of his peers. SPC Walker developed the training schedules. SPC Doe went above and beyond the call of duty by staying after duty hours to help with aircraft and hanger cleaning and set up for a Company Memorial Service. SPC Pooh Bear's attention to detail resulted in notification to the Convoy Commander of 3 separate incidents of suspicious activity outside of Kublai, Afghanistan. Awards and Decorations. His actions while executing duties of a higher level of responsibility resulted in the successful accomplishment of four re-supply missions. Being both dependable and athletic, SPC Merriweather frequently paced and avidly motivated fellow soldiers in all areas of the APFT. She attended college at University of Maryland and Central Texas College completing 42 college credits and maintaining a GPA of 3.0. Mission. SPC House, with his FLA crew, assisted Weed Army Community Hospital's Emergency Department during a real world MASCAL. SPC House's efforts led to the rapid transport, early treatment, and positive outcomes for all 10 patients. Honor Graduate and Commandant's List are always pluses to any career. While being assigned to the unit, SPC Kirton-Smith always displayed a high level of dedication and motivation. His contributed hours of guard duty on the Range 19 Gate provided the necessary support for vehicle entry and exit. The Distinguished Graduate Student Award represents one of Texas A&M's highest honors for outstanding achievements by graduate students in research or teaching. SGT DOE proficiently trained and led his team in over 50 combat patrols which resulted in the security and force protection of COS Kalsu. His skill, competence and leadership enhanced the preparation and overall accomplishment of Operation Task Force Harvest, resulting in over 2,000 pieces of equipment turned in without error. The Distinguished Graduate Award is the Senior Award that a graduate can receive. (U.S. Army National Guard photo by Spc. Distinguished Honor Graduate. SGT Lizyness was adament about motorcycle safety and took it upon himself to mentor younger motorcycle riders on the dangers of operating a motorcycle. His dedication to the task helped him proceed to the next Soldier of the Quarter for the 1-63rd Armor Regiment. Write an Army Achievement Medal - ArmyWriter.com . ECE Program Awards. SPC DOE was a senior specialist in the fire direction section. The Honor Graduate is the student with the second highest OML point total in the class. SPC Rue during Annual Training and the DRX continuously volunteered to work above and beyond his peers during his down time to ensure the 1086th vehicles were fully mission capable. He helped the Brigade staff to focus, plan and prepare for onward movement into Iraq. She/He also developed a long term English Instruction Program incorporating multiple Army (or joint forces) elements, which proved to be invaluable in supporting the SFABs training mission as indicated by SFAB Leadership. The vocal leader of his crew, SPC Doe work ethnic coupled with his acute attention to detail allowed his crew to effectively utilize all communication platforms to higher and lower echelons. SPC Alvarado's outstanding dedication to duty and focus towards mission accomplishment was instrumental in the units success during Operation Enduring Freedom 2012-2013. SGT Alvarez distinguished himself by exceptional meritorious service, demonstrating to all that he is a professional Soldier, dedicated to excellence in his field of expertise. Set up the following units for success. In the absence of a non-commissioned officer, he was called upon to lead the section in both maintenance and training exercises. His efforts contributed greatly to the overall morale and welfare of the Soldiers and Civilians serving on Camp Buehring. The award recognizes scholarship and leadership, pays homage to one of America's most honored soldiers and serves as a lasting incentive to officers attending the college. (A) The design specification on the resistance for an electronic component is 0.50 0.02 0.50 \pm 0.02 0.50 0.02 ohm. Contact editor@armywriter.com Disclaimer, Army Achievement Medal for Meritorious Service (PCS Award), Army Commendation Medal for Meritorious Service (PCS Award). SPC Doe's dedication to duty and knowledge from a previous deployment enabled him to assist the soldiers within the maintenance platoon to prepare for the deployment in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom 10-11 and Operation New Dawn. (b) If the output of the process that sets the resistance is centered on 0.50 . Distinguished Graduate Award | US Air Force Academy AOG & Foundation She was responsible for the food safety, security, and quality assurance programs in support of -- DFACs, -- AAFES facilities, and -- MWR facilities totaling ---- facility inspections. PFC Love assisted in over 15 tower maintenance details, ensuring that the $1.5 million system was fully operational. resulted in two Distinguished Honor Graduates; five commandant's list, and two leadership awards . SPC Doe continuously worked during his personal time to ensure the Brigade flowed smoothly through the Reception, Staging, Onward Movement and Integration of over 3,600 Soldiers while in Kuwait in preparing for combat operations in support of OIF 06-08. Displaying exceptional competence and professionalism SSG Pardon-Varde was influential during all phases of planning and preparation. Not to mention that most ropes are forced to take the role based on rank and/or needs of the flight. While performing as a range safety on Range 47A, SPC Watson's diligence ensured safety standards were met while his attention to detail enabled Soldiers and Coaches precise and timely maneuvers during Weapons Qualifications. His operational knowledge of the M978A4 Fuel Truck greatly aided in requisitioning and dispensing of over 7,000 gallons of F24 fuel to the DTAC vehicles and generators. His exceptional knowledge and expertise allowed his section to complete 27 recovery missions safely and without incident during training events prior to the deployment. During his time with the section, he trained and certified 10 Soldiers and four NCO's in welding and recovery techniques that included multiple variants of the MRAP prior to the units deployment to Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF). In the absence of an NCO, SPC Beaver performed flawlessly outside his MOS (25N) working in the Battery orderly room supporting approximately 190 Soldiers. (a) What is the implied value of the constant k k k in the Taguchi quadratic loss function? In addition to conducting several hands-on blocks of instruction, SGT Gonzalez discussed important topics such as proper award routing and regulation and policy updates. SPC Floyd and his team was recognized by the 501st Signal Battalion Commander and First Sergeant for efficiency in communication operations. Specialist Cartwright conducted inspections of all combat life saver bags and individual first aid kits for service and accountability that were utilized at each guard and search location. SPC Doe ensured that his assigned equipment was properly accounted for and maintained to 10/20 standard. Not only did SPC Walton do this to the best of his ability but he became the best fuel manager we've ever had. Both seniors and subordinates sought him out for his unfailing mentorship. SPC XXXX combined with the rest of the G6, diligently conducted many different I.T. SPC Watson's adaptability and willingness to execute any duty as needed was crucial in supporting all Range Operations. Course Outcome . In this he not only demonstrated a personal dedication to his duties but also brought great credit to his company and battalion as well. SGT Doe's experience as a diesel mechanic enabled 1st squad to lead the way in several maintenance upgrades to the fleet including generator upgrades, trailer suspension rebuilds, and searchlights for the vehicles. His professional knowledge in the wide and local area network fields as the ADP Security Specialist in NETOPS supporting 3 JNNs and 9 CPNs on the Regiments network resulted in minimal outages. His assurance to the mission set the perfect model for fellow Soldiers to emulate. SSG Snuffy has unparalleled interpersonal tact that allowed him to penetrate a hard to reach school and achieve results. HIS ARRANGEMENT WAS PERFORMED AT ALL EXTENDED-COMBAT TRAINING CONCERTS, AND CONTINUES TO BE POPULAR WITH AUDIENCES. As a member of the USAREUR Protective Services Division's Guard Force, SGT SoSo provided constant physical security and force protection to the USAREUR Headquarters building and Commanding General's personal residence. The DHG. His untiring efforts and can-do attitude testify to his achievements and accolades as an outstanding Soldier of the U.S. Army. He resolved over 500 personnel discrepancies ranging from complex pay and entitlement issues, to multifaceted Soldier's personnel actions. SSG Doe was key in supervising, planning and executing the installation, operation and maintenance of Signal support systems and network integration for the BN. SGT Redic demonstrated excellent military knowledge and bearing well beyond that of her peers by competing and winning the NCO of the Month Board for the Brigade Troops Battalion, 4th Sustainment Brigade on 2 September 2010. SPC Artz was the winner of the May Soldier of the Month Board for the 1-63rd Armor Regiment while deployed to Operation New Dawn. While operating over 800 miles from the nearest support facility, Sgt Deez's duties included NCO in charge of camp over watch positions, entry control points, random antiterrorism vehicle patrols, Airfield Security Operations, and as a quick reaction response force team leader. SPC Nil's leadership qualities strengthened the fire direction control section and allowed the battery to remain flexible during times of minimal manning. SPC Berdan continuously took initiative to ensure his gun and radios were fully mission capable with little to no guidance. SPC excelled in teaching and leading his peers while assisting in the execution of 10 drivers training classes with a completion rate of 100% and over 250 soldiers being trained. SGT XXXXXX provided needed intelligence to his squad to ensure they were abreast of the new TTP's while on combat patrols. To contribute examples, please enter them below and click Submit. His constant critques and comments are always intelligent and help the squad better itself and be ready for an ever changing tactical situation. THIS SUCCESS CAUSED HIM TO BE CHOSEN AS 312TH ARMY BAND NCO OF THE YEAR. produced the Distinguished Honor Graduate for the last 10 cycles Soldier is always mission ready, thinking outside of the box. SPC Greene's loyalty to military Soldiers who never had a chance to return home and the friends and families of those who have served and continue to serve showed greatly through the Camp Buehring 5k Memorial Day candle light dedication. His unwavering skill significantly contributed to the success of his unit's mission. There are two broad categories of medals: those awarded for (1) meritorious service (honorable service over a long period of time) and (2) achievement (a single significant act such as a difficult deployment, rescuing people, or completing a self-help project). SPC Doe embodied professionalism, flexibility, and commitment to mission accomplishment by accumulating 3,740 accident and incident free miles. Thanks! His exceptional ability to flawlessly complete over 200 Military Police Reports and coordinate over 4,320 patrol elements across a 40 square mile area of operation, ensured the safety of 32,000 Soldiers, Airmen, Marines,Foreign military personnel, DOD civilians, and Family members. attended many DTA opportunities in Fort Wainright and Fort Greely, illustrated and put in place a task force southeast decon plan during deployment. There are two broad categories of medals: those awarded for (1) meritorious service (honorable service over a long period of time) and (2) achievement (a single significant act such as a difficult deployment, rescuing people, or completing a self-help project). The Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal ( NAM ), is the United States Navy and U.S. Marine Corps ' version of the Achievement Medal. SGT Smith assumed responsibilities of Operations Officer as well as NCOIC separately during the period of 1 month. The successful deployment of Microsoft Teams served as a great advantage for the unit and its mission during the turbulent times of being impacted by COVID-19. ACHIEVEMENT #3SSG ___ has distinguished himself by unwavering support of the Noncommissioned Officer Academy through tireless efforts in the area of Supervision, Discipline, Commitment to Excellence and support of the 25th ID and USARHA W. SSG _____ has flawlessly served as a member of the Land Navigation, and Graduation Committees for WLC. CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- It is quite an accomplishment to graduate from any military training program, but earning the Distinguished Graduate Award is an achievement that only 10 percent of airmen attain.Newly promoted Staff Sgt. Sgt Deez exceptional leadership was vital to the success of J Company's force protection mission in support of Operation Freedom Sentinel. He directly managed 156 modular buildings, maintaining accountability of over 6,000 civilian contractors and coalition forces. SSG Knucklehead, epitomizes the NCO Corps, he is a true role model for his Soldiers as well as his peers. SPC Rodriguez' leadership and "Take Charge" attitude inspired her team to rise above themselves and accomplish all missions though they had limited staff. Due to his diligence, there have been no fire safety hazards on the Primary Care Clinic. SFC Landeros served as the acting TMR OIC five times and served as the Acting Distribution Section NCOIC three times during the deployment while also serving as the TMR Section NCOIC. During his tenure here at 192nd Infantry Brigade, SSG Quiroga distinguished himself by performing his duties as the BDE S-3 Training Resource NCO, AMMO, Land, Range and Transportation Management NCO. His swift familiarization with both garrison and combat operations has made him an invaluable asset and outstanding Soldier. Concurrent with OIF planning, CPT Doe supported a key NATO Exercise by developing the threat database, Intelligence Estimate, Order of Battle, and the Intel Annex for command and staff participation. Ms Chatmon served as SEDD's Team Budget Lead for less than two months before year end close out, and went beyond the call of duty by staying late and coming in on the weekends to ensure the job got done. . Shannon Gates, far left, Company A, 106th Brigade Support Battalion . SPC Henderson tracked required training and was the Combined Federal Campaign manager for RHC-P Headquarters staff. His actions and support contributed to raising over $7,400.25 for the Transportation Battalion to use for organizational and morale building events. Award Bullets by Type (COA, AAM, ARCOM, MSM) - The Soldier's Spot CGSC Graduation Awards - Command General Staff College Foundation The training teams' expertise and performance were lauded by virtually all that were exposed to it, including numerous flag officers. His dedication to excellence also enabled HHBN to support the 9th Air Support Operations Squadron's (9ASOS) 61 pacer items while conducting several simultaneous missions supporting NTC rotations. By doing this Spc Doe had inspired the command of the 69th signal battalion to contact the 2-28 Cco command and announce their appreciation for the classes that were given while also awarding a coin where Spc Doe had given to the company demonstrating his own appreciation for the chances he recieves to adhere to his duties. American Council on Education/College Credit Currently, the American Council on Education (ACE) recommends that graduates of the previous version of . Throughout his tenure he has held several positions of great responsibility. SPC Premium devoted countless hours to developing, instructing and assisting in the instruction of numerous imagery analysis-related courses that have been presented to analysts in all branches of our military. ( Do Not create a new record if there is an existing update for the same decoration with the same device. SPC Blank served as the Fire Marshal on the Primary Care Clinic from Jan 2010 to present. SPC Hend was among the few in the Cold Steel Company that was allotted to work with a seven hundred million dollar piece of equipment. He has done a phenomenal job while assigned to the unit, training Soldiers, NCO's, coordinating and executing plans. SGT Hardin is quick to assist when needed, shares his experience and is always ready to learn and take on further responsibility. He was responsible for the installation and maintenance of all tactical communication assets as well as drawing, maintaining accountability, and the destruction of all COMSEC material within the battalion. As a fire direction specialist, he assisted in establishing the operations center as well as maintaining unit statuses throughout each competition. Award Bullets by Type (COA, AAM, ARCOM, MSM) 0. As the Task Force high time pilot his vast experience, maturity, and proficiency were vital to not only the success of Bravo Company, but across the entire Task Force (Name). His knowledge of routes and vehicle capabilities allowed the AMC to focus on the mission. SGT Waters developed and published the Standard Operating Procedures for the company as it grew into a reception element for Wounded Warriors. SGT sonso conducted over 200 technical inspections and unscheduled maintenance on an entire fleet of engineer equipment. This dedication and motivation not only has been noticed but was also used a a shining example for others within the platoon. Not only did SFC Thompson do this to the best of his ability but he became one of the best Ops NCOs we've ever had. As a result, the detachment safely hauled over 12,837 tons of equipment while participating in 160 Deliberate Combat Logistical Patrols and 440 base support missions driving more than 102,000 incident free miles during OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM 08-10. His broad knowledge and technical skill was demonstrated as he spent countless hours during the fielding and installation of over 185 FBCB2 JCR systems valuing at over $2.9 million. Specialist Pooh Bear effectively navigated the tight, hostile roads of Afghanistan during mission support of LOGPAC movements to and from FOB Shank. SGT Santos was in charge of the movement of five PLSs and Trailers and the transportation of all equipment in support of the 68th CSSB. During this time he successfully rebalanced resources to continue the daily missions of intelligence analysis and the Commander's Black Book production despite extensive force protection requirements. Under his guidance and attention to detail the company played an instrumental role in successfully supporting the 55th Civil Support Team in achieving a 'GO' on its validating mission. This outstanding achievement demonstrates her initiative and dedication to the Task Force Maverick team. He expertly performed duties as a vehicle operator on the Husky GPR, and Dismount. Staff Sergeant Jose Acevedorosario has gone above and beyond the call of duty. His technical prowess was critical to his team achieving a setup time of 23 minutes surpassing the Brigade standard of 90 minutes during crew drill certification. Her guidance and attention to detail contributed greatly to the overall success of each mission that followed and fostered an environment of mission and equipment readiness. His knowledge of the AFATDS and maintenance operations in conjunction with his natural leadership abilities garnered the respect of his peers. PFC Doe served as a medium wheeled vehicle operator displaying phenomenal devotion to mission accomplishment in support of OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM. SPC Jeffery Rue continuously took initiative to ensure the M915A3 he was assigned to were fully mission capable with little to no guidance. SGT SoSo displayed tremendous devotion to Soldiers by volunteering countless hours on his personal time and applying his vast knowledge in weapons and physical training. Only add a subsequent number to the existing update) In the "Decoration" section input the code for the decoration . SGT SoSo's dedication to duty, motivation, and military bearing earned him the reputation as one of the most dependable Team Leaders in the 529th Military Police Company "Honor Guard." For meritorious achievement as Honor Graduate of the US Army Pathfinder course Class 13-001. This resulted in a 32-vehicle convoy safely returning to Bragram Airfield. SPC XXXXXX was selected to serve as the enlisted aide to the Command Sergeant Major of Regional Health Command-Pacific. Graduation Honors and What They Mean | GraduationSource SPC DOE was a critical member of bravo 10 fire direction control section during battery and battalion competitions. [deleted] 4 yr. ago SPC Thomas worked side by side with the civilian digital engineers and understood many of the complicated problems associated with server configurations and Joint Network Node integration. SGT Leslie distinguished himself as a Field Crew Chief during the CAAF mission. SPC Jon gave a class to a thirty man Platoon. Matthew C. Culver, A Battery, 2nd Battalion, 12th Field Artillery. His selfless service, innovation and commitment to mission success has greatly aided the XXXX G6 to remain organized and be more effective and efficient in completing its tasks. SPC GRAHAM'S SELFLESS DEVOTION TO DUTY ENHANCED OPERATIONAL SUPPORT AND ENSURED MISSION ACCOMPLISHMENT. While attached to 1/11 ACR, S-3 Section, as a member of the Tactical Operations Center (TOC), SPC XXXX conducted jobs such as an Radio Telephone Operator and JCR operator. XXX Doe was selected above his peers for the coveted Distinguished Military Graduate Award; placing him in the top 10% of all newly Commissioned Officers in the Nation for Fiscal Year 2016. His attention to detail ensured all personnel in the company were trained and ready. As an AMC, he supervised the upload of Class I-IX cargo and pre-combat inspections of mission personal and equipment. PFC Doe displayed commitment to mission accomplishment and dedication to selfless service, personally contributing to the successful completion of thirty DCLPs. - Distinguished Graduate (Top 10%) from NCO Academy; recognized for academic achievement (#1 of 76) - Graduated NCOA top 10% of class out of 120 students--garnered prestigious "Distinguished Graduate" award - Graduated Noncommissioned Officer Academy with a 90% average--learned valuable new leadership skills SGT Canman displayed excellent leadership skills and sound technical expertise while providing 100% reliable communications in support of the 89th Army Reserve Command at the 94-04 NTC rotation executing daily jumps covering a 14 day period. The reporting official will be responsible for the qualitative and quantitative assessment of students' abilities and the accuracy of the information in the . SPC WATSON'S INITIATIVE, HARD WORK, ETHIC, AND "CAN DO" ATTITUDE HAD A DIRECT IMPACT ON THE SUCCESS OF RANGE OPERATIONS.

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