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It’s the fastest yet the most effective and time efficient fitness method, based on the most innovative fitness technologies available today. Our workout is based on the optimal time our bodies can respond best at, minimising the risk of any injuries, if not rehabilitating any current condition and maximising the training effect. After our workout the body enters a 48hour post exercise calorie burning window. Allowing an extra of 800 to 1500 calories metabolic after-burn.

Electro-muscular stimulation is a high-intense whole-body workout uses low-frequency electrical impulses to stimulate those muscles that are often ignored by conventional training methods.
Accelerates your training effect up to 5.8X! Many traditional exercises can be done on the vibration plates, and the results are magnified thanks to the vibration frequency and amplitude.
Isoinertial technology was developed at the end of the last century to respond to the problem of loss of muscle mass detected in astronauts who spent long periods in space.
Isokinetic exercise is a type of strength training. It uses specialised exercise machines that produce a constant speed no matter how much effort you expend controlling the pace of an exercise.
Expect to get compliments after 2,5 – 3 weeks!
Yes! you can do it, just show up, take care of your nutrition and you will get the best body you can have!
Exercise Effect
Lose body fat and tone up those muscles. Enhance your performance abilities from 30% to 100% in just 12 weeks.
Body Effect
Due to increase in collagen and elastin, your skin will look brighter and firmer. Watch that cellulite disappear.
Safe and effective. In depth strengthening of your muscles will lead to better support of your joints and ligaments. Even better, we will help you get rid of back/neck/knee/hip pains and strains.
Metabolic effect
Boost your metabolism and burn away those calories and excess fat. Your metabolism will work faster for 48 hours after each our 20 minute session.
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