Opinion: American Men Need to Stop Dressing Like Overgrown Toddlers How Did America Become a Nation of Slobs? - Intellectual Takeout Just my 2^2/3 cents worth. They totally remain the property of their respective owners. Even attending church now seems more like a circus than actually being in church. Dear American men-boys: I know that you mostly don't have a clue, since you have been raised in a culture of dumb ass narcissism lacking restraint. variety. But nobody has a problem because there's no need for them to look any better or have pride in themselves; they get the work done and life goes on. ), baggy shorts or PJ bottoms, their clothes are dirty/stained/ripped/tattered or otherwise inappropriate, look (or smell) like they hadn't bathed in a week, or have poured on a bottle of heavy, oily perfume that will gag anyone two blocks away downwind. Obviously they pay money for all of it! This is a nation of slobs, all right, and brainless, too. If you always look slovenly, dirty, homeless, trashy, or otherwise tacky, chances are theyll assume that you actually are those things and treat you accordingly. I once went to a Meetup event after work once that was held in the downstairs lounge of a nice local restaurant. Do people dress like slobs today? Or were people 100 years ago just Pam it is interesting you said that "everyone has their own idea of what is esthetically pleasing." to look even worse? It seems to get worse every year. All I know is, I make twice the money I did in 1995 but feel about half as professional. I have been noticing this problem for years. China would probably invade us if we cut them off and started manufacturing real clothing of our own again, like we once did. I actually think women dress worse than men in the city I live in. It's one thing if you have ONE tattoo that is well done and has personal meaning to you; it's another when someone has an entire body part or their body inked over, often with various random designs that don't relate to one another. I wish more of us could understand that. (please,take them, and far away if you do. First, it was clothing, then came the no shave look. Just because they're known to millions of adorers still doesn't impress me with their grunge appeal, and doesn't enhance any fantasy about wanting to be in bed with them. You can see what this means by tuning into Judge Judy and looking at how far down the tubes America has really gone in the last 20-30 years! I'm a guy and I feel like you about this issue. As Maher pointed out in his on-air editorial, if you can afford $17.99 pajama bottoms with the Budweiser logo on them, then you can afford the $11.99 jeans at Target. All the blouses are super long that I can't find a decent blouse to go with skirts. Or how about Kim "Kar trashian" and her implanted, hippopotamus-sized ass? Hi Pam: Your blog has really got me going about how indecently people are appearing in public these days. A longtime user of the citys public courts and their anything-goes dress code, I complained at West Side daring to demand all white from its patrons but I eventually caved because I badly wanted to try out the clubs famed grass courts. Its enough to make you long for the days when high-end restaurants had loaner ties and blazers for forgetful dudes, and you could be turned away from a club for a slack outfit. My father practically wore a coat and tie to mow the lawn. They were probably forced upon her by stylists in order for her to look presentable, for red carpet events or award shows. Ah, America in the Spring! That quote must be extended today to both sexes. This explained all the jamming issues and stoppages they continually experienced during the contact we were engaged in. Not everyone is or can be a size two. Back to the dark ages is the theme of your message. I wear classic hats but I'd never leave one on my head at at table, though I would look much better than the morons with ballcaps if I did. I prefer the traditional look. So I'm thinking that now even dining out has been monopolized completely by technology. But get this: the woman was only wearing skimpy men's boxer shorts under her shirt. As I passed one couple, I heard the wife tell her husband, "Follow him, Ed. Who are they trying to impress if anyone? There appears to be no common sense of what is appropriate, compared with what is trashy and disrespectful. Partly this has to. Gene - first of all, from a fellow Pole to another, dzien dobry! There are these weird stretchy spandex dresses women wear that look so terrible. I'm just thankful that their are still a few clothing companies out their who still know how to make nice clothes for people. I couldn't agree with you more Pam. Even when I search the internet for garments made from real wool with classic patterns, I am more and more at a loss to find what I want. Well just look how horrible their parents are today that don't even know how to raise their children right anymore these days when years ago most parents back then knew how to raise their children right. Do people dress like slobs today? Or were people 100 years ago just Thank you so much for this article. Stop wearing shorts and T shirts in freezing weather, too. There, a nation of slobs paraded through the crossroads of America. I have a challenge for people who read this. No one at it.I honestly think my boss likes it this way though. I live in a big city and jeans, fitted baseball caps, and Timberland boots are everywhere here. A clear picture of your soon-to-be debonair self is essential. It appears to me, in my humble opinion, at least, that our society has given up apsiring and has accepted these debasements, and doesn't care about "keeping up appearances" at least for the sake of one's self respect. Why would you want to emulate a style that's notoriously associated with gangs and criminals? Yoga pants in public outside the gym are out. I'm beginning to really think that the younger generation of Americans is absolutely clueless about how to dress either decently or appropriately! I was a sales associate in the men's and coats departments. I live in Fairbanks, Alaskait's just now starting to get temperatures above +40 F (this is 15 April 2022), so people are starting to wear shorts again (when you've had temperatures in the -30s F or lower for a while, anything above 0 F actually feels warm). I am sick and tired of this anything goes mentality. They have two children with them. You know, wearing tennis shoes and stretch elastic pants with old shirts that look like they were off the rack from the 80s. Barry Humphries: A life dedicated to laughter - Facebook 12 Celebs That Love To Dress Like Hobos | TheTalko I first wrote about the downfall of Victoria's Secret here a good 5 or 6 years ago, but the topic is worth revisiting. I know I'm late. Yet, given enough time there may be a reaction to all this boorish behavior and sloppiness masquerading as fashion. Clean and neat is good. So while you can hold on to your crop tops and ratty band tees, you may also think twice about where and when you wear them. I wish the times would change back to at least twelve years ago, before the advent of the Facebook and Twitter generation of dishevelment and disillusionment. All this nonsense with the jeans (mining and peasant trousers) started in the 70s with the rise of the left. That's not bullying, it's setting the standard. I also believe the idea of having a foreign substance such as ink -- which is often made in China -- could have side effects years from now. Very neat and put together. Although that probably won't change until women stop allowing it. ), I think it repulsive when I see big ugly people wearing their "jammies" to the store, or sagging their grungy pants as if they flaunt being a lowlife. For the love of God, stop dressing like crap - New York Post document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Thanks for contacting us. Take off the f#$%^&*g ballcaps, for chrissakes! I see so much women whos breast are ready to fall out and leggings to tight. Yet, there's a librarian still waiting at the checkout counter to assist you to "do it yourself" and unlock dvd cases. 123 reviews. You are public uglies and should be banned from going outdoors. But, I digress, it pains me that young people today dress as though they've swept their clothes up off of the floor. If you want to understand the cluelessness of the American male when it comes to dress, consider a recent Men's Wearhouse commercial in which a fellow freaks out simply because . I can't understand why people look so debased now, but I suspect it arises from a lack of not just money, but also from a shared sense of sloppiness that society says is okay. I was beginning to think i was just a grumpy ole buzzard. When they dress like slobs, they act more like slobs. and implants. Give me a break. Are these so-called famous people for real, or are they competing for the outlandish awards? I see plenty of people who should know better. But if you want to be taken seriously, it pays to carry yourself with some class, and that includes attire. Hey Pam, I'm not American, i'm a young male living in Brisbane Australia but we've picked up the super casual slobby dress here too especially in my generation. I believe such personal values start at home but the catch-22 is if they weren't there or inculcated to begin with. And no, not all of them have a thyroid issue or medication causing itit's what they're choosing to eat. %-). I do; a little mans suit with shiny black shoes, a little fake kerchief, and a perfect coiffure. They look abominable but they think it makes them unique. Sadly, theres so few places now where you wont be seen as ridiculously overdressed. The kids were better dressed than the two "adults". Hi Pam! That way, the professors know who I am and that I'm serious. These are kids who have no style whatsoever and were raised on a damn Iphone. It would be nice if the rest of us could comment on their attire but they still wouldn't care or sue for slander. If Justin Bieber gets twenty tattoos on his body, then this must be okay and cool for the young and dumb kids to do. A person can always change his clothes, but he can't change ugly tattoos. I can't tell you how happy I am to have found this site and this article on how sloppy people have become. Dumbed down&looking like dumpster divers or whores. Even when I dont wear makeup or style my hair, I see to it that I am clean and presentable. Aaron Hernandez, the ex-Patriot that was on trial for murdering two people (and who killed himself after being found guilty) was covered with them, including sporting random ones on his neck. People don't have any pride anymore. Or dressing like "lesser beings" dress. Comedian Bill Maher questioned why celebrities and Democrat politicians do not address issues like the Black-on-Black crime wave in cities such as Chicago. I don't understand why people make excuses to not dress nicely. I will add it is related to class to some degree. Americans dress like slobs because their phones are more - Wired I am only 16 years old, it's not only age that matters, it's intelligence and basic common sense of capitalism and aestethics. I do wear a hat (usually a "unit cap" from when I was in the Navy) when I'm outside, but as soon as I enter a building, it comes off and is promptly tucked under my arm. It's spring time again, and now the slobs are out en masse wearing ugly shorts, displaying their ugly, dumpy bodies and trashy tattoos. Joseph Proctor Obituary Chesterfield Va, Cowbuyer Upcoming Auctions Near Manchester, Steinberg Axr4 Vs Apollo, Articles W

why do celebrities dress like slobs

Maybe so, but it also sums up the decadence and lack of self-respect and confusion of mores that our society is experiencing these sad days. This is what "American culture" has given to today's world, and people eat it up like candy because they want to be like these people. Have you seen what celebs wear in public (when not posing for those magazines, of course) vs. how they used to dress when not filming a movie? Post Comments For patients, that can mean treatment delays, medication switches and other . REAL reason #3: No game plan Some men actually start to take action and seek out advice and guidance from better-dressed peers and. This loss of basic common sense of what looks good has been indicated into the people for generations. 135. Also, I realize that appearance isn't everything and that personality has to be accounted for when recognizing nice people. And why do women allow their husbands/boyfriends to dress terribly, when they are dressed up? And have you seen those hideous khaki-jogger pants that the younger millennials are wearing now? Said restaurant now has little, brightly lit computer monitors obtrusively placed on every table. Not to mention, all the unsightly tattoos that these idiots are defacing their bodies with. I really want a time machine,so I can go back to something betterbecause yes,things ARE getting worse. But the mentality of the store bigwigs is that they can use one person to oversee four computerized terminals instead of hiring four additional people. This was some fifteen years ago. Every time I see some eejit wearing pants that are 10 sizes too big, waistband below their butt, flaunting their boxers to everyone--I want to give them a good paddling for being slobs and see them shamed by standing on a busy street corner wearing a big sign about being a slob in public (or something to that effect). We must be the worst dressed country in the world. Even the way they dress casually is heads and tails above us. Dow Jones Reprints at 1-800-843-0008 or visit www.djreprints.com. The woman he was with had on shorts, tank-top, an un-zipped hooded sweat jacket and tenni-runners. One of Spokane's long-embraced myths holds that our attitudes about casual attire are sharply divided along generational lines. Welcome to the slovenly 21st century of ill-dressed humanoids, Ronald. I was feeling special. For the record, I was born in the 1950s. No wonder everybody from Patti LuPone on down is complaining that nobody knows how to behave anymore: If you dress like a child, chances are youre going to act like one. The whole bare legged crap with tattoos, scars, birth marks razor cuts, and my ever favorite, that spray on orange crap they use running down their legs! And it's only getting worse, I'm sad to say, while "technology" is displacing manners and common sense. It's rather timely that I found your article because I had commented on a post in Facebook about the same thing. I am striving to dress better every season. You are growing up with your decision to look good. Why has it become fashionable to actually want to look like a bum even when you've got plenty of moola to your name? As if to shame me for caring what I look like. The same store today has nothing to speak of anymore, which is a pity. You know, older people here are mature and appropriate, while younger. Fat, tattooed, wearing sagging athletic shorts showing underwear. Half the time you cant figure it out. They will be fitted, and look smart-casual. It's really gotten ugly out there, I am sorry to say, when I feel compelled to report these public obscenities now. In re J D Lowe's post, there was a popular series of travel guides published back in the 1960s and 1970s with titles like "Europe on $10 a Day" or "New York on $5 a Day." I think it ridiculous when I see a woman who has an oversized derrier that she feels she can stuff into a pair of tight jeans. I mean, c'mon, it looks like they just fell out of bed and put on some baggy pants, and take their greasy hairew!and cover it up with a backwards cap and, like, we're expected to swoon? Others are just plain lazy. I please myself. Theres the utter selfishness of it. I've complained on here before about the way people--Americans in particular--dress today, but the topic is worth revisiting. Then you use your finger to sign the screen! Indeed, there is a consignment store in my town that carries some really cute items, most of them designer labels, for really reasonable prices. At the end of our meal, the waitress brought back the little computer monitor to my table. Better yet, look at photos of bands like the Who, moody blues, the small faces, and the Beatles in the mid 60s during the height of the mod movement. I just don't understand why some, if not many, lesbians choose to look obscene. Also, you can't go wrong with Macy's -- I get coupons from them all of the time that are often good on top of sale prices. I'm not saying that I have a problem with people wearing t-shirts, shorts, etc. Sad isn't it? It also comes from a defiant attitude of I will be comfortable at all times no matter what, and f-you if you dont like it. I'm 69 and think some people who dress like slobs have mental health issues. To me it's no different then saying you don't like a certain artist and their artwork. It has really become pervasive, and I won't go back to eat at a restaurant that operates this way. One does'nt have to 'dress up' per se,but they can certainly try to dress decently/nice. Its not just younger people. I see the latest Issue of GQ with the newest sportcoats from top designers and buy an identical one for pennies on the dollar. It also doesn't help that at least 95% of the clothing one finds at the local retail store is insipid and made in China out of synthetics that are cheap. adiClub Members: Extra 33% Off + Free Shipping, Last-Minute Hotel Deals for April 2023 - Up to 60% off, Get an Extra 5% off - exclusive Priceline promo code 2023, 10% off In-App bookings - Hotwire Coupon Code. I'd say it was around the late 1990s that people gradually started slacking off more and more in the wardrobe department, perhaps due to the widespread adoption of casual Fridays in the workplace (which eventually became casual Monday through Friday) and the rise of the dotcom industry, with its laid back company culture (which allowed people to ride scooters inside the office; I worked for one of these places myself.) Just look at how trim the general American public was in the 20th century. What kind of a standard is that? Every damn time I go to a restaurant, there are numerous bozos who sit there with their idiotic caps on their hollow heads. Style is a matter of knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not givng a damn (Gore Vidal). People's fashion changes from state to state or even county to county. It seems nowadays that the only time people make an effort to dress up is when they HAVE to, like at job interviews, weddings, and funerals. I am only 16 years old, it's not only age that matters, it's intelligence and basic common sense of capitalism and aestethics. americans dressing like slaves is by design. I'm an American professor in Kurdistan and even here, people when they dress casually look put-together and not unclean. Opinion: American Men Need to Stop Dressing Like Overgrown Toddlers How Did America Become a Nation of Slobs? - Intellectual Takeout Just my 2^2/3 cents worth. They totally remain the property of their respective owners. Even attending church now seems more like a circus than actually being in church. Dear American men-boys: I know that you mostly don't have a clue, since you have been raised in a culture of dumb ass narcissism lacking restraint. variety. But nobody has a problem because there's no need for them to look any better or have pride in themselves; they get the work done and life goes on. ), baggy shorts or PJ bottoms, their clothes are dirty/stained/ripped/tattered or otherwise inappropriate, look (or smell) like they hadn't bathed in a week, or have poured on a bottle of heavy, oily perfume that will gag anyone two blocks away downwind. Obviously they pay money for all of it! This is a nation of slobs, all right, and brainless, too. If you always look slovenly, dirty, homeless, trashy, or otherwise tacky, chances are theyll assume that you actually are those things and treat you accordingly. I once went to a Meetup event after work once that was held in the downstairs lounge of a nice local restaurant. Do people dress like slobs today? Or were people 100 years ago just Pam it is interesting you said that "everyone has their own idea of what is esthetically pleasing." to look even worse? It seems to get worse every year. All I know is, I make twice the money I did in 1995 but feel about half as professional. I have been noticing this problem for years. China would probably invade us if we cut them off and started manufacturing real clothing of our own again, like we once did. I actually think women dress worse than men in the city I live in. It's one thing if you have ONE tattoo that is well done and has personal meaning to you; it's another when someone has an entire body part or their body inked over, often with various random designs that don't relate to one another. I wish more of us could understand that. (please,take them, and far away if you do. First, it was clothing, then came the no shave look. Just because they're known to millions of adorers still doesn't impress me with their grunge appeal, and doesn't enhance any fantasy about wanting to be in bed with them. You can see what this means by tuning into Judge Judy and looking at how far down the tubes America has really gone in the last 20-30 years! I'm a guy and I feel like you about this issue. As Maher pointed out in his on-air editorial, if you can afford $17.99 pajama bottoms with the Budweiser logo on them, then you can afford the $11.99 jeans at Target. All the blouses are super long that I can't find a decent blouse to go with skirts. Or how about Kim "Kar trashian" and her implanted, hippopotamus-sized ass? Hi Pam: Your blog has really got me going about how indecently people are appearing in public these days. A longtime user of the citys public courts and their anything-goes dress code, I complained at West Side daring to demand all white from its patrons but I eventually caved because I badly wanted to try out the clubs famed grass courts. Its enough to make you long for the days when high-end restaurants had loaner ties and blazers for forgetful dudes, and you could be turned away from a club for a slack outfit. My father practically wore a coat and tie to mow the lawn. They were probably forced upon her by stylists in order for her to look presentable, for red carpet events or award shows. Ah, America in the Spring! That quote must be extended today to both sexes. This explained all the jamming issues and stoppages they continually experienced during the contact we were engaged in. Not everyone is or can be a size two. Back to the dark ages is the theme of your message. I wear classic hats but I'd never leave one on my head at at table, though I would look much better than the morons with ballcaps if I did. I prefer the traditional look. So I'm thinking that now even dining out has been monopolized completely by technology. But get this: the woman was only wearing skimpy men's boxer shorts under her shirt. As I passed one couple, I heard the wife tell her husband, "Follow him, Ed. Who are they trying to impress if anyone? There appears to be no common sense of what is appropriate, compared with what is trashy and disrespectful. Partly this has to. Gene - first of all, from a fellow Pole to another, dzien dobry! There are these weird stretchy spandex dresses women wear that look so terrible. I'm just thankful that their are still a few clothing companies out their who still know how to make nice clothes for people. I couldn't agree with you more Pam. Even when I search the internet for garments made from real wool with classic patterns, I am more and more at a loss to find what I want. Well just look how horrible their parents are today that don't even know how to raise their children right anymore these days when years ago most parents back then knew how to raise their children right. Do people dress like slobs today? Or were people 100 years ago just Thank you so much for this article. Stop wearing shorts and T shirts in freezing weather, too. There, a nation of slobs paraded through the crossroads of America. I have a challenge for people who read this. No one at it.I honestly think my boss likes it this way though. I live in a big city and jeans, fitted baseball caps, and Timberland boots are everywhere here. A clear picture of your soon-to-be debonair self is essential. It appears to me, in my humble opinion, at least, that our society has given up apsiring and has accepted these debasements, and doesn't care about "keeping up appearances" at least for the sake of one's self respect. Why would you want to emulate a style that's notoriously associated with gangs and criminals? Yoga pants in public outside the gym are out. I'm beginning to really think that the younger generation of Americans is absolutely clueless about how to dress either decently or appropriately! I was a sales associate in the men's and coats departments. I live in Fairbanks, Alaskait's just now starting to get temperatures above +40 F (this is 15 April 2022), so people are starting to wear shorts again (when you've had temperatures in the -30s F or lower for a while, anything above 0 F actually feels warm). I am sick and tired of this anything goes mentality. They have two children with them. You know, wearing tennis shoes and stretch elastic pants with old shirts that look like they were off the rack from the 80s. Barry Humphries: A life dedicated to laughter - Facebook 12 Celebs That Love To Dress Like Hobos | TheTalko I first wrote about the downfall of Victoria's Secret here a good 5 or 6 years ago, but the topic is worth revisiting. I know I'm late. Yet, given enough time there may be a reaction to all this boorish behavior and sloppiness masquerading as fashion. Clean and neat is good. So while you can hold on to your crop tops and ratty band tees, you may also think twice about where and when you wear them. I wish the times would change back to at least twelve years ago, before the advent of the Facebook and Twitter generation of dishevelment and disillusionment. All this nonsense with the jeans (mining and peasant trousers) started in the 70s with the rise of the left. That's not bullying, it's setting the standard. I also believe the idea of having a foreign substance such as ink -- which is often made in China -- could have side effects years from now. Very neat and put together. Although that probably won't change until women stop allowing it. ), I think it repulsive when I see big ugly people wearing their "jammies" to the store, or sagging their grungy pants as if they flaunt being a lowlife. For the love of God, stop dressing like crap - New York Post document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Thanks for contacting us. Take off the f#$%^&*g ballcaps, for chrissakes! I see so much women whos breast are ready to fall out and leggings to tight. Yet, there's a librarian still waiting at the checkout counter to assist you to "do it yourself" and unlock dvd cases. 123 reviews. You are public uglies and should be banned from going outdoors. But, I digress, it pains me that young people today dress as though they've swept their clothes up off of the floor. If you want to understand the cluelessness of the American male when it comes to dress, consider a recent Men's Wearhouse commercial in which a fellow freaks out simply because . I can't understand why people look so debased now, but I suspect it arises from a lack of not just money, but also from a shared sense of sloppiness that society says is okay. I was beginning to think i was just a grumpy ole buzzard. When they dress like slobs, they act more like slobs. and implants. Give me a break. Are these so-called famous people for real, or are they competing for the outlandish awards? I see plenty of people who should know better. But if you want to be taken seriously, it pays to carry yourself with some class, and that includes attire. Hey Pam, I'm not American, i'm a young male living in Brisbane Australia but we've picked up the super casual slobby dress here too especially in my generation. I believe such personal values start at home but the catch-22 is if they weren't there or inculcated to begin with. And no, not all of them have a thyroid issue or medication causing itit's what they're choosing to eat. %-). I do; a little mans suit with shiny black shoes, a little fake kerchief, and a perfect coiffure. They look abominable but they think it makes them unique. Sadly, theres so few places now where you wont be seen as ridiculously overdressed. The kids were better dressed than the two "adults". Hi Pam! That way, the professors know who I am and that I'm serious. These are kids who have no style whatsoever and were raised on a damn Iphone. It would be nice if the rest of us could comment on their attire but they still wouldn't care or sue for slander. If Justin Bieber gets twenty tattoos on his body, then this must be okay and cool for the young and dumb kids to do. A person can always change his clothes, but he can't change ugly tattoos. I can't tell you how happy I am to have found this site and this article on how sloppy people have become. Dumbed down&looking like dumpster divers or whores. Even when I dont wear makeup or style my hair, I see to it that I am clean and presentable. Aaron Hernandez, the ex-Patriot that was on trial for murdering two people (and who killed himself after being found guilty) was covered with them, including sporting random ones on his neck. People don't have any pride anymore. Or dressing like "lesser beings" dress. Comedian Bill Maher questioned why celebrities and Democrat politicians do not address issues like the Black-on-Black crime wave in cities such as Chicago. I don't understand why people make excuses to not dress nicely. I will add it is related to class to some degree. Americans dress like slobs because their phones are more - Wired I am only 16 years old, it's not only age that matters, it's intelligence and basic common sense of capitalism and aestethics. I do wear a hat (usually a "unit cap" from when I was in the Navy) when I'm outside, but as soon as I enter a building, it comes off and is promptly tucked under my arm. It's spring time again, and now the slobs are out en masse wearing ugly shorts, displaying their ugly, dumpy bodies and trashy tattoos.

Joseph Proctor Obituary Chesterfield Va, Cowbuyer Upcoming Auctions Near Manchester, Steinberg Axr4 Vs Apollo, Articles W