Earning A Black Belt - USAdojo.com My name is Jesse Enkamp. Thanks and congratulation for this article. Yes, even a part time involvement in karate just did not fit into my life. The next "logical" step after graduating was opening my own Dojo and start giving what I learned to the next generation. Your black belt (brown belt, blue belt, green belt) is just as dynamic as Usain Bolt's three Olympic gold medals, which are probably stuffed away in a locker under a pair of dirty socks somewhere in Jamaica. You were fortunate enough to get to shoot with him, to do an episode, I guess we can call it? But people call Hokama Sensei a master, of course, and he is a 10th dan, 10th degree black belt in Okinawa. So yes, forget your belts and teach and work with lower ranked karatekas and you will see how much left you need to perfect! Overthinking stuff? I would have to go with Itosu Anko. Your shins will thank you, and I thank you, too. What is tradition? When respected high ranks emerge as assholes (actually just as humans but you know what I mean); when wisdoms you thought were truths are revealed as myths and when your belief in your own amazingness is shattered by exposure to the big world outside the dojo. Thank you. You know what? Excellent article sensei Jessethis is the real Karate do mentality.. "Sho Shin" : Our Club motto: Translates as "Beginner's Mind", 2022 Jesse Enkamp. But the first time one of the kid's faces lit up, it had me hooked on teaching the newbies. If this is your first visit, read my Free 7-Day Karate Nerd Guide. There's not really one book, because there are so many different versions of his notes that people have put together into books, but the publishing company is called Tuttle, and that's where I suggest you get them. The idea that martial arts can continue to progress, but its still within tradition because there is so much knowledge there. The perception that earning a Black Belt means mastery of the martial arts has created schools in which the martial arts are little more than a sport or form of exercise rather than a means of self defense and a way of life. Yes, 15! Yet another anecdote. Black belts in Tae Kwon Do are achieved in degrees, with the practitioner able to earn the first-degree black belt within three to five years. You see, when you teach a beginneryoure forced to think like a beginner. You certainly do a lot of reading. A lot of people use tradition as an excuse to do stuff in an old-fashioned or outdated way, but that does not interest me. Of course, eventually they quit because they don't see any progress, but if they just had used, or if they had just had the mindset of thinking a little bit more about what they were doing and not just following what their sensei said, but perhaps having a little bit of critical thinking, not that you should tell your sensei that he or she is wrong, but think about, Is this right for me? Because as an instructor myself, I know that everyone in the dojo, everyone in the class, will be different. I love that title, and its something that I myself am a martial arts nerd. . Great insight. To some people, it might seem like I'm living a very limited life, like I don't enjoy other stuff. Wonderful Jesse-san! Im very grateful with the all experience but I admit that, like you write in this article, some days I miss that feeling of simplicity of my first days in the karate world.Thankfully, when I return to train with my Sensei, I feel a bit more calm, as when I started practicing and my Sensei used to tell me "Dont talk, just do; then Youll understand". Do you like your shins? How did he change the kata, the forms that we do today, and why did he removed certain techniques in favor of other techniques, and what was his vision for making Karate what it is today, because hes not getting any credit for it. In my style, Sensei is a title earned with a third-degree black belt and extensive study of all aspects of martial arts. I'm what you could call a slow learner and you know what, I like it. In other words, he looked great executing the techniques on his willing partners. Something completely different to what you are already familiar. Why do we do this instead of that? Not because you're forced by your sensei. Of course, weve had Master Ken on the show, and that took a while to make happen. I do a lot with Seishin these days, and there's a lot of exciting things going on with that, because I like to look good, because when you look good, you feel good, and when you feel good, you do good. I appreciate you taking some time out of your day and spending it here with me. As the Karate Nerd, I expect that you've seen quite a few martial arts movies. For instance, I was trying to get those 8 to 10 years old kids to understand (to grasp the concept) how to move while keeping a low stance (avoiding the bouncing head syndrome for example). Its about unbecoming everything that isnt you. I usually follow my instincts, and most of the time, my gut tells me what to do and it turns out great. You simply cannot use an average measure and expect yourself to fall within that range. They don't improve for 10, 20, 30 years. My name is Jeremy Lesniak, and I'm your host as well as the founder here at whistlekick Sparring Gear and Apparel. From the moment you pass a test, you are back a beginner, ready to start to learn something new. I'm in a bit of a transition at the moment so your words resonate with me. [2] Background [ edit] Karate [ edit] Enkamp grew up with martial arts as his family runs Combat Academy - a martial arts center in Tby - where he himself started training already at a couple of years old. We get back on. When you think you can punch, your sensei explains: ok, very good but now start learning to get this or that into your punch(hip movement, whatever). Oliver Enkamp - Wikipedia Web. Keep studying and practicing until a punch becomes just a punch again. Teaching and coaching pulls me out of my head and my own hangups about my performance and helps me focus on helping other people. Or.. Or Was that a little smile on your face??? Beginners mind is a beautiful thing. If we start from the beginning, one name that pops into my head is Sensei Hokama Tetsuhiro from Okinawa. We always try and keep this mindset in our dojo! Richard-Sensei, you are a true inspiration! Thank you very much. Why when I click on "articles" It doesn't load all articles, so I never saw list of all articles that you wrote. It is very personal, and its not research with footnotes or anything boring like that. So, for me, that's like a metaphor of standing up to the dinosaurs. Although I am just blue belt, I can feel your pain. This is especially true ifitfeels like you know it all andarentmotivated or challenged by your regular training anymore. I prefer to spend 2 years to pass a belt than ranking up the ladder and always have a feel I've left important details behind, unfixed. Hes done a lot to further the arts for sure, and I really appreciate what hesdone. Its midday here, and evening there, and I appreciate you giving up some of your personal time after work to talk to me. Getting attacked by this "pure and innocent" tori forced me to be even closer to perfection as he could not "help me out of my bad moves. To pass my blue belt, I needed a tori to attack me but no blue or higher belt was available, I asked an orange belt to be my tori. A lot of people from different countries around the world decided to help me make this seminar a reality, and in return they would get videos, because I had a professional guy record this whole seminar. Thank you for being here. It was a special thing when I visited him there last year again, but I have a lot of other mentors and people who have influenced me as well, but the first one, I guess, outside of my own dojo would be Sensei Hokama Tetsuhiro. To teach a beginner is to think like a beginner. Dear Chantal, Ossu! Generally we call this traditional Karate and sport Karate, but to me, you should have both. How you overcome obstacles tells you a lot about yourself, so its a way to discover who you are. I even went back to his dojo in . What martial art I don't even know how to phrase this question for you. It was probably a hard decision for him to do that, but if you want to make an omelet, you have to crack a few eggs, right? Salute you. I had a guest instructor from Italy, another one from Israel. We have the practical side of people trying to study the way that you can apply the moves from forms, from kata, in practical self defense, and we've come a long way in that sense, but also people, especially in McDojos, I guess you would call them, practice Karate as a form of physical exercise, to stay in shape, to get fit, to have fun, to meet friends, and there's nothing wrong with that, if it makes their life better and if they get what they're paying for. I made these people connect with each other on such a deep level. That bond They're still friends to this day, and that was in 2014. You see yourself reacting to challenges. If you study sport karate or mma take up escrima or Silat. I only knew that he was an expert at Jiu-Jitsu, and not the Brazilian kind where you roll around on the ground, but the Japanese kind where you mostly stand up and do these nasty joint locks and things. I am delighted when I see the kids improve, and it's a joy to work with them. Dont Talk-Just Do!.the number of times I have said this?!?! Sensei Jesse Enkamp is the mind behind all of those wonderful things coming out of the Karate by Jesse camp, and hes as passionate a martial artist as weve ever had on this show. When I went to a dojo for the very first time, I wasn't able to sleep the night before. We get stuck in all the "traditions", we get stubborn and slowly start missing and forgetting the essence of Budo. Now, anybody that's seen your online content knows that you're really passionate about the traditional aspects of Karate. That moment told me that what I'm doing is bigger than myself, and it was such a cool memory for me, or moment, that throughout the whole experience from that seminar, that's the one thing that I remember most. I appreciate it. I think i know what you mean. I think martial artists have the best stories, because we get to do things and interact with our friends and our martial arts family in a way that other people don't, and that just breeds such interesting happenings. Training a few more times with the painful realisation I truly DID suck and was nowhere near where I pictured myself, I went back to that discussion and realized a few words of a famous physician: I like to keep an open mind but not open enough for my brain to fall out. We have some buttons on the website that make sharing easier, or you can just tell people, Hey, listen. In the beginners mind, Karate is full ofamazing opportunities and unique questions. We can look back at it and say, This is tough, but my black belt test For a lot of us, that's one of the most difficult things well experience. If you don't like competing, I think that it would give you even more, because there's probably a reason you don't like it, and facing stuff we don't like usually turns out well, because that teaches you something about yourself. Hailing from Sweden, he's made a career out of promoting traditional Karate and the values he sees in training traditionally. That motivated me. That had me thinking, just coming back from a 10 year break, was I just wrong? As featured in this Youtube vlog by Jesse Enkamp (11:45 mark) of. I also believe this and regularly become the student again by allowing my students to teach me. Proper Martial Arts Ranks and Titles - USAdojo.com He loves to teach Karate, Kobudo . I am not THE Karate Nerd, though. It's particularly satisfying when one of my oldest students, who has an immense, learning does so well against her peers. Please keep the articles alive. In order to really understand something, explain it to someone who doesn't understand. People know who you are. I didn't realise it until I started teaching the kids that changing direction in a Kata is sooooo complicated, clockwise or anti-clockwise? http://www.martialarts.social CONNECT WITH ME:- Facebook https://www.facebook.com/karatebyjesse/- Instagram https://www.instagram.com/karatebyjesse/- Twitter https://twitter.com/karatebyjesse- Blog https://www.karatebyjesse.com/category/karate/- FB Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/karatenerds/ CONTACT ME https://www.karatebyjesse.com/contact/WARNING: The advice and movements shown in this video are for informational and educational purposes only. I now am 2nd kyu and heading towards 1st kyu and eventually that coveted black belt and the more I train on my own in front of the mirrors I can see all my flaws so clearly that it's disheartening. Dear Sean, dear Francis, Okinawa agreed and many masters backed up from 12 and 13th Degree to 10th Degree, although one in Hawaii refused and kept his 13th Degree til the day he died. This is expressed in another Japanese saying known as Bun Bu Ryo Do, which means basically, The pen and the sword together will guide you on the way.. love it. Don't pick up the dojo where everyone knows you and respect you,that would not make the point ;) After that you can find your real karate :D Belt is just holding your trousers no matter of colour ;) your real karate is inside you.Oss! Are they your favorite martial arts actors, or is there somebody else that you haven't mentioned? brian k said: In regards to Sensei Steven Seagal's technique, (the question asked) I thought he showed good, crisp, clean and accurate technique. You've impressed us all with that posting! I'm "The Karate Nerd", #1 Amazon.com best-selling author, entrepreneur, traveler, athlete, educator, carrot cake connoisseur and founder of Seishin International. Are there any other hobbies, or sports, or things that you're active in? Wow what a really cool and very thoughtful article Jesse-san. And me confirming it was ok. You should have seen the glow in their eyes. I know this sounds crazy, but you can basically If you want to, you could bite the other guy, and do these kinds of techniques, but of course nobody does it, but theoretically you could. Thank you Jesse san! When it came down to the last part of the black belt test, we had something we call [jisin 18:34] kumite, which means that were basically fighting without any rules. And even though Mr. Bolt happens to hold the 100m, 200m and 4 x 100 m world records, he lost his last race. Over, done . I think that the manuscripts, the notes that he put together, and that we later on made into books, should be read by more people, because most people only know Bruce Lee from his movies, and honestly, I don't even think his movies were that good, but maybe I'm too young. We only talk about the people who came to mainland Japan after him, and they were his students, like Funakoshi, or Mabuni, or their brothers from other styles, and this was before styles even existed. Do you hate clashing shins when you're sparring? This is our everlasting journey. I found out that when they notice that you train with your heart and soul, they will help you along the journey since they are as passionate about karate as you. They teach us more that we could ever imagine, the purity, the innocence, non-judgement, and so much more. Episode 174 - Sensei Jesse Enkamp - whistlekick Martial Arts Radio If you spend any time on social media looking at martial arts content, you'll know todays guest. talprofs. I wanted to be a good fighter. The more you move up, the more you put everything in question. Generations of masters have come before us, and to not use their collective knowledge to improve our current understanding and practice of karate would be foolish in my opinion. Were crossing quite a few time zones to get to you. Now, if you've selected him, I'm guessing you've read a fair amount about him, as much as is out there. It was not about building strong kids in schools. Keep up the good work :). I was going I was fighting fire with fire. a punch becomes just a punch again! and I guess the hope that the sheer wonderment of everything karate will return, huh? You're entering the competition season in Europe right now. However, I am not so much into exams and belt colours, I just want to learn and be able to defend myself (due to an incident couple of months ago). (Well, one kid asked me if I had the permission for participating in the holiday training because she saw I was a white belt and she had her blue one alreadybeing a white belt makes you feel a bit 'naked'.) So, the Karate Nerd Experience happened, and it was a success. Now, you mentioned Jackie Chan and Donnie Yen. Best thing I ever did. Let's welcome him to the show. Yeah, and these guys, they were from separate parts of the world, and the fact that I just stood there and I thought to myself, Man, I did this. We had Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Tae Boxing, all of these different martial arts that gave me a pretty wide base and perspective on martial arts as a whole. And about those black belts. You should also check out our Facebook group, whistlekick Martial Arts Radio Behind the Scenes. Everything is difficult before it becomes easy. SiGung (Chinese) - Teacher of Teachers - This is a very senior practitioner who is awarded this title by the system founder or head of the family - usually 7th degree or senior. I like that, the way you put that. These days, I don't even read Karate books that much, because it feels like I read most of them, to be honest, so I try to expand my knowledge into other domains. Me and my friends, when I was younger, we used to play that we were in the Drunken Master. Really in line with what I tell the instructors at our dojo: I know that this I know that a lot of people have difficulties with me because I don't have these plans. What is it about that that really resonates for you? Having trained in Tae Kwon Do in my twenties and achieving black belt rank, I had life pull me away from the dojo. Martial arts like BJJ still gave a tight grip on the belt system, but even Brazilian Jiu-jitsu is headed the same way as Taekwondo, Tang Soo Do, Kempo and even Okinawan styles of Karate and Kobudo. This really resonates with me. A great point. That's why I call myself a karate nerd. I had the opportunity to travel to Okinawa when I was very young, because my parent went there for training, and I've been there now over a dozen times even though I'm still young. I would go so far to say those of us in the martial arts that have the opportunity to bring people together in that way have a responsibility. You can find our show notes at whistlekickMartialArtsRadio.com, and that's also the easiest place to sign up for our newsletter. I think Karate should be a highly personal journey, and you should do whatever you like, or whatever you want to do, and if that involves competing, good. That is a very good question, because at different stages of my journey in this whole Karate world, I've had different people influencing me. It is just, that you think you'll never get it. Wow. Then, after we did that seminar, we shot this whole fun thing for his YouTube channel as well, which is the video you're referring to, where I'm supposed to teach the audience how to break a board, but he ends up breaking the board on my face instead. Hopefully that's okay. Check them out, whistlekick.com. As shestepped inside, I could sense her vibeshe was as scared as she wasexcited. You cannot know if your technique is good until you try it on someone who doesnt know it. Enkamp, Jesse. I will teach only punching to beginners until I feel the magic again :(, Absolutely correct. Hat's off to Sensei Seagal for showing . I have now once again achieved black belt rank and am once again deeply involved with teaching our young students. Then, if I had to say another more martial arts, more general, then perhaps why not the books that Bruce Lee wrote? But because itsthe#1 waytoreach next levelin your journeyas black belt. I started studying Japanese. After too many years away, I was thrilled to begin training in Goju Ryu at a fantastic dojo. whistlekickMartialArtsRadio.com, in case you missed it the first time. Jesse-Sensei, couldn't agree with you more about teaching kids & beginners! That idea, it turned out great, and people asked me how long I planned it. Needed to be challenged by words like these! Nevertheless, if you really want to know how long it takes to get a black belt, learn basic skills or master an entire . What It Takes To Earn A Black Belt - YouTube I like to keep it simple, and fun, and informative, educational, but entertaining as well. Osu! it. Two young fighters demonstr. I still train happily enough (I am now 64)and have managed to get to 2nd Dan. Yeah, those are two of my favorites. I don't know what to expect or what to do, and I just throw a low roundhouse kick - a gedan mawashi geri in Japanese - and he doesn't even flinch. I call it liberating. Call it mindfulness if you like. Excellent article! Keep For one moment, I wouldve traded my arm and leg to be in her position. I learned all the requirements of Isshin Ryu Karate, and passed each one. First, I wanted to bow to him, shake his hand, thank him for caring so much about this crazy martial arts thing that so many of us do. You've got a lot going on, and I'm not even going to try to tell all the listeners about everything you've got going, so that's your opportunity to do that. Of course, the Karate Kid movies, they're classics, but for example, I really enjoyed Drunken Master with Jackie Chan. I never fail to be amazed at his ability to gauge my character and training requirements. Weird story, but your words where more accurat than you probably realized. Teaching karate is like learning all over again. It takes the average student years to achieve each of the Degrees of Black Belt. Then I don't feel quite as guilty for robbing your free time. In fact, Dan's response is most accurate the time needed to get black belt depends largely on the student. You've really raised the bar with that. If I'm at the dojo, but not actually in the class, he will call me onto the mat to help out. As a thank you, were going to send you our Top 10 Tips for Martial Artists. Great article Jesse-san, thank you, it's what I needed to hear today. My respect Sensei Jesse for such humility. I love martial arts stories. Great. These are not my words but I have them always in my mind. On asking how she remembered, she said that she puts her arm up for the block (kihon-kata) and turns by following the direction of her elbow. As is often the case, the lessons learned from martial arts ring true through life. Its hard for me to say, but I guess when Like most young men, when you finish high school, around that age, where people want you to decide what to do with your life, that's when I decided to go to Okinawa, the birthplace of Karate. You can download the transcript below or download here. This proven to be the hardest and most revealing belt exam I ever did. And we certainly will. Sensei Enkamp, welcome to whistlekick Martial Arts Radio. If you had the opportunity to train with someone that you haven't, anybody from anywhere in the world, anywhere in time, who would you want to train with? It all started in the dojo. I enjoyed watching that. That's why I started Karate, and I liked the whole aspect of having weapons as well, because I love fighting with weapons, too. After 36 years of training I found the kids to be my greatest teachers, after all "The aim of Karate-Do is not the victory or defeat, but the perfection of character of it's participants", not that we ever reach it. If you had it to do over again, how would you handle that match, that fight, with what you know now? I shall try your solution. 1 . I even went back to his dojo in Okinawa last year, and hes so proud of me because, I guess, a lot of people visit him but never come back, but seeing how I've grown and my journey, and knowing that he influenced me from the beginning, I think, is a big deal for him. Jesse Enkamp - The Karate Nerd Not to mention, we put an extra layer of foam right over your tibia - that's your shin bone - so you're sure to survive those brutal shin clashes. Long story short, Dan the Wolfman sent him a FB friend request and started to pimp up his Black Belts, YouTube videos and other stuff, Jesse unfriended him, Dan the Wolfman took it personally, called him out on YouTube and challenged to a fight, "The Karate Nerd" commented on the video and apologized (for nothing) and the Wolfman kept on . Sensei Jesse Enkamp is the host of Karate by Jesse and a self-proclaimed Karate nerd. Jesse-san, when confronting you with my hikite-theory, or mind blowing revelation I thought, you looked at me and said: ok that's good, but I just try to keep it simple. After talking with Sensei Enkamp, I had two, overwhelming I guess, thoughts. Now, if you do, you should check out our shin guards. I respectfully declined and insisted that I need to learn this style from the beginning. So many people are looking at you in admiration! Then, with my blood, flowing from my eye, he throws me with a throw known as harai goshi in Judo. I know I do. So, the whole idea behind tradition is interesting in itself. I had never done a seminar outside of my own dojo before, so I just had this idea, I did some research to see what kind of topics I could cover, how I could fund this whole thing, and I decided to do crowdfunding. Well, why not talk about my black belt test, because to me, that was a real test of my spirit, because the whole thing about my black belt test was that there was this Russian MMA fighter invited to our dojo, and I don't know why, but I was so scared of him because he didn't say anything. The best tip I learned was from a 5-yr-old who always got it right. I studied Japanese at University here in Sweden, then I continued studying in Okinawa, but that whole thing was just an excuse just to get the visa so I could actually live in Okinawa and practice with these masters. Thatjourney he made really resonates with me, even though I blog instead, but I guess he would do the same if we had blogs back then. My senior instructor knew this would be a challenge for me -- which is precisely why he did it. Before he could do anything else, I just tapped out, and I said, Dude, Im bleeding, because I didnt want to get blood on the mats, because of course, me and my parents, we own our own dojo, and I know how hard it is to get that blood out of the mats. I think that he would think the way we practice Karate today is actually a good thing, because we have both things still intact. I do that pretty often in my Dojo, and it is so refreshing & unwinding. People don't know this, but if there were blogs back when Bruce Lee was alive, he would be the greatest blogger alive, because he wrote down so many things related to philosophy, history, tradition, and all of these things that were still talking about today. Then, immediately following that kick, he steps in, he headbutts me, so I start bleeding. You've worked hard. This is how I believe the circle of karate and or in this case simplicity of the punch becomes enjoyable and pure. Dan the Wolfman starting a beef with the Enkamp brothers I think I know how you feel. Well, good. Let's be honest, shin guards are sweaty, ours are, too. Jesse Enkamp obiediently offers slow motion punches to Steven Seagal so he can demonstrate his mystical Aikido applications saying things like "in real Karate, it would be like this." . Sensei Jesse Enkamp is the host of Karate by Jesse and a self-proclaimed Karate nerd. I did always feel a bit sad that over time I forgot all my katas! "The 3 types of Bunkai (Omote, Ura & Honto)." KaratebyJesse. I have been training irregularly for forty years now, am 65 years old and got my shodan last year only because I wanted to teach what I think I know. At my last training session there were also two beginners, one for whom it was the first lesson. I'm a passionate "Karate Nerd", who loves helping people improve their Karate. In a lot of schools, its designed to be that way, and I'm proud that I have that to reflect on. So, KaratebyJesse.com is where you'll find my blog, and many of my other projects and videos and stuff, and of course I'm on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter as well, and you could include those links in the show notes. Its not for trophies, or medals, or getting a pat on the back from someone else. I was fortunate enough to get a [board 36:17] smashed through my face. I am a nerd about Karate, and as you know, nerds don't do anything else other than the stuff they're nerdy about, right? He was, I guess, this typical Russian guy, just silent, and just walking around with a deadly, killer face. Leave a comment and join the discussion! Your arcticles always make fantastic reading, and your seminars equally superb as told by our student and Sensei Jeremy! I like that. Id like you to think of a time in your life that made you look on your black belt test, or in some other way you used your martial arts experience to get through that tough time. 2022 Gmc Canyon Block Heater Location, Stevens Point Youth Football, Breaking News Leesburg, Fl, Ebola Epidemiological Triangle, Lindsay Thompson Colin Ferguson Wedding, Articles W

what degree black belt is jesse enkamp

After all, there plenty of class members who out-ranked me 2016. Earning A Black Belt - USAdojo.com My name is Jesse Enkamp. Thanks and congratulation for this article. Yes, even a part time involvement in karate just did not fit into my life. The next "logical" step after graduating was opening my own Dojo and start giving what I learned to the next generation. Your black belt (brown belt, blue belt, green belt) is just as dynamic as Usain Bolt's three Olympic gold medals, which are probably stuffed away in a locker under a pair of dirty socks somewhere in Jamaica. You were fortunate enough to get to shoot with him, to do an episode, I guess we can call it? But people call Hokama Sensei a master, of course, and he is a 10th dan, 10th degree black belt in Okinawa. So yes, forget your belts and teach and work with lower ranked karatekas and you will see how much left you need to perfect! Overthinking stuff? I would have to go with Itosu Anko. Your shins will thank you, and I thank you, too. What is tradition? When respected high ranks emerge as assholes (actually just as humans but you know what I mean); when wisdoms you thought were truths are revealed as myths and when your belief in your own amazingness is shattered by exposure to the big world outside the dojo. Thank you. You know what? Excellent article sensei Jessethis is the real Karate do mentality.. "Sho Shin" : Our Club motto: Translates as "Beginner's Mind", 2022 Jesse Enkamp. But the first time one of the kid's faces lit up, it had me hooked on teaching the newbies. If this is your first visit, read my Free 7-Day Karate Nerd Guide. There's not really one book, because there are so many different versions of his notes that people have put together into books, but the publishing company is called Tuttle, and that's where I suggest you get them. The idea that martial arts can continue to progress, but its still within tradition because there is so much knowledge there. The perception that earning a Black Belt means mastery of the martial arts has created schools in which the martial arts are little more than a sport or form of exercise rather than a means of self defense and a way of life. Yes, 15! Yet another anecdote. Black belts in Tae Kwon Do are achieved in degrees, with the practitioner able to earn the first-degree black belt within three to five years. You see, when you teach a beginneryoure forced to think like a beginner. You certainly do a lot of reading. A lot of people use tradition as an excuse to do stuff in an old-fashioned or outdated way, but that does not interest me. Of course, eventually they quit because they don't see any progress, but if they just had used, or if they had just had the mindset of thinking a little bit more about what they were doing and not just following what their sensei said, but perhaps having a little bit of critical thinking, not that you should tell your sensei that he or she is wrong, but think about, Is this right for me? Because as an instructor myself, I know that everyone in the dojo, everyone in the class, will be different. I love that title, and its something that I myself am a martial arts nerd. . Great insight. To some people, it might seem like I'm living a very limited life, like I don't enjoy other stuff. Wonderful Jesse-san! Im very grateful with the all experience but I admit that, like you write in this article, some days I miss that feeling of simplicity of my first days in the karate world.Thankfully, when I return to train with my Sensei, I feel a bit more calm, as when I started practicing and my Sensei used to tell me "Dont talk, just do; then Youll understand". Do you like your shins? How did he change the kata, the forms that we do today, and why did he removed certain techniques in favor of other techniques, and what was his vision for making Karate what it is today, because hes not getting any credit for it. In my style, Sensei is a title earned with a third-degree black belt and extensive study of all aspects of martial arts. I'm what you could call a slow learner and you know what, I like it. In other words, he looked great executing the techniques on his willing partners. Something completely different to what you are already familiar. Why do we do this instead of that? Not because you're forced by your sensei. Of course, weve had Master Ken on the show, and that took a while to make happen. I do a lot with Seishin these days, and there's a lot of exciting things going on with that, because I like to look good, because when you look good, you feel good, and when you feel good, you do good. I appreciate you taking some time out of your day and spending it here with me. As the Karate Nerd, I expect that you've seen quite a few martial arts movies. For instance, I was trying to get those 8 to 10 years old kids to understand (to grasp the concept) how to move while keeping a low stance (avoiding the bouncing head syndrome for example). Its about unbecoming everything that isnt you. I usually follow my instincts, and most of the time, my gut tells me what to do and it turns out great. You simply cannot use an average measure and expect yourself to fall within that range. They don't improve for 10, 20, 30 years. My name is Jeremy Lesniak, and I'm your host as well as the founder here at whistlekick Sparring Gear and Apparel. From the moment you pass a test, you are back a beginner, ready to start to learn something new. I'm in a bit of a transition at the moment so your words resonate with me. [2] Background [ edit] Karate [ edit] Enkamp grew up with martial arts as his family runs Combat Academy - a martial arts center in Tby - where he himself started training already at a couple of years old. We get back on. When you think you can punch, your sensei explains: ok, very good but now start learning to get this or that into your punch(hip movement, whatever). Oliver Enkamp - Wikipedia Web. Keep studying and practicing until a punch becomes just a punch again. Teaching and coaching pulls me out of my head and my own hangups about my performance and helps me focus on helping other people. Or.. Or Was that a little smile on your face??? Beginners mind is a beautiful thing. If we start from the beginning, one name that pops into my head is Sensei Hokama Tetsuhiro from Okinawa. We always try and keep this mindset in our dojo! Richard-Sensei, you are a true inspiration! Thank you very much. Why when I click on "articles" It doesn't load all articles, so I never saw list of all articles that you wrote. It is very personal, and its not research with footnotes or anything boring like that. So, for me, that's like a metaphor of standing up to the dinosaurs. Although I am just blue belt, I can feel your pain. This is especially true ifitfeels like you know it all andarentmotivated or challenged by your regular training anymore. I prefer to spend 2 years to pass a belt than ranking up the ladder and always have a feel I've left important details behind, unfixed. Hes done a lot to further the arts for sure, and I really appreciate what hesdone. Its midday here, and evening there, and I appreciate you giving up some of your personal time after work to talk to me. Getting attacked by this "pure and innocent" tori forced me to be even closer to perfection as he could not "help me out of my bad moves. To pass my blue belt, I needed a tori to attack me but no blue or higher belt was available, I asked an orange belt to be my tori. A lot of people from different countries around the world decided to help me make this seminar a reality, and in return they would get videos, because I had a professional guy record this whole seminar. Thank you for being here. It was a special thing when I visited him there last year again, but I have a lot of other mentors and people who have influenced me as well, but the first one, I guess, outside of my own dojo would be Sensei Hokama Tetsuhiro. To teach a beginner is to think like a beginner. Dear Chantal, Ossu! Generally we call this traditional Karate and sport Karate, but to me, you should have both. How you overcome obstacles tells you a lot about yourself, so its a way to discover who you are. I even went back to his dojo in . What martial art I don't even know how to phrase this question for you. It was probably a hard decision for him to do that, but if you want to make an omelet, you have to crack a few eggs, right? Salute you. I had a guest instructor from Italy, another one from Israel. We have the practical side of people trying to study the way that you can apply the moves from forms, from kata, in practical self defense, and we've come a long way in that sense, but also people, especially in McDojos, I guess you would call them, practice Karate as a form of physical exercise, to stay in shape, to get fit, to have fun, to meet friends, and there's nothing wrong with that, if it makes their life better and if they get what they're paying for. I made these people connect with each other on such a deep level. That bond They're still friends to this day, and that was in 2014. You see yourself reacting to challenges. If you study sport karate or mma take up escrima or Silat. I only knew that he was an expert at Jiu-Jitsu, and not the Brazilian kind where you roll around on the ground, but the Japanese kind where you mostly stand up and do these nasty joint locks and things. I am delighted when I see the kids improve, and it's a joy to work with them. Dont Talk-Just Do!.the number of times I have said this?!?! Sensei Jesse Enkamp is the mind behind all of those wonderful things coming out of the Karate by Jesse camp, and hes as passionate a martial artist as weve ever had on this show. When I went to a dojo for the very first time, I wasn't able to sleep the night before. We get stuck in all the "traditions", we get stubborn and slowly start missing and forgetting the essence of Budo. Now, anybody that's seen your online content knows that you're really passionate about the traditional aspects of Karate. That moment told me that what I'm doing is bigger than myself, and it was such a cool memory for me, or moment, that throughout the whole experience from that seminar, that's the one thing that I remember most. I appreciate it. I think i know what you mean. I think martial artists have the best stories, because we get to do things and interact with our friends and our martial arts family in a way that other people don't, and that just breeds such interesting happenings. Training a few more times with the painful realisation I truly DID suck and was nowhere near where I pictured myself, I went back to that discussion and realized a few words of a famous physician: I like to keep an open mind but not open enough for my brain to fall out. We have some buttons on the website that make sharing easier, or you can just tell people, Hey, listen. In the beginners mind, Karate is full ofamazing opportunities and unique questions. We can look back at it and say, This is tough, but my black belt test For a lot of us, that's one of the most difficult things well experience. If you don't like competing, I think that it would give you even more, because there's probably a reason you don't like it, and facing stuff we don't like usually turns out well, because that teaches you something about yourself. Hailing from Sweden, he's made a career out of promoting traditional Karate and the values he sees in training traditionally. That motivated me. That had me thinking, just coming back from a 10 year break, was I just wrong? As featured in this Youtube vlog by Jesse Enkamp (11:45 mark) of. I also believe this and regularly become the student again by allowing my students to teach me. Proper Martial Arts Ranks and Titles - USAdojo.com He loves to teach Karate, Kobudo . I am not THE Karate Nerd, though. It's particularly satisfying when one of my oldest students, who has an immense, learning does so well against her peers. Please keep the articles alive. In order to really understand something, explain it to someone who doesn't understand. People know who you are. I didn't realise it until I started teaching the kids that changing direction in a Kata is sooooo complicated, clockwise or anti-clockwise? http://www.martialarts.social CONNECT WITH ME:- Facebook https://www.facebook.com/karatebyjesse/- Instagram https://www.instagram.com/karatebyjesse/- Twitter https://twitter.com/karatebyjesse- Blog https://www.karatebyjesse.com/category/karate/- FB Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/karatenerds/ CONTACT ME https://www.karatebyjesse.com/contact/WARNING: The advice and movements shown in this video are for informational and educational purposes only. I now am 2nd kyu and heading towards 1st kyu and eventually that coveted black belt and the more I train on my own in front of the mirrors I can see all my flaws so clearly that it's disheartening. Dear Sean, dear Francis, Okinawa agreed and many masters backed up from 12 and 13th Degree to 10th Degree, although one in Hawaii refused and kept his 13th Degree til the day he died. This is expressed in another Japanese saying known as Bun Bu Ryo Do, which means basically, The pen and the sword together will guide you on the way.. love it. Don't pick up the dojo where everyone knows you and respect you,that would not make the point ;) After that you can find your real karate :D Belt is just holding your trousers no matter of colour ;) your real karate is inside you.Oss! Are they your favorite martial arts actors, or is there somebody else that you haven't mentioned? brian k said: In regards to Sensei Steven Seagal's technique, (the question asked) I thought he showed good, crisp, clean and accurate technique. You've impressed us all with that posting! I'm "The Karate Nerd", #1 Amazon.com best-selling author, entrepreneur, traveler, athlete, educator, carrot cake connoisseur and founder of Seishin International. Are there any other hobbies, or sports, or things that you're active in? Wow what a really cool and very thoughtful article Jesse-san. And me confirming it was ok. You should have seen the glow in their eyes. I know this sounds crazy, but you can basically If you want to, you could bite the other guy, and do these kinds of techniques, but of course nobody does it, but theoretically you could. Thank you Jesse san! When it came down to the last part of the black belt test, we had something we call [jisin 18:34] kumite, which means that were basically fighting without any rules. And even though Mr. Bolt happens to hold the 100m, 200m and 4 x 100 m world records, he lost his last race. Over, done . I think that the manuscripts, the notes that he put together, and that we later on made into books, should be read by more people, because most people only know Bruce Lee from his movies, and honestly, I don't even think his movies were that good, but maybe I'm too young. We only talk about the people who came to mainland Japan after him, and they were his students, like Funakoshi, or Mabuni, or their brothers from other styles, and this was before styles even existed. Do you hate clashing shins when you're sparring? This is our everlasting journey. I found out that when they notice that you train with your heart and soul, they will help you along the journey since they are as passionate about karate as you. They teach us more that we could ever imagine, the purity, the innocence, non-judgement, and so much more. Episode 174 - Sensei Jesse Enkamp - whistlekick Martial Arts Radio If you spend any time on social media looking at martial arts content, you'll know todays guest. talprofs. I wanted to be a good fighter. The more you move up, the more you put everything in question. Generations of masters have come before us, and to not use their collective knowledge to improve our current understanding and practice of karate would be foolish in my opinion. Were crossing quite a few time zones to get to you. Now, if you've selected him, I'm guessing you've read a fair amount about him, as much as is out there. It was not about building strong kids in schools. Keep up the good work :). I was going I was fighting fire with fire. a punch becomes just a punch again! and I guess the hope that the sheer wonderment of everything karate will return, huh? You're entering the competition season in Europe right now. However, I am not so much into exams and belt colours, I just want to learn and be able to defend myself (due to an incident couple of months ago). (Well, one kid asked me if I had the permission for participating in the holiday training because she saw I was a white belt and she had her blue one alreadybeing a white belt makes you feel a bit 'naked'.) So, the Karate Nerd Experience happened, and it was a success. Now, you mentioned Jackie Chan and Donnie Yen. Best thing I ever did. Let's welcome him to the show. Yeah, and these guys, they were from separate parts of the world, and the fact that I just stood there and I thought to myself, Man, I did this. We had Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Tae Boxing, all of these different martial arts that gave me a pretty wide base and perspective on martial arts as a whole. And about those black belts. You should also check out our Facebook group, whistlekick Martial Arts Radio Behind the Scenes. Everything is difficult before it becomes easy. SiGung (Chinese) - Teacher of Teachers - This is a very senior practitioner who is awarded this title by the system founder or head of the family - usually 7th degree or senior. I like that, the way you put that. These days, I don't even read Karate books that much, because it feels like I read most of them, to be honest, so I try to expand my knowledge into other domains. Me and my friends, when I was younger, we used to play that we were in the Drunken Master. Really in line with what I tell the instructors at our dojo: I know that this I know that a lot of people have difficulties with me because I don't have these plans. What is it about that that really resonates for you? Having trained in Tae Kwon Do in my twenties and achieving black belt rank, I had life pull me away from the dojo. Martial arts like BJJ still gave a tight grip on the belt system, but even Brazilian Jiu-jitsu is headed the same way as Taekwondo, Tang Soo Do, Kempo and even Okinawan styles of Karate and Kobudo. This really resonates with me. A great point. That's why I call myself a karate nerd. I had the opportunity to travel to Okinawa when I was very young, because my parent went there for training, and I've been there now over a dozen times even though I'm still young. I would go so far to say those of us in the martial arts that have the opportunity to bring people together in that way have a responsibility. You can find our show notes at whistlekickMartialArtsRadio.com, and that's also the easiest place to sign up for our newsletter. I think Karate should be a highly personal journey, and you should do whatever you like, or whatever you want to do, and if that involves competing, good. That is a very good question, because at different stages of my journey in this whole Karate world, I've had different people influencing me. It is just, that you think you'll never get it. Wow. Then, after we did that seminar, we shot this whole fun thing for his YouTube channel as well, which is the video you're referring to, where I'm supposed to teach the audience how to break a board, but he ends up breaking the board on my face instead. Hopefully that's okay. Check them out, whistlekick.com. As shestepped inside, I could sense her vibeshe was as scared as she wasexcited. You cannot know if your technique is good until you try it on someone who doesnt know it. Enkamp, Jesse. I will teach only punching to beginners until I feel the magic again :(, Absolutely correct. Hat's off to Sensei Seagal for showing . I have now once again achieved black belt rank and am once again deeply involved with teaching our young students. Then, if I had to say another more martial arts, more general, then perhaps why not the books that Bruce Lee wrote? But because itsthe#1 waytoreach next levelin your journeyas black belt. I started studying Japanese. After too many years away, I was thrilled to begin training in Goju Ryu at a fantastic dojo. whistlekickMartialArtsRadio.com, in case you missed it the first time. Jesse-Sensei, couldn't agree with you more about teaching kids & beginners! That idea, it turned out great, and people asked me how long I planned it. Needed to be challenged by words like these! Nevertheless, if you really want to know how long it takes to get a black belt, learn basic skills or master an entire . What It Takes To Earn A Black Belt - YouTube I like to keep it simple, and fun, and informative, educational, but entertaining as well. Osu! it. Two young fighters demonstr. I still train happily enough (I am now 64)and have managed to get to 2nd Dan. Yeah, those are two of my favorites. I don't know what to expect or what to do, and I just throw a low roundhouse kick - a gedan mawashi geri in Japanese - and he doesn't even flinch. I call it liberating. Call it mindfulness if you like. Excellent article! Keep For one moment, I wouldve traded my arm and leg to be in her position. I learned all the requirements of Isshin Ryu Karate, and passed each one. First, I wanted to bow to him, shake his hand, thank him for caring so much about this crazy martial arts thing that so many of us do. You've got a lot going on, and I'm not even going to try to tell all the listeners about everything you've got going, so that's your opportunity to do that. Of course, the Karate Kid movies, they're classics, but for example, I really enjoyed Drunken Master with Jackie Chan. I never fail to be amazed at his ability to gauge my character and training requirements. Weird story, but your words where more accurat than you probably realized. Teaching karate is like learning all over again. It takes the average student years to achieve each of the Degrees of Black Belt. Then I don't feel quite as guilty for robbing your free time. In fact, Dan's response is most accurate the time needed to get black belt depends largely on the student. You've really raised the bar with that. If I'm at the dojo, but not actually in the class, he will call me onto the mat to help out. As a thank you, were going to send you our Top 10 Tips for Martial Artists. Great article Jesse-san, thank you, it's what I needed to hear today. My respect Sensei Jesse for such humility. I love martial arts stories. Great. These are not my words but I have them always in my mind. On asking how she remembered, she said that she puts her arm up for the block (kihon-kata) and turns by following the direction of her elbow. As is often the case, the lessons learned from martial arts ring true through life. Its hard for me to say, but I guess when Like most young men, when you finish high school, around that age, where people want you to decide what to do with your life, that's when I decided to go to Okinawa, the birthplace of Karate. You can download the transcript below or download here. This proven to be the hardest and most revealing belt exam I ever did. And we certainly will. Sensei Enkamp, welcome to whistlekick Martial Arts Radio. If you had the opportunity to train with someone that you haven't, anybody from anywhere in the world, anywhere in time, who would you want to train with? It all started in the dojo. I enjoyed watching that. That's why I started Karate, and I liked the whole aspect of having weapons as well, because I love fighting with weapons, too. After 36 years of training I found the kids to be my greatest teachers, after all "The aim of Karate-Do is not the victory or defeat, but the perfection of character of it's participants", not that we ever reach it. If you had it to do over again, how would you handle that match, that fight, with what you know now? I shall try your solution. 1 . I even went back to his dojo in Okinawa last year, and hes so proud of me because, I guess, a lot of people visit him but never come back, but seeing how I've grown and my journey, and knowing that he influenced me from the beginning, I think, is a big deal for him. Jesse Enkamp - The Karate Nerd Not to mention, we put an extra layer of foam right over your tibia - that's your shin bone - so you're sure to survive those brutal shin clashes. Long story short, Dan the Wolfman sent him a FB friend request and started to pimp up his Black Belts, YouTube videos and other stuff, Jesse unfriended him, Dan the Wolfman took it personally, called him out on YouTube and challenged to a fight, "The Karate Nerd" commented on the video and apologized (for nothing) and the Wolfman kept on . Sensei Jesse Enkamp is the host of Karate by Jesse and a self-proclaimed Karate nerd. Jesse-san, when confronting you with my hikite-theory, or mind blowing revelation I thought, you looked at me and said: ok that's good, but I just try to keep it simple. After talking with Sensei Enkamp, I had two, overwhelming I guess, thoughts. Now, if you do, you should check out our shin guards. I respectfully declined and insisted that I need to learn this style from the beginning. So many people are looking at you in admiration! Then, with my blood, flowing from my eye, he throws me with a throw known as harai goshi in Judo. I know I do. So, the whole idea behind tradition is interesting in itself. I had never done a seminar outside of my own dojo before, so I just had this idea, I did some research to see what kind of topics I could cover, how I could fund this whole thing, and I decided to do crowdfunding. Well, why not talk about my black belt test, because to me, that was a real test of my spirit, because the whole thing about my black belt test was that there was this Russian MMA fighter invited to our dojo, and I don't know why, but I was so scared of him because he didn't say anything. The best tip I learned was from a 5-yr-old who always got it right. I studied Japanese at University here in Sweden, then I continued studying in Okinawa, but that whole thing was just an excuse just to get the visa so I could actually live in Okinawa and practice with these masters. Thatjourney he made really resonates with me, even though I blog instead, but I guess he would do the same if we had blogs back then. My senior instructor knew this would be a challenge for me -- which is precisely why he did it. Before he could do anything else, I just tapped out, and I said, Dude, Im bleeding, because I didnt want to get blood on the mats, because of course, me and my parents, we own our own dojo, and I know how hard it is to get that blood out of the mats. I think that he would think the way we practice Karate today is actually a good thing, because we have both things still intact. I do that pretty often in my Dojo, and it is so refreshing & unwinding. People don't know this, but if there were blogs back when Bruce Lee was alive, he would be the greatest blogger alive, because he wrote down so many things related to philosophy, history, tradition, and all of these things that were still talking about today. Then, immediately following that kick, he steps in, he headbutts me, so I start bleeding. You've worked hard. This is how I believe the circle of karate and or in this case simplicity of the punch becomes enjoyable and pure. Dan the Wolfman starting a beef with the Enkamp brothers I think I know how you feel. Well, good. Let's be honest, shin guards are sweaty, ours are, too. Jesse Enkamp obiediently offers slow motion punches to Steven Seagal so he can demonstrate his mystical Aikido applications saying things like "in real Karate, it would be like this." . Sensei Jesse Enkamp is the host of Karate by Jesse and a self-proclaimed Karate nerd. I did always feel a bit sad that over time I forgot all my katas! "The 3 types of Bunkai (Omote, Ura & Honto)." KaratebyJesse. I have been training irregularly for forty years now, am 65 years old and got my shodan last year only because I wanted to teach what I think I know. At my last training session there were also two beginners, one for whom it was the first lesson. I'm a passionate "Karate Nerd", who loves helping people improve their Karate. In a lot of schools, its designed to be that way, and I'm proud that I have that to reflect on. So, KaratebyJesse.com is where you'll find my blog, and many of my other projects and videos and stuff, and of course I'm on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter as well, and you could include those links in the show notes. Its not for trophies, or medals, or getting a pat on the back from someone else. I was fortunate enough to get a [board 36:17] smashed through my face. I am a nerd about Karate, and as you know, nerds don't do anything else other than the stuff they're nerdy about, right? He was, I guess, this typical Russian guy, just silent, and just walking around with a deadly, killer face. Leave a comment and join the discussion! Your arcticles always make fantastic reading, and your seminars equally superb as told by our student and Sensei Jeremy! I like that. Id like you to think of a time in your life that made you look on your black belt test, or in some other way you used your martial arts experience to get through that tough time.

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