Ty Borden | Heartland Wiki | Fandom Amy tells him that she's heard nothing from him but Ashley has. Ty comes clean and tells him that he and Amy were just trying to get him out of the Loft and apologises. Kit arrives looking for Caleb and joins them help Spartan. Lou and Peter quickly rush home. Although, when he's there he see's a motorcycle, Ashley tells her it's his brother's bike and asks him to take her for a ride. After trying to get her to change her mind, he finally offers to go with her and they agree to leave at 9:30pm. Ty helps treat her wound and tries to convince her to tell Lisa that she can't work with her. Amy sorts out the schedules for Ty and Caleb to make sure all the work gets done when she goes back to school, she talks to him about it and he's annoyed that she's been talking to Caleb not him, admitting he was wrong the other night. (Gift Horse) Ty helps out on the cattle drive, taking the Dude Ranch horses for a test drive. They arrive back and Mallory runs and hugs him glad he's back while Amy doesn't have any words for him being gone for 4 months. He goes back to work at Heartland when Amy convinces him to come back. He tries to comfort her by telling her he'll help but that makes her admit that she's scared that he'll be leaving if he gets accepted to college. Ty checks Money's stats online and is surprised by what he finds. They have a fight and then anaccidenthappens. A hooded figure enters the Diner and they all watch in fear as Caleb removes his hood and tells them about the bad weather blowing in. She helps him and encourages him to do it properly not just throw it down. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Full Length:The Next Step - A year after Ty and Amy are married they face an unthinkable tragedy.One Day (unfinished)- (AU) After getting herself into a life-changing situation, Amy is sent to stay at Heartland, a horse ranch where convicted criminals work to rehabilitate and re-home abused horses and forced to find a new life for herself as well. She invites Ty over to hers later that night but he declines. The next morning, everyone gets busy disinfecting everything Daisy has touched. Him and Amy bond when she gives him one of Jack's hats for the cattle drive. Back at the plane, he tells Scott they're in the middle of nowhere while Scott tries to apologise for getting them in the position. Jack offers to throw Brad out if he wants, he declines stating it's something he needs to do. After Scott delivers Merlin he leaves them to try and bond, Kit worries that she won't accept him and he'll go hungry so Scott leaves bottles. Ty tells him that in future he come to Heartland to cool off but doesn't run away, he agrees. When Mallory starts to stick her nose in about his love life now he's split up with Kit, he deflects by telling her to focus on her own love life since Jake is coming by. Ty's out fishing with Jack, who's giving him pointers. Amy finds Ty with Pegasus, who's not in a good way. He overhears and takes her back to Briar Ridge. When he registered Scott's face he jumped to attention, knocking a few papers to the ground. Bob calls back Amy telling her Ty is too sick to come home and they will have to wait another day. He explains that she left Wade and has a new job but Amy feels it's too little too late. She admits that she was happy to bump into him since he didn't call her after the rodeo. She asked what she did to make him change his mind. Ty goes to the stall and Wes arrives and starts a fight, Amy arrives with the brand inspector having told him the situation. At the hanger, Jane shows Ty one of her paintings, in awe he asks how much it is but Scott tells him he could never afford one. When Jack invites Ty on the cattle drive, he tries hard to impress him. After his Dad disappears with Lou's money, he calls Kit to sit with when he's not sure how he feels about it. When Kit helps him sign up to an online High School, they spend a lot of time studying together. When they go out after lunch he ropes Mallory into helping him. He later finds her and tells her why he didn't. Amy stepped out of her truck into the brisk air and made her way to the trailer, slightly confused. They put it out but there's no sign of the kids until they steal his truck. They both decide to wait. Amy arrives and suggests putting the blanket on Merlin to transfer the scent of the dead foal so Daisy might pick it up. Ty and Amy are elated, until Jack tells them he's going too. As he tries to find the right words, Kit realises he's breaking up with her and guesses it's because of Amy. "Oh so you'll be working then?" (After the Storm), Ty goes to Briar Ridge to help Jack collect the net for the open house. Ty moving out proves to be a good thing for their relationship as they grow closer together. (Do or Die), Ty shows Amy the horse, Money, that Kit has given him to re-home for her. In the morning, Jack talks to him about it and Ty finally admits he's been having dreams. Ty takes her on a fancy dinner and loses the ring. Ty?" He tells her that he'll do the rest of the feeding, as he's already there, and will make sure the door's closed. Ty picks him up at brings him to Heartland, he causes concern when he starts to become confused and thinks Amy is his daughter Ruth. On his last day as Scott's assistant, they head out to B.C. He tells her they will still get married no matter what and her sight eventually returns. The next morning, Ty talks to Badger by the lake and asks what happened. Luckily today they had the day off, and they were finally going to get some quality time together or so she thought. Amy gave Ty a small smile trying to get over his disappoint that the evening did go as planned. She, Ty and Mark go to the river but Mark becomes furious and leaves. Ty and Amy bring the wild horses back to Heartland to check out. Ty tells her what happened with his dad and that he wanted to call but only had one thing he wanted to say, they kiss. The next day Ty and Jack work on his bike when Amy arrives, she and ty start to talk when Kit arrives to pick up Daisy. Back in the loft, Ty's pleased to find that Lily did have a baby picture of him. Ty see's his sponsorship papers and starts to apologize to Jack about everything, he reassures him that he already signed them. Brad tells Ty that he doesn't want forgiveness but just wants to be a part of his life. They stumble upon Amy and Ashley's crash and he and Kit help them out. Scott and Ty go back to check on Daisy, they tell her that the foal's in a bad position but Ty reassures her. At Caleb's wedding, just as the limo Amy and Ty are pulling up in (which Caleb let them ride in), Amy's water breaks and she goes into labor. Ty and Amy finally take possession of a place to call home and make additional plans for their future. When they arrive at the marker they lose communication via the radios and Ty teases Lou about being the most competitive, Amy says she's more competitive so they put it to the test with a play fight. He then goads him telling Ty he's going to go and see Amy, leading to another fight between the pair accidentally letting the cows out. When Ty's asleep in the loft, he wakes to the sound of a truck starting and driving away. The following morning, Mallory tells Amy and Ty she'll watch Merlin so they can have some time away, Amy goes to tack up Spartan but Ty refuses to leave him. Amy tries to talk to him about his dad leaving but he refuses. "Thanks, Amy. Luckily Scott interrupted him. After Mr. Mallen shows up Ty helps support Amy and gives her tips to make a tough jump and Amy wins. "Hey listen" Ty hesitated, "Do you think you could come pick me up? He introduces himself to her and she sits with them to have some ice cream. (Ghost Horse) Ty wakes in the Loft hearing a commotion outside with Amy and Caleb trying to wrangle Ghost. He also comes into his own as he steps up to play a pivotal role in helping Jack deal with a tragedy. Amy apologizes to Ty and he admits that he would do it again and he'd do anything for her. Both having different partners, they remain friends but still have a connection that is unspoken but clear to see. Things are a bit awkward at first but Kit soon gets telling Ty about Daisy and how she hasn't been the same since she lost her foal. Even sleep was beginning to become rather elusive, mostly due to her inability to calm down enough for it. They're both happy to have some time together and soon hear a noise in the barn, they go to check it out and Caleb jumps out with an axe. Amy finds him at the party and asks why he left Heartland, he tells her it was because she told him to leave. She tells him that she spoke to Amy who said there was nothing happening between her and Ty, and they kiss. The truck rumbled to a halt once more, and Amy shifted it into park. When Jack hears Ty fire up the truck he rushes out and says he'll take it for a spin to help the battery, Ty tells him the battery's fine it's everything else under the hood. Jack announces that he spoke to Rodriguez and after 2 months of community service Ty's file will "disappear". Jack's old truck rumbled to a halt beside Ty's trailer, crunching the cold gravel under its tires. While Mallory gives Badger a riding lesson, Tara talks to Ty and Amy she tells them that she doesn't want to ride and isn't a fan of Mallory's. Ty has an opportunity to travel to Mongolia with Bob to help save the endangered Gobi bears. Amy fell asleep for a bit in the truck. Mallory tells Lou that they both need sorting out as they're being too stubborn. As she notices his new found knowledge he tells her he's been accepted to two colleges and she's happy for him. Val calls Ty about the job, the next day he goes to Briar Ridge and Ashley shows him around. Grandpa walks into the room. He drives Amy to Ryan's house, for her to try to get through to him again. Ty sets off the flare and are both left devastated when it passes them by without spotting them. Ty's eyes fluttered open blearily. Ty punctures his tires to stop him from leaving, Wes becomes angry and says he'll pick up Spartan later. Caleb and Ty watch Amy with Diva, Caleb suggests turning her out so she can enjoy being a horse. The pair don't spend much time together but when Pegasus gets sick Tim blames Ty for making the decision he did. Scott tries to put him at ease with the idea of frosh, but reminds him he'll also need a clear head for his first sheep brain dissection. He is forced to reconsider his future when faced with an offer that is difficult to refuse, but may jeopardize his work with Amy. As he walks out of the door of his house in his dream, he wakes up from his cardiac arrest. When Clint has an allergic reaction to nuts, he tells Ty to help with the kids as he's his poster boy for success. He was arrested and sent to juvenile detention after attacking Wade when he was assaulting his mother, Lily Borden. After Mark leaves Amy thanks Ty for his help and he suggests celebrating with a movie but is disappointed when she declines. She tells him that she knows that it's not about her getting to know Trooper but him getting used to her. He tries to cheer up Amy and tells her not to listen to Ashley. Ty shows Jack the letter from his dad and explains he's thinking about going to see him. On the Cattle drive, they finally have a chance to sit and talk about everything. The Prince returns and declares his love for Amy, shaking up Amy and Ty's relationship. Wade breaks the lock and gets into Heartland, he approaches Ty with a tire iron goading him into fighting him. He asks her what happened and she confesses she lost him on the road by Big River. Amy later asks him why he went for a motorcycle ride with Ashley if he doesn't like her, she tells him that it was his favorite bike so of course he went. The next day, Ty goes to see Lily at the cabin and finds her packing in a hurry, he gets upset that she was going to leave early and not tell him claiming she hasn't changed. He guesses it's Wade and tells her she can go and be with him if she wants but she tells him she's choosing Ty. Amy checks that Ty wasn't delirious when he said he loves her and they both confirm their love for each other and kiss. He and Jack rush off to make sure Amy's alright. When Ashley arrives, she invites them both to an after party at hers after the school formal. When it was owned before Hanley's father bought he farm, the farmer's daughter was dating the stable hand and didn't approve, he burned down the barn and all the horses and the stable hand died. When Ty starts to get acceptance letters for college, the pair become nervous about the prospect of a long distance relationship but agree to make it work no matter what. When Carl proposes to Lou and finds the ring gone he starts checking the loft. After, Amy and Ty make up after their disagreements on Kit and kiss. In the end, as Amy and Ty are shown watching from the window, Ghost returns to check on them. Amy tells him that they also need boundaries, her Mother loved her but would tell her off when she needed it. Amy's happy for him and admits that she'd getting nervous about the pressure of winning the Fall Finale. Confused, Amy asks what's going on and he explains Scott told him to make an offering to the wolf. Ty goes to Victor's and picks up Amy. As Ty's about to leave, Lily stops him and asks if he's embarrassed of her, he claims not to be. He later takes over his sponsorship and allows him to continue working at Heartland. Amy and Ty are in the barn celebrating when he tries to talk to her about his dad but can't find the words. In the morning, he tells Amy that he has a call with his student advisor as he's missed some classes and ensures his plans to go haven't changed. He asks if she used the heater last night, she's adamant she didn't and gets upset and runs off. Ty and Amy are together in the first episode. Ty approaches him and Amy's able to get close. Mallory asks for help setting up the ground poles, he reminds her that Amy has taken Copper for the trail ride so suggests she help him in town. Amy arrives putting Spartan in the barn, he asks if she wants him to turn him out but she's determined to keep him in the barn. (One Trick Pony), Ty is, reluctantly, helping put together Ben's new jumping course. He again tries to shrug it off and play it down but Amy's worried about him and knows he hasn't been sleeping. Caleb dismissed them and Ty starts to get frustrated at him underestimating her. Heartland is a Canadian family drama television series that first aired in 2007. He picks up and delivers the news that Jack's awake and he's going to be OK. Once the barn is re-built he and Amy are putting the horses back in she agrees to let him be her coach. He also reaches a personal milestone and launches his professional career in earnest. He immediately starts mixing charcoal and water. Amy tells him that they could be friends but she wants more than that since she's in love with him, he also declares his love and they share a kiss. Brad tries to convince Ty he's changed by bringing the horses here but Ty's still not sure. During a fishing trip to help out an old friend, Ty and Amy help a foal. She said, closing the trailer door behind her, keeping the cold air out. "Ty, are you in there?". She shook her head, smiling. Amy sees Ty feeding Money "the good stuff" and they both tease each other about helping the competition and learn that they are both staying this weekend. Jack asks Ty to stay with some cows while he gets a straggler. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title, Due to the incredible support of the community, we've raised US$252,343.98 with an average donation of $32.14, and added 6450 new members this drive. They have dinner and celebrate Ty's diploma, but Ty hasn't eaten much. Jeremy also sneaks booze into Amy's drink at a party, trying to mess with her mind so she will sell him Phoenix.Ty gets fired from his job because Jeremy killed his own horse, and had it look like Ty did it. She tells him that approaching a branch to jump Spartan stopped causing her to go flying. When he gets back Amy finally talks to him and asks why he never called while he was away, he can't give a reason and she walks away. As they take Merlin into the barn, Scott tells Ty about a job opportunity at the racetrack as a part-time stable hand five times a week in the morning, he considers. He tries to help but Amy gives him the cold shoulder. "Yeah it was, but Cass asked me to cover for her and well" Ty trailed off. In the morning, Amy and Ty watch over Merlin as he gets used to other horses, Ty tells her that he's accepted the job at the racetrack so he has more money for school and gives them a bit of time apart, Amy's supportive but looks disappointed. After Ty realises he feels stronger for Amy than Kit he attempts to break up with her but she realises what he's doing and they break up leaving Kit angry and she storms out. They go outside and watch the horses, and see Ghost with his mare and foal. Ty helps Kit unload Daisy at Heartland when she starts asking questions about the plane crash. While Ty was away, he finds a vet program at the University of Calgary so he doesn't have to leave, making Amy really happy. To keep my fanfictions page less of a confusing clusterfuck cluttered heres a masterlist with links to them all in one nice post. Amy lets him go, willing to support him and be happy for him, but Tim and Jack are not as happy. All the ones with multiple parts are linked together, so there should be no lost chapters! As Tim gets Trooper out of the trailer he starts to charge at Taylor but Ty luckily manages to grab her out of the way just in time. He later talks to Amy about the formal and asks if she wants to go with him, she agrees. Oscar had no interest in going on trail rides especially those that had trees. Amy and Ty don't get off to the best of starts, she tells him off for driving to close to the horses. jack tells him that she'll be safer here and he's family so she's their responsibility too. Ty manages to mount Harley but then starts to buck and he's thrown, much to jack's amusement. In return, jack gives them the job of staying up all night to make sure the cows don't get out again. Ty later helps Amy work with Caesar, he tells her about a new equine water therapy place nearby and suggests that she start writing her own journals. Ty suggests that Amy call Caleb because he's acting weird and hasn't been at work. When Amy and Ty share the weekend together at the Fishing Cabin, they both finally declare their love for each other starting a relationship. Douglas Az Breaking News, Dylan Thomas Poems Explained, Articles H

heartland amy and ty sleep together fanfiction

He becomes concerned at the level of commitment and offers to help out with her chores but dismisses him insisting they managed for 4 months while he was gone. He tries to wake him shaking him and crying, not wanting to be left alone. The glow in her sister's eyes told her that she didn't do half bad getting ready for this 'date.' "I'll be right there, Lou." "You're beautiful, Amy. She decides to take the year off to figure out her next step. Ty Borden | Heartland Wiki | Fandom Amy tells him that she's heard nothing from him but Ashley has. Ty comes clean and tells him that he and Amy were just trying to get him out of the Loft and apologises. Kit arrives looking for Caleb and joins them help Spartan. Lou and Peter quickly rush home. Although, when he's there he see's a motorcycle, Ashley tells her it's his brother's bike and asks him to take her for a ride. After trying to get her to change her mind, he finally offers to go with her and they agree to leave at 9:30pm. Ty helps treat her wound and tries to convince her to tell Lisa that she can't work with her. Amy sorts out the schedules for Ty and Caleb to make sure all the work gets done when she goes back to school, she talks to him about it and he's annoyed that she's been talking to Caleb not him, admitting he was wrong the other night. (Gift Horse) Ty helps out on the cattle drive, taking the Dude Ranch horses for a test drive. They arrive back and Mallory runs and hugs him glad he's back while Amy doesn't have any words for him being gone for 4 months. He goes back to work at Heartland when Amy convinces him to come back. He tries to comfort her by telling her he'll help but that makes her admit that she's scared that he'll be leaving if he gets accepted to college. Ty checks Money's stats online and is surprised by what he finds. They have a fight and then anaccidenthappens. A hooded figure enters the Diner and they all watch in fear as Caleb removes his hood and tells them about the bad weather blowing in. She helps him and encourages him to do it properly not just throw it down. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Full Length:The Next Step - A year after Ty and Amy are married they face an unthinkable tragedy.One Day (unfinished)- (AU) After getting herself into a life-changing situation, Amy is sent to stay at Heartland, a horse ranch where convicted criminals work to rehabilitate and re-home abused horses and forced to find a new life for herself as well. She invites Ty over to hers later that night but he declines. The next morning, everyone gets busy disinfecting everything Daisy has touched. Him and Amy bond when she gives him one of Jack's hats for the cattle drive. Back at the plane, he tells Scott they're in the middle of nowhere while Scott tries to apologise for getting them in the position. Jack offers to throw Brad out if he wants, he declines stating it's something he needs to do. After Scott delivers Merlin he leaves them to try and bond, Kit worries that she won't accept him and he'll go hungry so Scott leaves bottles. Ty tells him that in future he come to Heartland to cool off but doesn't run away, he agrees. When Mallory starts to stick her nose in about his love life now he's split up with Kit, he deflects by telling her to focus on her own love life since Jake is coming by. Ty's out fishing with Jack, who's giving him pointers. Amy finds Ty with Pegasus, who's not in a good way. He overhears and takes her back to Briar Ridge. When he registered Scott's face he jumped to attention, knocking a few papers to the ground. Bob calls back Amy telling her Ty is too sick to come home and they will have to wait another day. He explains that she left Wade and has a new job but Amy feels it's too little too late. She admits that she was happy to bump into him since he didn't call her after the rodeo. She asked what she did to make him change his mind. Ty goes to the stall and Wes arrives and starts a fight, Amy arrives with the brand inspector having told him the situation. At the hanger, Jane shows Ty one of her paintings, in awe he asks how much it is but Scott tells him he could never afford one. When Jack invites Ty on the cattle drive, he tries hard to impress him. After his Dad disappears with Lou's money, he calls Kit to sit with when he's not sure how he feels about it. When Kit helps him sign up to an online High School, they spend a lot of time studying together. When they go out after lunch he ropes Mallory into helping him. He later finds her and tells her why he didn't. Amy stepped out of her truck into the brisk air and made her way to the trailer, slightly confused. They put it out but there's no sign of the kids until they steal his truck. They both decide to wait. Amy arrives and suggests putting the blanket on Merlin to transfer the scent of the dead foal so Daisy might pick it up. Ty and Amy are elated, until Jack tells them he's going too. As he tries to find the right words, Kit realises he's breaking up with her and guesses it's because of Amy. "Oh so you'll be working then?" (After the Storm), Ty goes to Briar Ridge to help Jack collect the net for the open house. Ty moving out proves to be a good thing for their relationship as they grow closer together. (Do or Die), Ty shows Amy the horse, Money, that Kit has given him to re-home for her. In the morning, Jack talks to him about it and Ty finally admits he's been having dreams. Ty takes her on a fancy dinner and loses the ring. Ty?" He tells her that he'll do the rest of the feeding, as he's already there, and will make sure the door's closed. Ty picks him up at brings him to Heartland, he causes concern when he starts to become confused and thinks Amy is his daughter Ruth. On his last day as Scott's assistant, they head out to B.C. He tells her they will still get married no matter what and her sight eventually returns. The next morning, Ty talks to Badger by the lake and asks what happened. Luckily today they had the day off, and they were finally going to get some quality time together or so she thought. Amy gave Ty a small smile trying to get over his disappoint that the evening did go as planned. She, Ty and Mark go to the river but Mark becomes furious and leaves. Ty and Amy bring the wild horses back to Heartland to check out. Ty tells her what happened with his dad and that he wanted to call but only had one thing he wanted to say, they kiss. The next day Ty and Jack work on his bike when Amy arrives, she and ty start to talk when Kit arrives to pick up Daisy. Back in the loft, Ty's pleased to find that Lily did have a baby picture of him. Ty see's his sponsorship papers and starts to apologize to Jack about everything, he reassures him that he already signed them. Brad tells Ty that he doesn't want forgiveness but just wants to be a part of his life. They stumble upon Amy and Ashley's crash and he and Kit help them out. Scott and Ty go back to check on Daisy, they tell her that the foal's in a bad position but Ty reassures her. At Caleb's wedding, just as the limo Amy and Ty are pulling up in (which Caleb let them ride in), Amy's water breaks and she goes into labor. Ty and Amy finally take possession of a place to call home and make additional plans for their future. When they arrive at the marker they lose communication via the radios and Ty teases Lou about being the most competitive, Amy says she's more competitive so they put it to the test with a play fight. He then goads him telling Ty he's going to go and see Amy, leading to another fight between the pair accidentally letting the cows out. When Ty's asleep in the loft, he wakes to the sound of a truck starting and driving away. The following morning, Mallory tells Amy and Ty she'll watch Merlin so they can have some time away, Amy goes to tack up Spartan but Ty refuses to leave him. Amy tries to talk to him about his dad leaving but he refuses. "Thanks, Amy. Luckily Scott interrupted him. After Mr. Mallen shows up Ty helps support Amy and gives her tips to make a tough jump and Amy wins. "Hey listen" Ty hesitated, "Do you think you could come pick me up? He introduces himself to her and she sits with them to have some ice cream. (Ghost Horse) Ty wakes in the Loft hearing a commotion outside with Amy and Caleb trying to wrangle Ghost. He also comes into his own as he steps up to play a pivotal role in helping Jack deal with a tragedy. Amy apologizes to Ty and he admits that he would do it again and he'd do anything for her. Both having different partners, they remain friends but still have a connection that is unspoken but clear to see. Things are a bit awkward at first but Kit soon gets telling Ty about Daisy and how she hasn't been the same since she lost her foal. Even sleep was beginning to become rather elusive, mostly due to her inability to calm down enough for it. They're both happy to have some time together and soon hear a noise in the barn, they go to check it out and Caleb jumps out with an axe. Amy finds him at the party and asks why he left Heartland, he tells her it was because she told him to leave. She tells him that she spoke to Amy who said there was nothing happening between her and Ty, and they kiss. The truck rumbled to a halt once more, and Amy shifted it into park. When Jack hears Ty fire up the truck he rushes out and says he'll take it for a spin to help the battery, Ty tells him the battery's fine it's everything else under the hood. Jack announces that he spoke to Rodriguez and after 2 months of community service Ty's file will "disappear". Jack's old truck rumbled to a halt beside Ty's trailer, crunching the cold gravel under its tires. While Mallory gives Badger a riding lesson, Tara talks to Ty and Amy she tells them that she doesn't want to ride and isn't a fan of Mallory's. Ty has an opportunity to travel to Mongolia with Bob to help save the endangered Gobi bears. Amy fell asleep for a bit in the truck. Mallory tells Lou that they both need sorting out as they're being too stubborn. As she notices his new found knowledge he tells her he's been accepted to two colleges and she's happy for him. Val calls Ty about the job, the next day he goes to Briar Ridge and Ashley shows him around. Grandpa walks into the room. He drives Amy to Ryan's house, for her to try to get through to him again. Ty sets off the flare and are both left devastated when it passes them by without spotting them. Ty's eyes fluttered open blearily. Ty punctures his tires to stop him from leaving, Wes becomes angry and says he'll pick up Spartan later. Caleb and Ty watch Amy with Diva, Caleb suggests turning her out so she can enjoy being a horse. The pair don't spend much time together but when Pegasus gets sick Tim blames Ty for making the decision he did. Scott tries to put him at ease with the idea of frosh, but reminds him he'll also need a clear head for his first sheep brain dissection. He is forced to reconsider his future when faced with an offer that is difficult to refuse, but may jeopardize his work with Amy. As he walks out of the door of his house in his dream, he wakes up from his cardiac arrest. When Clint has an allergic reaction to nuts, he tells Ty to help with the kids as he's his poster boy for success. He was arrested and sent to juvenile detention after attacking Wade when he was assaulting his mother, Lily Borden. After Mark leaves Amy thanks Ty for his help and he suggests celebrating with a movie but is disappointed when she declines. She tells him that she knows that it's not about her getting to know Trooper but him getting used to her. He tries to cheer up Amy and tells her not to listen to Ashley. Ty shows Jack the letter from his dad and explains he's thinking about going to see him. On the Cattle drive, they finally have a chance to sit and talk about everything. The Prince returns and declares his love for Amy, shaking up Amy and Ty's relationship. Wade breaks the lock and gets into Heartland, he approaches Ty with a tire iron goading him into fighting him. He asks her what happened and she confesses she lost him on the road by Big River. Amy later asks him why he went for a motorcycle ride with Ashley if he doesn't like her, she tells him that it was his favorite bike so of course he went. The next day, Ty goes to see Lily at the cabin and finds her packing in a hurry, he gets upset that she was going to leave early and not tell him claiming she hasn't changed. He guesses it's Wade and tells her she can go and be with him if she wants but she tells him she's choosing Ty. Amy checks that Ty wasn't delirious when he said he loves her and they both confirm their love for each other and kiss. He and Jack rush off to make sure Amy's alright. When Ashley arrives, she invites them both to an after party at hers after the school formal. When it was owned before Hanley's father bought he farm, the farmer's daughter was dating the stable hand and didn't approve, he burned down the barn and all the horses and the stable hand died. When Ty starts to get acceptance letters for college, the pair become nervous about the prospect of a long distance relationship but agree to make it work no matter what. When Carl proposes to Lou and finds the ring gone he starts checking the loft. After, Amy and Ty make up after their disagreements on Kit and kiss. In the end, as Amy and Ty are shown watching from the window, Ghost returns to check on them. Amy tells him that they also need boundaries, her Mother loved her but would tell her off when she needed it. Amy's happy for him and admits that she'd getting nervous about the pressure of winning the Fall Finale. Confused, Amy asks what's going on and he explains Scott told him to make an offering to the wolf. Ty goes to Victor's and picks up Amy. As Ty's about to leave, Lily stops him and asks if he's embarrassed of her, he claims not to be. He later takes over his sponsorship and allows him to continue working at Heartland. Amy and Ty are in the barn celebrating when he tries to talk to her about his dad but can't find the words. In the morning, he tells Amy that he has a call with his student advisor as he's missed some classes and ensures his plans to go haven't changed. He asks if she used the heater last night, she's adamant she didn't and gets upset and runs off. Ty and Amy are together in the first episode. Ty approaches him and Amy's able to get close. Mallory asks for help setting up the ground poles, he reminds her that Amy has taken Copper for the trail ride so suggests she help him in town. Amy arrives putting Spartan in the barn, he asks if she wants him to turn him out but she's determined to keep him in the barn. (One Trick Pony), Ty is, reluctantly, helping put together Ben's new jumping course. He again tries to shrug it off and play it down but Amy's worried about him and knows he hasn't been sleeping. Caleb dismissed them and Ty starts to get frustrated at him underestimating her. Heartland is a Canadian family drama television series that first aired in 2007. He picks up and delivers the news that Jack's awake and he's going to be OK. Once the barn is re-built he and Amy are putting the horses back in she agrees to let him be her coach. He also reaches a personal milestone and launches his professional career in earnest. He immediately starts mixing charcoal and water. Amy tells him that they could be friends but she wants more than that since she's in love with him, he also declares his love and they share a kiss. Brad tries to convince Ty he's changed by bringing the horses here but Ty's still not sure. During a fishing trip to help out an old friend, Ty and Amy help a foal. She said, closing the trailer door behind her, keeping the cold air out. "Ty, are you in there?". She shook her head, smiling. Amy sees Ty feeding Money "the good stuff" and they both tease each other about helping the competition and learn that they are both staying this weekend. Jack asks Ty to stay with some cows while he gets a straggler. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title, Due to the incredible support of the community, we've raised US$252,343.98 with an average donation of $32.14, and added 6450 new members this drive. They have dinner and celebrate Ty's diploma, but Ty hasn't eaten much. Jeremy also sneaks booze into Amy's drink at a party, trying to mess with her mind so she will sell him Phoenix.Ty gets fired from his job because Jeremy killed his own horse, and had it look like Ty did it. She tells him that approaching a branch to jump Spartan stopped causing her to go flying. When he gets back Amy finally talks to him and asks why he never called while he was away, he can't give a reason and she walks away. As they take Merlin into the barn, Scott tells Ty about a job opportunity at the racetrack as a part-time stable hand five times a week in the morning, he considers. He tries to help but Amy gives him the cold shoulder. "Yeah it was, but Cass asked me to cover for her and well" Ty trailed off. In the morning, Amy and Ty watch over Merlin as he gets used to other horses, Ty tells her that he's accepted the job at the racetrack so he has more money for school and gives them a bit of time apart, Amy's supportive but looks disappointed. After Ty realises he feels stronger for Amy than Kit he attempts to break up with her but she realises what he's doing and they break up leaving Kit angry and she storms out. They go outside and watch the horses, and see Ghost with his mare and foal. Ty helps Kit unload Daisy at Heartland when she starts asking questions about the plane crash. While Ty was away, he finds a vet program at the University of Calgary so he doesn't have to leave, making Amy really happy. To keep my fanfictions page less of a confusing clusterfuck cluttered heres a masterlist with links to them all in one nice post. Amy lets him go, willing to support him and be happy for him, but Tim and Jack are not as happy. All the ones with multiple parts are linked together, so there should be no lost chapters! As Tim gets Trooper out of the trailer he starts to charge at Taylor but Ty luckily manages to grab her out of the way just in time. He later talks to Amy about the formal and asks if she wants to go with him, she agrees. Oscar had no interest in going on trail rides especially those that had trees. Amy and Ty don't get off to the best of starts, she tells him off for driving to close to the horses. jack tells him that she'll be safer here and he's family so she's their responsibility too. Ty manages to mount Harley but then starts to buck and he's thrown, much to jack's amusement. In return, jack gives them the job of staying up all night to make sure the cows don't get out again. Ty later helps Amy work with Caesar, he tells her about a new equine water therapy place nearby and suggests that she start writing her own journals. Ty suggests that Amy call Caleb because he's acting weird and hasn't been at work. When Amy and Ty share the weekend together at the Fishing Cabin, they both finally declare their love for each other starting a relationship.

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