Peter snaps his head up to look out the window. But your experience was different. Hey, secret identities are few and far between, besides - he stopped, sensing danger. I still love you, she said as she started packing up all of her materials. Peter Parker x Stark!Reader (Soulmate AU) - Spidey was here! Youre one of two people who know Ned, you placed a hand on his arm as the two of you continued walking and yes, I know who it is, or at least I think I do anyway. His face lit up and you knew exactly what his next question would be. Peter looked relieved. Peterparkerau Stories - Wattpad There was rarely ever a day that went by without him getting hurt, and you could still recall when it all began. Ultimately, you decided to tell him. Well, he hadnt found his soulmate yet. Nothing is new, I erm, Ive just been hanging around. He smiled at his choice of words. Peters soulmate who drew on their arm every day in some colored pen. Theyd even stopped working early just to be away from you. Looking around If youre coming, you better hurry up! You yelled back, before you knew it he was back by your side. Butterflies stampede into his stomach. You hadnt told your friend about the plan yet, they just assumed you were going shopping as usual. What do you mean, nothing is going on. Peter laughed nervously. Eddie followed suit, before stepping around the vehicle and stopping in front of you. You and Parker have detention after school today.. Peter Parker X Reader {Soulmate AU} - DeviantArt You couldnt even think about the embarrassment of people finding out Spider-Man is your Soulmate. This is my first Soulmate AU I've done so I was a bit wary but I really hope you enjoy it. Whoa! He looked at your hand gripping his jumper and then to your face. Fucking sick and tired of my goddamned soulmate- who does he think he is? One day in class, [Name] was taking notes on a concept that she wasnt quite getting and Peter was writing a very long and intricate note on his arm for her to read (and smile at). Of all the people to fall in love with, for some stupid reason I decided to fall in love with you, with Spider Man. A smile takes over Peters face. "What happened?". Peter is staring at his own hand his eyes wide and his mouth opens slightly. You hang up the phone and glare at it angrily. Uh, you should get home as fast as you can. On her first day of high school, [Name] was walking around in her schools hallways, looking for her first-period class. He ran into an empty classroom, which you too were going to enter until you looked through the frosted pane of glass. And there he was. Warnings: Cursing, probs more angst, mentions of pain etc. He lacked the emotional and mental strength to make himself say he didnt love you enough to stay. She rolled her neck clockwise stretching the tense muscles. . Oh- you have that kinda tie too? I waited for him for ten minutes by his locker, called him, and Nednot a word. I wanted those two lives to be separate. She read it quickly, while at the same time trying to pay attention to her teacher. But the day was Your knuckles cracked against the hard bricks- and you were sure you broke one of them. Slowly, never breaking eye contact with you, Spider Man removes his mask. Well, today will be awesome! I cant believe it squealed your best friend, actual Spider-Man saved your life! Yeah, I still cant quite believe it myself. you replied. However, today being Dustins first day, it was probably better that you drop him off since he didnt want to take his bike.Dustin! You called up the stairs from the front door, will you please hurry up, youre going to make us both late!Im coming, Im coming! you heard his response as he bounded down the stairs, his footsteps were so loud you feared he actually might fall through them. God- the sight was incredibly painful. There in the doorway was Peter. AN: Inspired by that Bob Ross episode where someone says That wasnt the case, but no one knew that but you. Peter was supposed to be your soulmate, yet it seemed as though fate had got it wrong this time. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Originally posted by sumerlynxd The bell rang for lunch. Part 1 Part 2Part 3 Part 4 Part 5Part 6Part 7Part 8Part 9. Then Monday morning it was all over and the two of you would head off for school. It had been three days since the couple had learned they were soulmates, and Peter hated lying. You threw everything in hastily and began running down the corridor to your next lesson. The second you sat down, the daydreaming started again. Thats when she noticed that her soulmate had written their schedule down on their arm! Hey, Peter? You touched his arm. Theyd have to be even more perfect than you and thats not possible! You look down at your wrist to see how much time was left. This wasnt his room- he was sure of- oh. He didnt see the two of you enter, he just heard the door open and close, followed by friendly greeting from Ned. Youd have to fight back gasps and hisses in the middle of your classes. You could hardly believe it. Ow! You could feel it now. Ugh, Peter! "Oh I was just-I just got here-". I know what you meant Peter. (Y/N) smiles at him to save the poor boy from making an even bigger fool of himself. Each day Peter lied about some mugging on his way home from a late night snack binge. Yeah, good night your friend said. Although you disliked the rule, you knew this whole thing would be put to an end if you fell behind in school. This blew up overnight, holy shit! Part one of ??? No running in the hall please you heard a booming voice say. Peter says to himself as he stares at the string wrapped around his pinkie. As you keep looking at pictures, you cant help but sigh. A notification popped up on your screen. Holy fuck- Spider-Man, Queens hero- was your soulmate? Thirty Five. What are you going to do? He questioned. After-all, you couldnt help but feel his heart was in the right place. Every now and then, she would write on her arm and ask her soulmate if they could stop writing their notes whenever [Name] had a test the next day. He holds up his hand, on it in all caps is (Y/N)s handwriting. Peter Parker x Reader Soulmate AU - sebass-stanfan "Your my". You? Peter was up all night stopping petty crimes, one of which involved a man with a gun, and a fist fight after his web slingers stopped working. But it turns out he was fighting crime the whole time. In the hurry to find out what was going on with Peter, you had left all of your belongings at your desk. Peter was incredibly strong- physically. Who do you think taught these dweebs to play? Motioning towards them with your head.My god, youre so damn hot. Eddie breathed. To be able to see the light in the color of his eyes pop out at you when his chest rises and falls with every laugh or slight chuckle he lets out when either of you make a stupid joke, both your faces looking down in clumsiness and flushed looks. Theyd say you just wanted attention- that you enjoyed rubbing it in that you were different from everyone else. # peter parker # peter parker x reader # peter parker x you # peter x reader # peter x you # peter parker fic # peter parker imagine # peter parker reader insert # peter # parker # fic # my fic # ari writes # its the babe # soulmate au # spider-man # spider-man:hc. Not your best idea considering it hurt like a bitch, but you were fine with that since you knew your soulmate would feel it too. [Last Name]! Hed be fine right? "Please Just Let Me H. marvelcinematicuniverse. This is very unlike him, she began to make her way over so that the two of you could talk a little more privately. Thirty Six (Loki Smut) Thirty Seven. Given that you got any injuries that Peter got you were incredibly worried. # 4. Shh, keep your voice down. He whispered. There was only Peter who seemed to pick up on it. Every drawing disappeared by the end of the day, yet Peter always tried to recreate his favorite never succeeding. Not in his other life, if only because the fear of losing her outweighed the result of having (Y/N) on Team Spiderman. After the lesson, you had a free period so you made your way towards the library, hoping it would be quiet enough that you could either get some homework done or catch up on some sleep. Your voice- kinda sounds funny.., He chuckled nervously,Yeah. Multifandom Imagines, you know? Ink (Peter Parker x Reader) "Your only saying that because you haven't found him yet, I'm sure he's out there looking for you too". They were so excited about whatever it was that you couldnt actually catch a word of it. Tony shouts from the other room. She swiftly picked up a marker and started writing a short note back to him, right under his note. Imagine having none of these for all of your life. Your outbursts were getting worse and you were pissed. Seriously, when I wrote the first part to this, I had no idea it would lead here or become so well liked! No string, no tattoo, nothing. You hadnt told Peter about your suspicions, but that was because there wasnt exactly much to go on. Shortly after Ned began to call Peter. Opening your eyes, he was standing across from you. As soon as the bell rang, Peter bolted. Especially since you had to cover up all the injuries that appeared on your skin because of him. He says placing a hand on your head. peter parker x reader - wattpad(more unposted fics are located here) -requests closed as of august 2021 - fics by other authors that I love, - suggestive / - personal favorite / - soulmate au / - mostly angst / - mostly fluff / - super hero or super powered reader, sweatshirt- you and peter broke up a long time ago, but something about seeing you in his old sweatshirt makes him act impulsively, stood up-you and peter get on each others nerves - funnily enough you would not have expected a date-gone-wrong to be the start of fixing your relationship, fake it-peter comes up with the brilliant idea of you both fake dating each other as a way to get the team to back off on the couple comments, spider-man cookies and napkin notes-peter has finally been bullied (lovingly, of course) by his friends into asking out the cute barista, but things go a little wrong. "Two nights ago, an attempted drug trade took place at the Gotham Harbor in an abandoned warehouse. Is it worth the compromise? While they carried on putting different things into test tubes and generally making a mess, you couldnt help but be distracted from your work by them. The train began to pick up space and an unaware Peter Parker was suddenly thrown into the lap of a beautiful young girl. Slips | Peter Parker | Soulmate AU - Tee - Wattpad You had no clue as to what your coloring on your own body was, let alone anyone elses. I was wondering how I never noticed someone like you on my train before. It takes Peter a minute to realize what he just said. You couldnt believe it. RIP Bob. Friday says. (Y/N) (Y/L/N) woke up feeling as if she had been run over by a semi-truck. (Y/N)! Youd been in [insert after school activity here] and suddenly you were screaming. Change of Color: Instantly you felt your heart flutter and your stomach knot as such a little thing as a blank space could change your entire outlook on that Monday afternoon. Yeah, okay, Ill see you later then! Peter called after you. "(Name)? You couldnt even imagine how beautiful his entire being would be with the entire color spectrum spread without his-. Summary: Sixteen-year-old Peter found his soulmate and now he's really excited about it. The next morning you arrived at school, tired after spending the rest of the night lying in bed and thinking about your encounter. Peter Parker x Reader Soulmate AU. Just wanted to put something out for you all. Peter Parker x Reader (Soulmate AU - Fandom Imagines Trash Spider-Man you whispered. Y/N has been patiently waiting for years to find her soulmate. Imagine trying so hard to look for signs- doing subtle things like hitting your toe somewhere or being risky in hopes the injury you get might cause your soulmate to strike back. Do you think I could wait in his room till he comes home?, Of course, (Y/N), wait as long youd like.. You felt bad, Peter was just trying to be a good friend. What makes you think thats what Im doing? You hadnt told Spider-Man what you were planning. There was a chorus of Hey from your friends as they parted slightly, making room for you to join their circle. You, you just saved my life! You gasped, Thank you! You dived at the masked hero and threw your arms around his neck. I desperately hope the next words out of your mouth are, I can explain, cause I dont understand how., Peter runs a hand through his hair. Very simply it's that both people are deaf until they hear their soulmate's voice, however they each have to hear the other's voice to hear properly. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9, Originally posted by tom-cinnamonroll-holland. Im so happy that I met you. Slowly, you pulled him further into the alley, not wanting him to be seen in such a state. peter, avengers, parker. They always wrote little notes of what they needed to do on their arms (and sometimes, they wrote little math and science formulas). Wh.. what are you talking about? He asked, slowly pulling his sleeves down. It seemed like he loved to find you at the worst times- like he lived for causing you pain and frustration. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6Part 7 Part 8Part 9, Originally posted by barnesstony-deactivated20180611, Are you sure? He asked finally. It was 4 am and your friend was still fast asleep. They were in the next room, so you were both talking quietly so as not to let them hear you. Half an hour later, you were just finishing up your practical experiment when the door flung open. Turns out, they're a lot closer than she could ever imagine. "(Name) what did I tell you about locking yourself in here?" You threw your arms Im looking forward to our first official date! You let out a large sigh of relief. He deserved to know what it felt like! Or, uh, know where he is?. Yeah, Im alright. Your timer says otherwise. Warnings: some cussi Whats the answer to the question I just asked then? The two make their way I to the large building and head towards the elevator. Thanks for writing it! You can feel the pain your soulmate feels. He wanted to let you say whatever it was you had to say, even though he was sure he didnt want to hear it. Wait! Before allowing her to actually stop, Peter grabs the paper out of her hands. I mean whats the point in having a secret identity if people know who you are?. That he was making you look crazy? Imagine nothing happening- being told that the only way to know if this tie was yours is if you felt some immense pain you know you didnt cause. What the cliques were, whether the older kids would be horrid to him and his friends.Maybe that shirts not such a great idea. You gestured to what your brother was wearing and raised an eyebrow.Hey, this shirt is a classic. He defended.You both laughed and the rest of the drive was spent with you constantly reassuring him that he would have a great time. Today was the day. I just wanted to talk to you about something. Peter, I cant be late for this class. You sighed. He crashes into a supply lorry, denting it just slightly. You and Peter ate the rest of your lunch in almost complete silence. What should I do? @leilei-draws I could definitely tag you in part two! You always told anyone who asked that you didnt care about finding your soulmate. Warning: Slight Spider-Man: Homecoming Spoilers ahead. Peter asks as her runs the back of his neck due to nervesness. Happy Star Wars Day, here is some Marvel content , Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5Part 6 Part 7Part 8Part 9. ~ he broke his sandwich into two and offering you the bigger half, Wanna share Its only been three days but knowing you were lying to me for all three has been the worst feeling of my entire life., Peter begins to ramble apologies each one come out before the other ended, turning him into a stuttering mess. It snapped you back into reality. Eventually, he snapped out of the haze you had put him in. Say something, please.. This will be a series in the New Year - Im yet to determin how many parts it will be in but Im hoping for a fair few. When the bell finally rang, you grabbed your belongings and ran straight for the door, not hearing what the teacher had said about homework at all. The colour drained from your surroundings, fading into various kinds of Aside from family troubles that weren't necessarily uncommon, you were the average secondary school student-that was until you met Tom. I dont have a secret. He faked a laugh, trying to cover up the terror he was feeling inside. his soulmate because as an artist she couldnt bear a life without colours. Rubbing the back of his neck with his hand, he opens his mouth but is cut off by 2 beeps. 16.4K 443 28. I just took out the name and some other details to make it reader insert. You didnt really know him but- oh fuck. I love you too, you big dork, Peter Parker. I Knew It! Peter Parker x Reader Soulmate AU - Aw, arrows no Sorry, sorry, he lowered his voice. She had grown up in a family who found their soulmates relatively early in life, so by the time she was twelve, most of her cousins and relatives had their soulmates. Hey everyone, I thought I'd explain this AU since I have no idea if it's been done before. colours. Or moving here? Why couldnt he stub his toe once in awhile instead of being slammed into walls or crushed by unknown objects? What you doing? You asked nonchalantly. Right in front of you as the last splash of blue on his jumper faded away. An invitation?". Peter, its fine! "Yes! You had to stick to your guns on this one, you had to find out once and for all just who was under the Spider-Man mask. Love, Peter Parker - Soulmate AU Fic Recs When lunch finally rolled around, you looked everywhere for Eddie, but, he was nowhere to be found. Trying to rotate her right shoulder which resulted in a gasp of pain. Warnings: Angst, possibly cursing, mentions of sex (no smut). As you bent down to look under his bed, the window opened and something crawled through on the ceiling, all unbeknownst to you. You were used to all the looks you got from strangers when they saw that you didnt have your tattoo yet. Confusion. There was a loud bang. Hey, Y/N said a voice that pulled you back. You grabbed the second solution and set in the holder before your mind wandered with a certain thought. Looking at the time you stood up, I better get going, its almost time for class and ive got to get all the way to the other side of the building. You picked up your tray. Never mind, you whispered. Mr Parker! Bellowed the teacher. But, you couldnt bring yourself to believe their nice compliments, due to the fact you couldnt trust the society around without seeing it truthfully. The two of you walked to your house arm in arm, laughing and chatting. As far as you could tell, today was just another ordinary day. It hurt him more than anything because he wanted this. It was a voice you knew, yet couldnt quite place. Thank you to everyone who stuck with me and gave this series some much needed love, you have no idea how much that meant to me , Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8Part 9. I wrote this a bit ago and finally got the courage to post it. Hey slow down he laughed as he helped you pick the books up. [Name] smiled at the short little note. peterpparkerwrites masterlist Im Peter. Peter held out his hand for her to shake. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5Part 6Part 7Part 8Part 9. Friday says as the two men enter the elevator. I knew from the moment I became Spider Man that I never wanted to lose my soulmate. Worth It (Peter Parker x Reader) Soulmate!AU The weekend was for shopping and gossiping. Hey guys! You walked over to your friends, faking enthusiasm to cover up how unbelievably shattered you were. Spidey was here! on Tumblr What? The word comes out a soft whisper. Spider Man? Your voice is in awe as you see the superhero shutting the door to your soulmates bedroom. You didnt know- and maybe you never would. Peter Parker x Reader (Soulmate AU - Fandom Imagines Trash H-hey. Series tags: @fanboyswhereare-you @farfromjustordinary @brazilian-unicorn @terrible-terrible-blog @1dforeverandalwaysfan @heyyyyitsanie @tmrhollandkay @millies-art-blog @shakespeare-and-shenanigans @t-hollandd @tater-totts-hp @spidey-pal @terrainhead @star-incandescent @deni-gonzalez @courtneychicken @crankynewt @karamelblobber @melodythesaltshaker @mynicknameisroses [As always, if you want to be tagged please let me know!]. God.. Itll be quick, I promise. Based off of this song. With a shaky sigh, he let his eyes flutter open, taking in his surroundings. You were slowly starting to piece everything together. No, we dont, you added, We miss having you around sometimes. When (Y/N)s name popped up on the mask of the Spidey suit Peter panicked and hit decline quickly. It was annoying, really. You sat up on the lab stool, scooting it closer to your table as you attempted a small smile in the direction of him, I guess you could say Calculus ruined me last night, you chuckled, opening up your own notebook as you started the continuation of the lab, But the test was a breeze, so youll be fine, you waved your hand in ease at the intelligent boy next to you with a slight tinge to your cheeks. Complete. Without warning, you balled your hand into a fist, reared it back and punched the brick wall nearest to you as hard as you could. Dental Bone Graft Collagen Plug Fell Out, Josh Holloway Senator, Citrix Workspace Advanced Preferences Won't Open, Junior World Finals Team Roping, Guy Fisher 60 Minutes Interview, Articles P

peter parker x reader soulmate au

He wanted this- wanted you. You closed your eyes and braced for impact. I lose track of things, esp my taglist ;-; Also- I swear I love you guys <3. you're desperate to meet him, but until the universe decides to introduce you, you're stuck with scribbled smiley faces and chemistry formulae. You stopped and turned around. He stood you up didnt he? Summary: Soulmate AU where one of your closest friends, Peter Parker is hiding something from you, but a selfless act as the masked hero Spider-Man forces him to reveal himself. The first day of senior year. Peter's face falls. You asshole.., you hissed to yourself, hopping out of your seat and dashing out of the caf. He moved closer to you, limping slightly on one of his legs, head titling as he looked you over. See you later you said to yourself. eyes. I think that youre the one whos been leaving me little scribbles on my arms every day. She showed Peter her arms and he took them into his hands, looking them over as if he was analyzing a book for an English class. My. Of course, with this thinking, you obviously had a huge crush on him. It wasnt easy to find your soulmate when this was your only tie to him. PLEASE! Dustin begged.Yeah, please, please, please! Added Mike.You have to! Lucas chimed in.Oh, I have to, do I? You raised your eyebrow at the boy.Oh, erm, I mean, Lucas stumbled over his words, Youre our only hope. He elaborated.Ah! You looked between the three boys, So Im your Obi-Wan.Dustin began to smile, he knew this meant you were in, the other two, however, just stood there nodding frantically.Okay, Ill join, the three boys began to cheer. Fuck you soulmate, (Y/N) thought bitterly as she stood up and began to get dressed for school. As the school bell rings you begin your search for Peter. There he was, fingers weakly tangled into the end of your shirt, gently pulling with what strength he had left. Original Characters. Here is a masterlist just for the Safe series! Looking over, you realise that you had stopped just outside your building. A/N: Woop Woop! He looked like hell. Other times he claimed he got beat up in an alley after school. He wondered what your laugh sounded like- or how you looked when you laughed. could do was try to commit every colour around you to memory as you saw them Besides what? You asked, not knowing what he was talking about. Peter snaps his head up to look out the window. But your experience was different. Hey, secret identities are few and far between, besides - he stopped, sensing danger. I still love you, she said as she started packing up all of her materials. Peter Parker x Stark!Reader (Soulmate AU) - Spidey was here! Youre one of two people who know Ned, you placed a hand on his arm as the two of you continued walking and yes, I know who it is, or at least I think I do anyway. His face lit up and you knew exactly what his next question would be. Peter looked relieved. Peterparkerau Stories - Wattpad There was rarely ever a day that went by without him getting hurt, and you could still recall when it all began. Ultimately, you decided to tell him. Well, he hadnt found his soulmate yet. Nothing is new, I erm, Ive just been hanging around. He smiled at his choice of words. Peters soulmate who drew on their arm every day in some colored pen. Theyd even stopped working early just to be away from you. Looking around If youre coming, you better hurry up! You yelled back, before you knew it he was back by your side. Butterflies stampede into his stomach. You hadnt told your friend about the plan yet, they just assumed you were going shopping as usual. What do you mean, nothing is going on. Peter laughed nervously. Eddie followed suit, before stepping around the vehicle and stopping in front of you. You and Parker have detention after school today.. Peter Parker X Reader {Soulmate AU} - DeviantArt You couldnt even think about the embarrassment of people finding out Spider-Man is your Soulmate. This is my first Soulmate AU I've done so I was a bit wary but I really hope you enjoy it. Whoa! He looked at your hand gripping his jumper and then to your face. Fucking sick and tired of my goddamned soulmate- who does he think he is? One day in class, [Name] was taking notes on a concept that she wasnt quite getting and Peter was writing a very long and intricate note on his arm for her to read (and smile at). Of all the people to fall in love with, for some stupid reason I decided to fall in love with you, with Spider Man. A smile takes over Peters face. "What happened?". Peter is staring at his own hand his eyes wide and his mouth opens slightly. You hang up the phone and glare at it angrily. Uh, you should get home as fast as you can. On her first day of high school, [Name] was walking around in her schools hallways, looking for her first-period class. He ran into an empty classroom, which you too were going to enter until you looked through the frosted pane of glass. And there he was. Warnings: Cursing, probs more angst, mentions of pain etc. He lacked the emotional and mental strength to make himself say he didnt love you enough to stay. She rolled her neck clockwise stretching the tense muscles. . Oh- you have that kinda tie too? I waited for him for ten minutes by his locker, called him, and Nednot a word. I wanted those two lives to be separate. She read it quickly, while at the same time trying to pay attention to her teacher. But the day was Your knuckles cracked against the hard bricks- and you were sure you broke one of them. Slowly, never breaking eye contact with you, Spider Man removes his mask. Well, today will be awesome! I cant believe it squealed your best friend, actual Spider-Man saved your life! Yeah, I still cant quite believe it myself. you replied. However, today being Dustins first day, it was probably better that you drop him off since he didnt want to take his bike.Dustin! You called up the stairs from the front door, will you please hurry up, youre going to make us both late!Im coming, Im coming! you heard his response as he bounded down the stairs, his footsteps were so loud you feared he actually might fall through them. God- the sight was incredibly painful. There in the doorway was Peter. AN: Inspired by that Bob Ross episode where someone says That wasnt the case, but no one knew that but you. Peter was supposed to be your soulmate, yet it seemed as though fate had got it wrong this time. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Originally posted by sumerlynxd The bell rang for lunch. Part 1 Part 2Part 3 Part 4 Part 5Part 6Part 7Part 8Part 9. Then Monday morning it was all over and the two of you would head off for school. It had been three days since the couple had learned they were soulmates, and Peter hated lying. You threw everything in hastily and began running down the corridor to your next lesson. The second you sat down, the daydreaming started again. Thats when she noticed that her soulmate had written their schedule down on their arm! Hey, Peter? You touched his arm. Theyd have to be even more perfect than you and thats not possible! You look down at your wrist to see how much time was left. This wasnt his room- he was sure of- oh. He didnt see the two of you enter, he just heard the door open and close, followed by friendly greeting from Ned. Youd have to fight back gasps and hisses in the middle of your classes. You could hardly believe it. Ow! You could feel it now. Ugh, Peter! "Oh I was just-I just got here-". I know what you meant Peter. (Y/N) smiles at him to save the poor boy from making an even bigger fool of himself. Each day Peter lied about some mugging on his way home from a late night snack binge. Yeah, good night your friend said. Although you disliked the rule, you knew this whole thing would be put to an end if you fell behind in school. This blew up overnight, holy shit! Part one of ??? No running in the hall please you heard a booming voice say. Peter says to himself as he stares at the string wrapped around his pinkie. As you keep looking at pictures, you cant help but sigh. A notification popped up on your screen. Holy fuck- Spider-Man, Queens hero- was your soulmate? Thirty Five. What are you going to do? He questioned. After-all, you couldnt help but feel his heart was in the right place. Every now and then, she would write on her arm and ask her soulmate if they could stop writing their notes whenever [Name] had a test the next day. He holds up his hand, on it in all caps is (Y/N)s handwriting. Peter Parker x Reader Soulmate AU - sebass-stanfan "Your my". You? Peter was up all night stopping petty crimes, one of which involved a man with a gun, and a fist fight after his web slingers stopped working. But it turns out he was fighting crime the whole time. In the hurry to find out what was going on with Peter, you had left all of your belongings at your desk. Peter was incredibly strong- physically. Who do you think taught these dweebs to play? Motioning towards them with your head.My god, youre so damn hot. Eddie breathed. To be able to see the light in the color of his eyes pop out at you when his chest rises and falls with every laugh or slight chuckle he lets out when either of you make a stupid joke, both your faces looking down in clumsiness and flushed looks. Theyd say you just wanted attention- that you enjoyed rubbing it in that you were different from everyone else. # peter parker # peter parker x reader # peter parker x you # peter x reader # peter x you # peter parker fic # peter parker imagine # peter parker reader insert # peter # parker # fic # my fic # ari writes # its the babe # soulmate au # spider-man # spider-man:hc. Not your best idea considering it hurt like a bitch, but you were fine with that since you knew your soulmate would feel it too. [Last Name]! Hed be fine right? "Please Just Let Me H. marvelcinematicuniverse. This is very unlike him, she began to make her way over so that the two of you could talk a little more privately. Thirty Six (Loki Smut) Thirty Seven. Given that you got any injuries that Peter got you were incredibly worried. # 4. Shh, keep your voice down. He whispered. There was only Peter who seemed to pick up on it. Every drawing disappeared by the end of the day, yet Peter always tried to recreate his favorite never succeeding. Not in his other life, if only because the fear of losing her outweighed the result of having (Y/N) on Team Spiderman. After the lesson, you had a free period so you made your way towards the library, hoping it would be quiet enough that you could either get some homework done or catch up on some sleep. Your voice- kinda sounds funny.., He chuckled nervously,Yeah. Multifandom Imagines, you know? Ink (Peter Parker x Reader) "Your only saying that because you haven't found him yet, I'm sure he's out there looking for you too". They were so excited about whatever it was that you couldnt actually catch a word of it. Tony shouts from the other room. She swiftly picked up a marker and started writing a short note back to him, right under his note. Imagine having none of these for all of your life. Your outbursts were getting worse and you were pissed. Seriously, when I wrote the first part to this, I had no idea it would lead here or become so well liked! No string, no tattoo, nothing. You hadnt told Peter about your suspicions, but that was because there wasnt exactly much to go on. Shortly after Ned began to call Peter. Opening your eyes, he was standing across from you. As soon as the bell rang, Peter bolted. Especially since you had to cover up all the injuries that appeared on your skin because of him. He says placing a hand on your head. peter parker x reader - wattpad(more unposted fics are located here) -requests closed as of august 2021 - fics by other authors that I love, - suggestive / - personal favorite / - soulmate au / - mostly angst / - mostly fluff / - super hero or super powered reader, sweatshirt- you and peter broke up a long time ago, but something about seeing you in his old sweatshirt makes him act impulsively, stood up-you and peter get on each others nerves - funnily enough you would not have expected a date-gone-wrong to be the start of fixing your relationship, fake it-peter comes up with the brilliant idea of you both fake dating each other as a way to get the team to back off on the couple comments, spider-man cookies and napkin notes-peter has finally been bullied (lovingly, of course) by his friends into asking out the cute barista, but things go a little wrong. "Two nights ago, an attempted drug trade took place at the Gotham Harbor in an abandoned warehouse. Is it worth the compromise? While they carried on putting different things into test tubes and generally making a mess, you couldnt help but be distracted from your work by them. The train began to pick up space and an unaware Peter Parker was suddenly thrown into the lap of a beautiful young girl. Slips | Peter Parker | Soulmate AU - Tee - Wattpad You had no clue as to what your coloring on your own body was, let alone anyone elses. I was wondering how I never noticed someone like you on my train before. It takes Peter a minute to realize what he just said. You couldnt believe it. RIP Bob. Friday says. (Y/N) (Y/L/N) woke up feeling as if she had been run over by a semi-truck. (Y/N)! Youd been in [insert after school activity here] and suddenly you were screaming. Change of Color: Instantly you felt your heart flutter and your stomach knot as such a little thing as a blank space could change your entire outlook on that Monday afternoon. Yeah, okay, Ill see you later then! Peter called after you. "(Name)? You couldnt even imagine how beautiful his entire being would be with the entire color spectrum spread without his-. Summary: Sixteen-year-old Peter found his soulmate and now he's really excited about it. The next morning you arrived at school, tired after spending the rest of the night lying in bed and thinking about your encounter. Peter Parker x Reader Soulmate AU. Just wanted to put something out for you all. Peter Parker x Reader (Soulmate AU - Fandom Imagines Trash Spider-Man you whispered. Y/N has been patiently waiting for years to find her soulmate. Imagine trying so hard to look for signs- doing subtle things like hitting your toe somewhere or being risky in hopes the injury you get might cause your soulmate to strike back. Do you think I could wait in his room till he comes home?, Of course, (Y/N), wait as long youd like.. You felt bad, Peter was just trying to be a good friend. What makes you think thats what Im doing? You hadnt told Spider-Man what you were planning. There was a chorus of Hey from your friends as they parted slightly, making room for you to join their circle. You, you just saved my life! You gasped, Thank you! You dived at the masked hero and threw your arms around his neck. I desperately hope the next words out of your mouth are, I can explain, cause I dont understand how., Peter runs a hand through his hair. Very simply it's that both people are deaf until they hear their soulmate's voice, however they each have to hear the other's voice to hear properly. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9, Originally posted by tom-cinnamonroll-holland. Im so happy that I met you. Slowly, you pulled him further into the alley, not wanting him to be seen in such a state. peter, avengers, parker. They always wrote little notes of what they needed to do on their arms (and sometimes, they wrote little math and science formulas). Wh.. what are you talking about? He asked, slowly pulling his sleeves down. It seemed like he loved to find you at the worst times- like he lived for causing you pain and frustration. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6Part 7 Part 8Part 9, Originally posted by barnesstony-deactivated20180611, Are you sure? He asked finally. It was 4 am and your friend was still fast asleep. They were in the next room, so you were both talking quietly so as not to let them hear you. Half an hour later, you were just finishing up your practical experiment when the door flung open. Turns out, they're a lot closer than she could ever imagine. "(Name) what did I tell you about locking yourself in here?" You threw your arms Im looking forward to our first official date! You let out a large sigh of relief. He deserved to know what it felt like! Or, uh, know where he is?. Yeah, Im alright. Your timer says otherwise. Warnings: some cussi Whats the answer to the question I just asked then? The two make their way I to the large building and head towards the elevator. Thanks for writing it! You can feel the pain your soulmate feels. He wanted to let you say whatever it was you had to say, even though he was sure he didnt want to hear it. Wait! Before allowing her to actually stop, Peter grabs the paper out of her hands. I mean whats the point in having a secret identity if people know who you are?. That he was making you look crazy? Imagine nothing happening- being told that the only way to know if this tie was yours is if you felt some immense pain you know you didnt cause. What the cliques were, whether the older kids would be horrid to him and his friends.Maybe that shirts not such a great idea. You gestured to what your brother was wearing and raised an eyebrow.Hey, this shirt is a classic. He defended.You both laughed and the rest of the drive was spent with you constantly reassuring him that he would have a great time. Today was the day. I just wanted to talk to you about something. Peter, I cant be late for this class. You sighed. He crashes into a supply lorry, denting it just slightly. You and Peter ate the rest of your lunch in almost complete silence. What should I do? @leilei-draws I could definitely tag you in part two! You always told anyone who asked that you didnt care about finding your soulmate. Warning: Slight Spider-Man: Homecoming Spoilers ahead. Peter asks as her runs the back of his neck due to nervesness. Happy Star Wars Day, here is some Marvel content , Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5Part 6 Part 7Part 8Part 9. ~ he broke his sandwich into two and offering you the bigger half, Wanna share Its only been three days but knowing you were lying to me for all three has been the worst feeling of my entire life., Peter begins to ramble apologies each one come out before the other ended, turning him into a stuttering mess. It snapped you back into reality. Eventually, he snapped out of the haze you had put him in. Say something, please.. This will be a series in the New Year - Im yet to determin how many parts it will be in but Im hoping for a fair few. When the bell finally rang, you grabbed your belongings and ran straight for the door, not hearing what the teacher had said about homework at all. The colour drained from your surroundings, fading into various kinds of Aside from family troubles that weren't necessarily uncommon, you were the average secondary school student-that was until you met Tom. I dont have a secret. He faked a laugh, trying to cover up the terror he was feeling inside. his soulmate because as an artist she couldnt bear a life without colours. Rubbing the back of his neck with his hand, he opens his mouth but is cut off by 2 beeps. 16.4K 443 28. I just took out the name and some other details to make it reader insert. You didnt really know him but- oh fuck. I love you too, you big dork, Peter Parker. I Knew It! Peter Parker x Reader Soulmate AU - Aw, arrows no Sorry, sorry, he lowered his voice. She had grown up in a family who found their soulmates relatively early in life, so by the time she was twelve, most of her cousins and relatives had their soulmates. Hey everyone, I thought I'd explain this AU since I have no idea if it's been done before. colours. Or moving here? Why couldnt he stub his toe once in awhile instead of being slammed into walls or crushed by unknown objects? What you doing? You asked nonchalantly. Right in front of you as the last splash of blue on his jumper faded away. An invitation?". Peter, its fine! "Yes! You had to stick to your guns on this one, you had to find out once and for all just who was under the Spider-Man mask. Love, Peter Parker - Soulmate AU Fic Recs When lunch finally rolled around, you looked everywhere for Eddie, but, he was nowhere to be found. Trying to rotate her right shoulder which resulted in a gasp of pain. Warnings: Angst, possibly cursing, mentions of sex (no smut). As you bent down to look under his bed, the window opened and something crawled through on the ceiling, all unbeknownst to you. You were used to all the looks you got from strangers when they saw that you didnt have your tattoo yet. Confusion. There was a loud bang. Hey, Y/N said a voice that pulled you back. You grabbed the second solution and set in the holder before your mind wandered with a certain thought. Looking at the time you stood up, I better get going, its almost time for class and ive got to get all the way to the other side of the building. You picked up your tray. Never mind, you whispered. Mr Parker! Bellowed the teacher. But, you couldnt bring yourself to believe their nice compliments, due to the fact you couldnt trust the society around without seeing it truthfully. The two of you walked to your house arm in arm, laughing and chatting. As far as you could tell, today was just another ordinary day. It hurt him more than anything because he wanted this. It was a voice you knew, yet couldnt quite place. Thank you to everyone who stuck with me and gave this series some much needed love, you have no idea how much that meant to me , Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8Part 9. I wrote this a bit ago and finally got the courage to post it. Hey slow down he laughed as he helped you pick the books up. [Name] smiled at the short little note. peterpparkerwrites masterlist Im Peter. Peter held out his hand for her to shake. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5Part 6Part 7Part 8Part 9. Friday says as the two men enter the elevator. I knew from the moment I became Spider Man that I never wanted to lose my soulmate. Worth It (Peter Parker x Reader) Soulmate!AU The weekend was for shopping and gossiping. Hey guys! You walked over to your friends, faking enthusiasm to cover up how unbelievably shattered you were. Spidey was here! on Tumblr What? The word comes out a soft whisper. Spider Man? Your voice is in awe as you see the superhero shutting the door to your soulmates bedroom. You didnt know- and maybe you never would. Peter Parker x Reader (Soulmate AU - Fandom Imagines Trash H-hey. Series tags: @fanboyswhereare-you @farfromjustordinary @brazilian-unicorn @terrible-terrible-blog @1dforeverandalwaysfan @heyyyyitsanie @tmrhollandkay @millies-art-blog @shakespeare-and-shenanigans @t-hollandd @tater-totts-hp @spidey-pal @terrainhead @star-incandescent @deni-gonzalez @courtneychicken @crankynewt @karamelblobber @melodythesaltshaker @mynicknameisroses [As always, if you want to be tagged please let me know!]. God.. Itll be quick, I promise. Based off of this song. With a shaky sigh, he let his eyes flutter open, taking in his surroundings. You were slowly starting to piece everything together. No, we dont, you added, We miss having you around sometimes. When (Y/N)s name popped up on the mask of the Spidey suit Peter panicked and hit decline quickly. It was annoying, really. You sat up on the lab stool, scooting it closer to your table as you attempted a small smile in the direction of him, I guess you could say Calculus ruined me last night, you chuckled, opening up your own notebook as you started the continuation of the lab, But the test was a breeze, so youll be fine, you waved your hand in ease at the intelligent boy next to you with a slight tinge to your cheeks. Complete. Without warning, you balled your hand into a fist, reared it back and punched the brick wall nearest to you as hard as you could.

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