Lantana Leaves Feel Dry, Articles T

trianon ballroom regina

for the guys as a whole it meant the opportunity to play every night, with the freedom to not have to travel distances, set up and take down equipment, negotiating heavy items amps, outboxes, some keyboards up and down the likes of stairs. I even remember we had played some gig at the university in Saskatoon; heading back the next day we pulled over at a cafe for breakfast or lunch, closer to Saskatoon than Regina. D&D and I looked at one another and agreed we had something to work with; with our backgrounds we could arrange anything. This visit requires a Passport ticket or a Trianon and Marie-Antoinette's Estate ticket (which you can purchase online or directly on site). Item R-B14375 - Prairie Sons at CKCK Radio Regina; Item R-B14376 - Slim Wilson and the Prairie Sons perform while riding on a float, advertising for Kern Farm Equipment, in the Regina Exhibition Parade; Item R-B14377 - Calvert's Festival Ball - Trianon Ballroom; Item R-B14378 - Prairie Caravan playing in the basement of the General Hospital for . Finally, it was nice to hear Mike Woods (my father in law) comments about the rock show at the Centre of the Arts. We would have indicated wed pay his normal percentage. It was called Studio 3 because Tom Northcott had purchased the recording console (and possibly the Scully 8-track recorder) from Studio 3 at Wally Heiders facility in Los Angeles. Montague agrees his drum solos were a selling point for the band. The music is overpowering, piercing the mind with tense continuums of energy from organ, drums, lead guitar, and bass. I dont think we actually danced, we just watched and listened to the bands. Schlegel on the other hand, seemed to be testing his limits. In 1966 Glaser created the now-famous poster of the profile of Bob Dylan (with psychedelic/art nouveau multi-coloured hair) which was included in the original pressing of the singers 1967 LP Greatest Hits which went multi-platinum. Describes Statham: Gary and Don liked the pop stuff. It was a great hangout place for kids. What blew our minds was the opening act, The Hello People They came out all dressed in mime, did silent skits between songs, one of their lead male singers with a small tambourine while weaving in dance would spin it on his index finger. Funny thing, it never occurred to us to do a known cover tune, like today; maybe because there was a world of great songs, melodies, arrangements coming out one after the other? I designed the label as gold background with black script. With three members departing within a couple of months, the Gutheil brothers naturally thought to bring The Andantes to a close. His orientation slowly shifted towards the blues, and he became infatuated firstly with B.B. Featured one after the other were The Pawnbrokers (from Winnipeg) on November 29th, the 49th Parallel on November 30th, and, the biggest catch of all, on December 1st The Spencer Davis Group from England. City police and National Guard restored order with extreme prejudice. Trianon Tower (Regina) Trianon Tower. We went to the legendary Cheetah, originally a 1940s big band dancehall in older downtown Chicago, where at this time nobody danced but filled the hardwood floor sitting on their bums to hear Janis Joplin and Big Brother and The Holding Company. Owned by the Abdullah Brothers, it was not only a restaurant, but a general entertainment facility. They were also used as substitute Supremes throughout 1968 and 1969 when Diana Ross, Mary Wilson and Cindy Birdsong were experiencing tense relations. They took this opportunity very seriously and wanted to record unique and top notch material. Says Statham:It just seemed to end at one pointI dont know why. Finding aids. On November 25 and 26, 1965 the RLJB put on their annual concert at Martin Collegiate. My father was out of town. As well, during their elementary school years at Pius X, the Gutheils became members of a boys vocal group known as the Melody Lads. Dinni was the guy I knew besthe and I spent a lot of time together. My dad contacted him and we sent him some material. Thirdly, they paid attention to their singing: We are one of the few bands in Regina that has three and four-part harmony, he said. Montague also recalls: Often on Saturday nights The Lords from Edmonton would come into town in their smartly converted bright red school bus (they looked full-time), had touches of brass, with sax by the keyboard player, and were LOUD, MAN!!. We noticed a parked limo. He took up the guitar himself and starting working out the instrumental tunes he had heard in concert and on record. He must have had early subscriptions to British music magazines. He was ecstatic I admired the band so much, although to fill the shoes of Jimmy Mann was a formidable task. It was open not just to Canadian audience members, it was open to Canadian bands, mostly from Alberta and British Columbia. . Rothecker also recalls that Deutscher stood out: We were all pretty young then, so Bobs reputation hadnt been established yet, but any time we played he was the focal point of the group, and it was obvious to anyone who watched us play that he was going to be well known in this city and province. Regina's second multi-story office block after the venerable and now-demolished McCallum & Hill Building was the Motherwell Building at the corner of Victoria Avenue and Rose Street. She was just about to release her third Put Down. Church had been mentioned in Billboard, and even the Ottawa Journal had shone a light on her the previous year as a pretty 16-year-old from Regina who should go places. contains 1 track: Night of a Thousand Drums (M. Grainger), 5. demo When Statham and Wilkie decided to leave the band in the spring of 1969, Don Gutheil reverted to the bass, and a new guitarist was called for. It was also in 1964 that the Ro-dans were asked to back up Vancouver singer Terry Black (Canadas Fabian) when he gave a concert at the Regina Exhibition. Trying to get past the sarcasm, he confirmed that he actually had no worries that irresponsible youth might wreck the venue or horror of horrors, use drugs: Mr. Wood discounted ideas that the centre could be taking a chance by opening its doors to 2,000 young people at once. You know I want you so bad, youre not there. The music became harder edged, and at the same time more complicated and more original. I can only assume that it was Donnies affiliation with a DJ or two in Regina that got us an invite to play compete! Although unknown in the province, they still managed to make an impression. A swing fan himself, Bryant played bass alongside some of the greats Ray Price, Tex Ritter, Hank Thompson, Hank . The sax and organ give us that. The Confederation are unanimous in forecasting that within the next year, bands will begin turning to the big band sound style of music and theyre taking a gamble on it happening by being one of the first to use it. It was shift work and long hours, and crappy wages, so I finally quit. However I dont remember the final name that was chosen or who won the contest. He remembers: I enjoyed playing with the arrangements. We kinda liked each others playing and occasionally wed get together at his place and jam. In addition the festival was to feature popular music luminaries from around the world. They added to our success and were wonderful advertisement via word of mouth. I still remember the game we got into with the younger, quiet-by-nature Daryl hanging out the window with the other guys in the back holding his legs, trying to nail the road signs going by with empty cans of American beer. Founded by Abbie Hoffman, Paul Krassner and Jerry Rubin, the Yippies were an anarchical movement that did not really have a focused philosophy. They wore sweaters, several had horn-rimmed glasses, and all were clean-cut. Their favorite numbers include People Get Ready, Its a Monday Kind of Tuesday, Up, Up and Away, and By the Time I Get To Phoenix. To us it was just a recording studio in the states. What emerged was that he was a music agent named Don Edwards hailing from the Chicago area wanting to start an agency in Regina Did we have an agent and/or were we interested? Straight up I advised him that in my opinion if he kept it honest he would clean up in this town. .I told Don we would not sign any contracts, but that if he did right by us, wed do right by him. It would appear there was never a quiet moment: A feature of the Rats used to be the noise made when blowing one keg and tapping a new one. contains 1 track: Holy Woman (M. Grainger), 7. live performance Lewis had shown up earlier, listened to something like a half a tune, stood up saying something like, No, no, its all wrong, all wrong! and stomped out. All of us could sing lead and harmonies. They asked meand Confederation I think was just ending. We set up on the floor or a very low rise in a larger area of the studio, with a flat-painted back plywood wall and two high-up, not very loud, small, out of sight monitor speaker playing the 45 rpm. Their original rock disk jockeys were Ron Andrews, Russ Campbell, Big Daddy Doug Alexander, John Wessel, and Dave Jacobsen. Stathams first band was called The House of Blue. Daryl Gutheil became aware of them at this time. Nelsons was a beautiful acoustic recording, but way too simple in content. We loved to open a second or third set with Kind of a Drag (We had the brass!!). Nice chapswe snapped pictures. As his backup musicians, he chose the Andantes who, as he inadvertently found out, were already familiar with his material. Another short-lived club was the 007 Nite-Club (quickly changed to the Go Go 7, or the Double Go 7), located at 14th Avenue and Broad Street. Of lesser grandeur, but more in keeping with the times, was the Fourth Dimension Coffeehouse at 2710 Montague Street in the River Heights Shopping Centre. In the second half, the master of ceremonies announced that the next piece would feature a trumpet trio to play Buglers Holiday. It resulted in a smattering of applause and, more importantly, the attention of adolescent girls, so the two continued to stay in touch with a view to forming a more permanent ensemble. The management-like duties were a pain for Montague he was beginning to book gigs almost a year ahead but salvation came to him with an unexpected phone call in the fall of 1967: I was beginning to feel the pressures of high school concerns amid handling the booking, managing and playing all the gigs. It would have been D&D and me one day in the afternoon, drove downtown to pick him up, brought him back to my home and sat him down in the living room. Tripping the light fantastic at Seattle's Trianon Ballroom, 'Cupid's Headquarters' By Jean Sherrard. contains two tracks: Oh Baby (D. Gutheil/D. Rutledge/N. The Andantes enjoy the Bod Squads acid rock, and feel they play it really well, although it doesnt go over big in Regina. Well brought up boys! With Don playing bass and trumpet, and Daryl playing trumpet and organ, the group has a wide range of musical styles from Blood Sweat and Tears to barbershop harmony. He then added In January the group plans a cross-country tour of the United States eventually ending up in Chicago where they plan to do some recording.. The Fudge has 4,500 pounds of equipment which did not arrive in Regina.instead a setwas pieced together by renting some pieces from Arcade Music Centre, and borrowing other pieces from The Great Flood.Despite the unfamiliar equipment, the Fudge encountered few problems. I sucked it all up. Terry was a real fan of the group. I dont remember any reason given, no issues expressed, but it had the smell of Dinni in it. [1] Designed by renowned theater architects Rapp & Rapp, it was owned . Recorded: 1969, CKCK Studio, Regina They headed for Kankakee, as Edwards had managed to get them one gig at a local high school in his hometown. I wanted to let the word out very discreetly we had gigs to honour. Top groups from across Canada will appear and many local groups will be spotlighted, such as Reginas favorite The Andantes.. A former RCMP officer, he was the first radio announcer who was cool, hipHe could speak like the kids, made you giggle listening to the radio; a emerging brandnew style, refreshing, versatile, funny on-the-spot new idioms. It was fun for the first couple of years at the UI, but after that, I began to fear the loss of both hearing and self-respect. And according to another regular patron Virginia Balser: it was known to not have sufficient rest rooms for the patronsand every weekend there were a number of gentlemen arrested for ungentlemanly behavior in the bushes outside. Adds Don Young: we broke the all time sales record for kegs of beer one night at Rats! A notable visitor was young booking agent Bruce Allen who dropped in to see if the Andantes were worth bringing out to the Vancouver area. Montague: We were going to be recording in Chicago and needed something to do it with. The Chevrons appeared on a number of television programs: like the Andantes they performed on CKOS Yorktons Profile program in 1965. City Sun version 2 (D. Young/B. We got along really well. He was already picking and playing patterns. The term means moderately slow, melodic with emotion, hardly pop-rock. It was like having an additional musician, and the band members liked it so much that Gutheils guitar-playing days came to a quick end. And as one of the co-owners daughters Candace Conradi confirmed: The Rathskeller hosted live entertainment for 20 years, offering to pacts that drew literally thousands if not tens of thousands) into its welcoming space over its life. Montague recalled one of these special performances by his compadres: I had just been skipped over C Band. While we were performing, he would come back to me indicating to give him an extra stick, which I did. I worked at Studio 3 on-and-off in the early 1970s as an assistant to engineer Tapio Suo-Antilla, known as Tap. There were only eight channels, as I recall. He was deaf, but could really slam out some Johnny Cash tunes like I Walk the Line. By any chance, does anyone have a recording of some of the Ook-piks music, photos, or memorabilia? Some of Browns memorable local clients included the Canadian Downbeats doing Surf Party (1965), Mel West and the Meteors Sad and Blue (1966) and the Checkerlads Shake Yourself Down (1966). She had signed a contract with Barry Records and released two 45 rpms entitled Lonely One (written by Dorsey Burnette), and I Want to Stand Up On the Mountain which made it on to the CKCK charts. Fellow band member Larry Brown recalls: Fred was a poet at heart, loved R & B, loved Van Morrison, sang like a cross between Morrison and James Brown. We finished practice, made a phone call, his wife answered, we explained who we were. Ive Got A Secret (D. Gutheil/D. Agency [at the time affiliated with Bruce Allen] in Vancouver. I always put money in the same compartment in my suitcase. He remembers: Kelly Crowe was my partner, and he drummed up the business. Rush Trianon Ballroom, Regina, SK - Jun 19, 1975 Jun 19 1975. From 1932 on, it was run by the Sneath family, first Isaac and then his son Ross. Happy Love Day version 2 (M. Grainger) Rush at Trianon Ballroom on Regina, Canada on tour Fly by Night . The second blow came the same week when auditions were being held for Through the Eyes of Tomorrow. He was a very good bass player, and a real character. The odds were somewhat stacked against them. They took on as their manager Jimmy Mann, one time member of The Dynamics, and a not-so-innocent influence. Our hotel room was large and had a turntable with the furniture; they came up to hear the record (Chess had provided us with an acetate copy) as we had finished the mixing on the second day They crashed overnight we were all gentlemen.In the morning taking them back to theircar, they showed us the then famous corner brick building where the guy had kidnapped the seven student nurses in their apartment and over a few days murdered them all. Tour Date Search is maintained by Ed Stenger/tourdatesearch For promotional & private use only. A chap by the name of Rich Zion wed brought back from Sylvan Lake to look for work in Regina. I think we played James Browns I Got You (I Feel Good) and, after some prodding from the audience, Light My Fire. The following weekend however was The Grand Opening. His first complete song was entitled My Favourite Hair which, as he sheepishly explains, was trying to link the new music of the time with its visual trademark i.e. We were too young to get in, but at least we could saturate ourselves with the music if not the atmosphere. As Gutheil describes: My dad had worked with the guy who owned the hall there, Paul Perry, in the 1940s and 50s. He knew they were going to be huge, before they hit North American radio stations. The Andantes were literally handed a group of new and interesting songs to play that no other band had access to, while Graingers reputation within the Saskatchewan musical community was positively glowing they were a band that had the chops to take the songs to a higher level both from a musical and exposure perspective., The Andantes participated in a much more professional recording session in the summer of 1969. A positive break occurred almost immediately the offer of a two month long engagement as house band at Varsity Hall in the summer resort town of Sylvan Lake, Alberta. The Andantes schedule in January and February of 1969 was relatively busy. It wasnot long after we recorded. reported on their participation in a CKCK-sponsored event: Barry Dreger reports that CKCKs Third Annual Football Fling was the biggest yet. Dinni Wilkie was one of the best bass players Ive ever worked with; he worked well withGary to deepen the percussive element, but would also slide in some of the fastest melodic passages imaginable. Even though his groups featured the cream of Canadian jazz players, adult audiences started to decline in the early 1960s. Don is 17, Daryl is 15. Don had started his agency with us, and our being the best band in Regina we knew other bands would take that as a nod. Get the Duke Ellington and His Orchestra Setlist of the concert at Trianon Ballroom, Regina, SK, Canada on June 29, 1954 and other Duke Ellington and His Orchestra Setlists for free on! It came pretty fast. The citys size, mix of people, history, class system, and especially its energy was unlike anything any of them had experienced before. He remembers: I had heard so much about them, but actually hadnt heard them. The issue faded either from Gerrys interest (he got the point?) Born 1948 the youngest son of Albert and Wilhelmina Deutscher, he sported a lengthy and impressive musical history. The first and most prominent Trianon opened December 6, 1922 in the Woodlawn neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois, and was marketed as "The World's Most Beautiful Ballroom". We let the word out and probably Donnie came up with him. I cant remember why that happenedbut I thoughtwhoa! My intuition is that he was probably really financially hurting at this point, yet had no squirming option but to find the cash to cut that cheque through the union, and make it stick. It was over the airwaves that he heard and learned Freddie Kings instrumental Hideaway. He was always popular with the girls.he was a good looking guy and had a charm about himsort of upbeat all the time. He adds: Daryl and Don Gutheil both had very good voices and both were very capable on trumpet which added a distinctive quality to the group. He always seemed to know about tunes we ended up playing from England before they hit any of the Regina radio stations. Get the Queen City Kids Setlist of the concert at Trianon Ballroom, Regina, SK, Canada on October 2, 1975 and other Queen City Kids Setlists for free on! Guestpectacular . He worked with many of the greats in blues: Big Bill Broonzy, Bo Diddley, Willie Dixon, Otis Spann, Freddy King, Albert King, John Lee Hooker, Sonny Boy Williamson, J.B. Lenoir, Koko Taylor, and Buddy Guy in jazz: Ahmad Jamal, Ramsey Lewis, Oscar Peterson, Terry Clark, Sonny Stitt, Gene Krupa, and Marian McPartland and in popular music: Louis Prima, Keely Smith, Mel Torme, The Turtles, The Dells, Jerry Lee Lewis, Paul Anka, Vic Damone, and Mahalia Jackson. It was an hour in which the music seldom let up, until after the final eight minutes of You Keep Me Hanging On. Free of high school now, they became full-time professional musicians. Trianon Ballroom - Regina. He had a fondness for that venue: It was a hippie scene going on tabs of acid flying around the room! The Andantes rehearsed a lot at his house, then he and I would go out for a burger or something. Following the recording session, the band needed a night out. If it isnt one the teeney-boppers like, then survival in the dog-eat-dog world of wax can be a treacherous experiencetake The Confederation for instance. It was built up in glowing terms in the Leader-Post. Recalls Deutscher Chan was gifted with one of the finest voices in rock & roll and rhythm & blues it was a pleasure to play in a band with him. Its not a secret when I tell it to you Recorded: 1969, Grainger basement, Regina On Sunday, a concert that could become an annual event in Regina, will be held at the new Education Building on Regina Campus, beginning at 9 p.m. His widowed father had moved to Victoria then Duncan, BC, and Montague decided he would help him get established and worked there for the summer. It had been an enjoyable and eye-opening five year ride. The Fourth Dimension leaned on imported talent: it started January with The Mitchells (Chuck & Joni), then several weeks with the Gnu Foke, followed by Torontonian Michael Sherman, and topped off with Marti Shannon a Saskatonain fresh off the Lets Swing Out television program. The Balfour Beatles (Deutscher, Doug Griffith, David Warren and Toby Racette all of whom wore Beatle wigs), entertained the entire school at lunchtime in the cafeteria, and, bowing to popular pressure, that night in the auditorium. They were only 16 year olds, but the nights they played were jam packed-good old commerce/business. At age 12, I joined the RLJB concert/marching in both performance and competition. Then it was like brushing my teeth in the morning its just what I do..

Lantana Leaves Feel Dry, Articles T